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Stop the WHO Tyranny – Speech by Dr. David Martin “The Tedros File – Will the Head of the WHO Become the Most Powerful Man in the World?“ |
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09.11.2024 |
On March 11, 2020, the WHO officially declared suspected coronavirus infections to be a global pandemic. For many people, this represented a profound incision in their lives. Politically imposed measures such as lockdowns, compulsory masking and vaccinations, compulsory testing, etc. led to massive disruptions in public life and the economy. It led to widespread breaches of the law, those who criticised the measures were ostracised, psychological damage impacted children and young people, health damage increased sharply, not least because of the mass Covid injections worldwide. In a video message at the rally in Berlin on August 3, 2024, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi called for a reappraisal of the alleged corona pandemic. Without reappraisal there can be no change and ultimately no peace, says Bhakdi. He says there was no justification for any of the Corona measures. The vaccinated had become part of a monstrous human experiment carried out worldwide by the power elite. The World Health Organization (WHO) played a crucial role – if not the most crucial role. There would be no pandemic without the WHO. And no reappraisal without a detailed investigation of the WHO. This is the purpose of this program. The well-known American physician and patent examination expert Dr. David Martin, made the following weighty statement as part of the corona pandemic review: “We debate the leaves on the tree of what we call this 'pandemic thing' but we’re not going to the root. This was an organized crime, racketeering entity, set up to give itself, first absolute immunity and then, execute its plans to make sure it controls who lives, who dies and who gets any chance at life.” But what is criminal about the World Health Organization (WHO)? Based on Dr. Martin's assertion, this program analyzes whether and to what extent there is evidence to criminality of the WHO. Let us first take a look at the basis on which the WHO works: the Constitution. 1. The criminal trail in the WHO Constitution Article V – Section 13 WHO-Basic Documents states the following: “Representatives of members [...] shall [...] enjoy [...]: [(a)] Immunity from personal arrest or detention and from seizure of their personal baggage, and in respect of words spoken or written and all acts done by them in their official capacity, immunity from legal process of every kind.” Listen to Dr. David Martin: “[…] at its formation in 1947, when the WHO was funded and founded, it was funded and founded by people intent to commit a crime, because of their own language. Section 13 of Article 5 ends with the following statement: 'Immunity from personal arrest or detention, blah, blah, blah, immunity from legal process of every kind.' Now, if you didn’t intend to commit a crime, why would would you need to give yourself permanent and absolute immunity from every form of prosecution – and it’s worse: even investigation for prosecution of every kind? People sit there and pretend, 'Well, that’s like diplomatic immunity.' Do you realize this isn’t even meeting the standard of diplomatic immunity?” So who are these people who financed and founded the WHO and who, according to Dr. Martin, deliberately wanted to commit a crime? 2. The masterminds behind the Founding of the WHO Founded on April 7, 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) is the largest specialized agency of the United Nations. John D. Rockefeller III (1906 - 1978) was at the origin of both the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as chairman of the family-owned Rockefeller Foundation. Let’s read the following passage from the article “Philanthropy and World Health”: The Rockefeller Foundation and the League of Nations Health Organization” [predecessor organization of the WHO] illustrates the outstanding position of the Rockefeller Foundation. She had already held this position before the WHO was founded. Quote: “There was an inherent danger that government officials favouring a minimalist approach would be unable to share the expansive vision of international public health experts. [(...)] These complexities meant that the Foundation found itself in a variety of roles, from midwife at the birth of the Health Organization to reviving its shattered remnants when a new international health body was planned after the Second World War.” The good relations between the WHO and the Rockefeller Foundation continue to this day. The then Director-General of the WHO, M. G. Candau, stated on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1963: “I have no doubt that in years to come, the close co-operation between the Rockefeller Foundation and WHO will continue to play an essential role in achieving the aim which both organizations have in common...”. Since 2000 alone, the Rockefeller Foundation has regularly donated more than 25.6 million US dollars to the WHO. The Rockefeller Foundation website states the following: “The Rockefeller Foundation-World Health Organization collaboration goes back to the beginnings of the World Health Organization. In January 2022, the Rockefeller Foundation was admitted as a non-State actor in official relations of the World Health Organization.” So what were John D. Rockefeller III’ real motives for founding the WHO? 3. The criminal goals of the WHO masterminds The key pioneer of the WHO, John D. Rockefeller III, was a convinced eugenicist [eugenicists work to curb so-called “inferior parts of the population”, e.g. through forced sterilization]. What does that mean? Let’s take a brief look at eugenics supporters and their ideology. In the first half of the 20th century, many influential people publicly expressed eugenic views and funded eugenic research and programs. This included well-known people such as Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller