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10.08.2024 |
Ivo Sasek Born 10 July 1956 in Zurich Married, 11 children, 17 grandchildren Trainings: - Swiss certified vehicle mechanic and gastronomer - 4 years Bible school training - International Bible teacher in full-time ministry for 42 years with approx. 2000 recorded lectures all over the world - 9 family oratorios Some of Sasek's start-ups since 1983 - “Obadiah” (Christian rehabilitation work for drug addicts, the mentally ill and alcoholics) - OCG (Organic Christ Generation) (faith movement with an emphasis on organic practice) - AZK (Anti-Censorship Coalition) - V&C Handexpress - Kla.TV (Numerous documentaries on current world events in several languages) - Elaion publishing house, church teaching service (Author of over 20 theological textbooks, several brochures and tracts) - Panorama Film (Director, screenwriter and producer of 9 feature films, including 3 monumental cinema films) - Sasek.TV (numerous song and music productions, musicals, 9 family oratorios = musical performances with the family) - I-VO (interlinear full analysis) (translation work of the New Testament from the original Greek text) Ivo Sasek speaks today on the topic: Ways out of the Great Conspiracy Today, I will answer the disparaging accusation against Kla.TV, but also against the AZK and many free educators in general, that we only ever point out problems, but do not offer any solutions: • As long as all the world's media are controlled by a maximum of 3 agencies and the CFR, media sovereignty, i.e. information sovereignty, is unfortunately still in the hands of the worst enemies of mankind who are attacking the whole world. • Educating the people about these libertines and destroyers of humanity is therefore still one of the most important tasks of our work. • However, all this knowledge, including what we are getting today, is of absolutely no use to us as long as it has not reached the deceived and deluded peoples. • Because the solution to the real problem must ultimately come from the peoples themselves! Here we are already talking about the most important solution that we are constantly offering. But many people prefer a more convenient solution where they themselves are not called upon. • You see, these people must first know what it is all about, what is really going on - because unfortunately they don't know that - yet! • And then the people need to know how to tackle and defeat all these villains. • Because the latter have NATO as their private army and they have military sovereignty in almost every country in the world. • So unless we can first convince people of all the abominable facts, unless we can convince enough people to back the truth, and unless we can then persuade them to stop going to war with these madmen, there is no real solution. With their hybrid, i.e. hidden wars, they have already killed more people than in both world wars put together. If they are now increasingly returning to their hot wars, it is only because their hybrid destruction plans have been seen through and they want to push through their goals one way or another: All but 500 million must go – that's what their manifesto carved in stone on the Guidestones demands – in eight world languages! And then one more thing: even if we have won over enough people purely through information, we still need the power of God because our attackers have armed themselves with demonic powers and forces. • The power of God is therefore the most decisive solution of all, but it must flow through us, along with all of God's abilities and virtues. But many people still don't like to hear all these solutions. • Each of us can of course disagree. • But that doesn't make the path to a solution any easier. • If each of us pulls in a different direction, then the evil powers will rejoice again and pop their corks! After all, they control us through all kinds of divisions that they have deliberately and constantly stirred up among us. Here, at this 20th AZK Conference, we therefore present again most valuable disclosures, we provide to you updates about highly significant developments at the most current control centers of the great conspiracy - including the closest approaches to solutions, as far as we can, each from his position. But the dissemination of such information, regardless of its nature, be it political, scientific, ideological, religious or whatever... ...your co-dissemination is one of the greatest solutions currently available. 1. Nevertheless: the most precious truths will seep into the sand and remain ineffective as long as they have not penetrated to the helplessly deluded long as they have not been able to awaken them and powerfully incite them to participate. 2. For centuries, ignorant selfish people have been threatened with hell – but all threats could not bring about an awakening. 3. We must therefore learn to master the art of winning over people who have been deceived and who are hooked on natural instincts. If we don't succeed, all hell will soon