Sr. and his descendants, the William H. Gates family, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, etc. According to eugenic ideas, the rich and powerful were said to have “superior genes” that would legitimize them to rule and act as leaders of society. This allows them to reproduce as much as possible. The poor and "inferior", on the other hand, should be prevented from having children. A quote from American President Theodore Roosevelt illustrates this view: “Some day we will realize that the prime duty, the inescapable duty of the good citizen of the right type is to leave his or her blood behind him in the world – and that we have no business to permit the perpetuation of citizens of the wrong type.... . I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding...” Based on such eugenic views, John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council in 1952. The latter is officially committed worldwide to birth control, family planning and population control [population policy measures to reduce population growth]. But what is hidden behind this perfectly reasonable-sounding name? The “eugenic feminist” Margaret Sanger was a close confidant of the Rockefeller family and she says it clearly. So she openly pleaded before the American Congress: “More children from the fit, less from the unfit”. In other words: more children from “fit” parents, fewer children from “unfit” parents. How can you imagine that put into practice? As a result of eugenics programs, more than 64,000 people were forcibly sterilized in the USA between 1907 and 1963, mainly in psychiatric wards. In the post-war period, the eugenics movement went underground because of its bad image. However, the ideology lives on in influential people to this day. They merely disguise their true eugenic views with the terms population control, birth control [state measures to control the number of births], family planning and reproductive medicine. Bill Gates, the WHO’s biggest donor, said openly: “One issue that really grabbed me as urgent were issues related to population . . . reproductive health.” The views and efforts of the Rockefeller and Gates families are similar. They are amazingly similar to the legendary “Georgia Guidestones”. The “10 commandments” were chiseled in stone on large granite blocks. These reveal the intentions of Masonic circles with the earth’s population. One of the ten commandments reads: “Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity” and the first commandment is to: “Maintain humanity under 500 million.” Against this background, the “Human Reproduction Programme” and the vaccination programs of the WHO and the Gates Foundation must be seen in a completely different light. David Martin even sees the WHO as a continuation of earlier eugenics programs: “This is not about public health. This is the evolution of the same genocidal program that began with the funding of the eugenics offices at Cold Spring Labs [the leading research institute in the United States] by the Carnegie Foundation in 1913 under the philanthropy of Andrew Carnegie.” The Rockefeller family was instrumental in funding these eugenics offices and eugenics programs in America and overseas. Given the eugenic convictions of the chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation at the time when the WHO was founded, the question arises: Is it a coincidence that the WHO is implementing population control programs [policies to reduce population growth]? 4. WHO Population Control Programs From the 1960s onwards, the WHO became increasingly involved in the field of population control through the Human Reproduction Program (HRP). Betsy Hartmann analyzed the population control programs of governments, foundations and international organizations. In her book “Reproductive Rights and Wrongs”, published in 1995, she summarizes this as follows, quote: “Mainly targeting poor women, these programs were designed to drive down birth rates as rapidly and cheaply as possible, with coercion often a matter of course. In the war on population growth, birth control was deployed as a weapon, rather than as a tool of reproductive choice [freedom to choose whether and how many children a woman wants to have]. [(...)] On the other side is a resurgent, well-funded population control lobby that often obscures its motives with the language of women’s empowerment.” 5. WHO Vaccination Programs to Curb Population Growth According to the WHO’s main sponsor Bill Gates, vaccination programs in the field of reproductive medicine have great potential for curbing population growth: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” And the WHO, together with the Rockefeller family’s Population Council and the Gates Foundation, is directly involved with these vaccination programs. Example 1: Infertility via Tetanus Vaccination in Kenya The Population Council and other research organizations joined forces with the WHO in 1972 to conduct joint research on vaccines to regulate fertility. In the documentary “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda”, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. provide evidence for the WHO having been involved in funding research into a pregnancy-damaging drug from 1972 to 1992. This active substance was then administered as part of a tetanus vaccination in Kenya to women of childbearing age. Infertility is now one of the biggest problems in gynecology in Africa, according to Dr. Wahome Ngare from Nairobi, Kenya: “As a gynecologist, in the last years we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of women who are losing pregnancies. The number of women who are presenting with threatened miscarriage or bleeding in early pregnancy. We are also seeing many young couples with infertility.” In other countries, too, the WHO conducted “anti-fertility campaigns” under the guise of tetanus vaccination programs. The work in Kenya was carried out under the auspices of the WHO-affiliated “Gates Foundation”. Example 2: New Malaria Vaccine In July 2023, the WHO and the Bill Gates-controlled vaccination alliance “GAVI” announced their intention to administer 80 to 100 million vaccinations a year to African children by 2030. However, studies have shown that the new vaccine “Mosquirix” – despite being injected four times – only provided immunity for a few months. In addition, they showed that the group of vaccinated people had a ten times higher risk of contracting meningitis and cerebral malaria. The vaccinated girls were twice as likely to die as the unvaccinated control group. Vaccinations are at least worthwhile for the vaccine industry. Bill Gates was able to double his fortune from 50 billion to more than 100 billion US dollars within 10 years by participating in the vaccine market. According to official WHO statements, Covid injections were also considered the only effective remedy against coronavirus infection during the coronavirus pandemic. And where did this lead? In 2022, one year after the first Covid injections had been administered, we recorded a higher mortality rate, especially in the younger age groups. 6. The Criminal Past of the WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has been Secretary-General of the World Health Organization since 1 July 2017. Only a few people know that Tedros has a criminal past. He belonged to a terrorist organization that carried out an armed government overthrow in Ethiopia in 1991. Within this violent organization, which ran the government in Ethiopia after 1991, he advanced to become Minister of Health and later Foreign Minister. Please see “The Tedros File” for this. Shortly after Tedros took office as WHO Secretary-General, representatives of the Rockefeller Foundation met with him. The caption of the photo shown here reads: “Our health team is looking forward to working with Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the World Health Organization (WHO) on an ambitious global health agenda.” It should now be clear to everyone that the masterminds behind the WHO, such as the Rockefeller dynasty or the so-called “philanthropist” Bill Gates, do not have the health of the people in mind. Instead, they are covertly controlling global population development. However, the question arises: where exactly is this population control supposed to lead? 7. The WHO as an Instrument to Establish a New World Government As mentioned at the beginning, the WHO is the largest specialized agency of the United Nations, or UN for short, and implements its goals in the health sector. However few people know that the Rockefeller Foundation also significantly influenced and co-financed the founding of the UN. In 1947, John D. Rockefeller Jr. donated a check in the amount of 8.5 million US dollars to the UN to purchase a plot of land in New York City on which its headquarters were then built. But what are the aims of the high finance masterminds behind the UN and their WHO? These are presented in the “Agenda 2030” in disguised framework. See some excerpts from the documentary: “Agenda 2030 – 17 goals for sustainable destruction” by the Swiss association “WIR”. “The 2030 Agenda, proclaimed at the 2015 United Nations summit in New York, is a global future contract which national governments are expected to adhere. This agenda includes 17 so-called sustainability goals that look good on the surface. A closer look reveals the same actors who want nothing less than full control over the earth’s resources – a single centralized world government and the enslavement of all human beings on earth.” Point 3 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals deals specifically with the global health goals, which are to be made binding by the WHO. On the surface, however, these goals may sound good, but they represent a serious global threat. Especially when one considers the eugenic background and the inhumane practices of the WHO leaders to date, the global “health plans” must be seriously questioned. “Goal 3”: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. The focus is on the digitization and centralization of all medical standards by the WHO. The World Health Organization can order medical measures all over the world under threat of fines and sanctions. For this purpose, the responsibility for medical measures of all kinds will be taken away from the national governments. The WHO will use the so-called pandemic contract to decide when and where to order coercive measures such as masks, vaccinations, tests, lockdowns and quarantine. In addition, all health data will be stored in an international database and linked to the digital identity of every citizen. The health industry will be brought into line worldwide. All opinions and research in medicine that differ from the WHO will be systematically suppressed, persecuted and criminalized. Naturopathic methods are to be banned from the health sector and replaced by educational offers, products and services of the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. The health of the people will then be completely in the hands of the WHO, which will be able to intervene in a regulatory way through the openly visible health data in the case of non-compliant behaviour on the part of the individual. This can lead to the individual being denied access to food and necessary medication." That’s how you can bluntly summarize the WHO’s agenda. From the very beginning, eugenically influenced high financiers and their vassals have left their criminal traces – and continue to do so today. Under the guise of the WHO, its masterminds do not shy away from crime in order to assert their claim to global supremacy and further promote their agenda of population control. Successful vaccination crimes – above all the unprecedented campaign for the global administration of the highly dangerous so-called mRNA vaccines – require an urgent reappraisal. Not least because such crimes must never be allowed to happen again! Please help to ensure that these criminal activities are brought to the public’s attention. We ask you to share this program widely!
from beka
Quote Dr. David Martin: „Stop the WHO Tyranny – Speech by Dr. David Martin“,
1. The criminal trace in the WHO Constitution Constitution of the WHO Basis Dokumente 49. Ausgabe 2020:;
S. 34 Quote Dr. David Martin: „Schluss mit der WHO-Tyrannei – Rede von Dr. David Martin“,
2. The Masterminds behind the founding of the WHO WHO – greatest specialized agency of the UN
Passage of the Article „Philanthropy and World Health…“ Weindling, Paul: „Philanthropie und Weltgesundheit: Die Rockefeller Foundation und die Gesundheitsorganisation des Völkerbundes“ In: Minerva 35: 269-281, Springer Nature 1997. auch:
Quote by M. G. Candau Information on the photo with the building:
Donations of the Rockefeller Foundation to the WHO since 2000
John D. Rockefeller III.
Quote Website Rockefeller Foundation
3. The criminal goals of the WHO Masterminds Population Control and Eugenics
Eugenics-Programs in the USA Wiseman, Ellen Marie: Die dunklen Mauern von Willard State, München/ Berlin 2015, S. 448f.
Quotes Theodore Roosevelt and Margaret Sanger Kuby, Gabrielle: Die globale sexuelle Revolution, S.40 ff.
Founding of the Population Council
„Eugenic Feminist“ Margret Sanger
Fam. Rockefeller and Eugenic-Offices Quote Bill Gates on Reproductive Medicine
or „The Corbett-Report – Who Is Bill Gates?“
Bill Gates – biggest donor of WHO
Bill Gates and Eugenics
Georgia Guidestones
oder von Norman Investigativ:
Quote Dr. David Martin: „Schluss mit der WHO-Tyrannei – Rede von Dr. David Martin“
4. Programs of WHO on Population Control WHO Programs on Population Control
(srh)/human-reproduction-programme Hartmann, Betsy: Reproductive Rights and Wrongs, 1995
5. WHO Vaccination programs to curb population growth Quote Bill Gates on vaccinations „Bill Gates und das Netz der Bevölkerungskontrolle (Teil 3/4)“,
WHO’s involvement with Population Council of the Rockefellers „Bill Gates and the population control grid (Part 3/4)“,
Example 1: Infertility via Tetanus-Vaccination in Kenia „Infertility: A diabolical agenda – a documentary by Andrew Wakefield and Robert F. Kennedy“
HCG in WHO tetanus vaccine
Population control via vaccines
Example 2: New Malaria Vaccine
Bill Gates Assets „Meet Bill Gates Part (4/4)“
Higher Mortality in the younger age groups „Marcel Barz: Das Sterbegeschehen in den Rohdaten“
6. The criminal past of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Tedros and the Rockefeller Foundation Photo of their Meeting:
“The Tedros File – Will the Head of the WHO Become the Most Powerful Man in the World?“
7. The WHO as instrument to establish a New World Government Connection Rockefeller Foundation and UN
John D. Rockefeller Jr.‘s donation to the UN,_Jr.
„Agenda 2030 – 17 Goals for sustainable destruction“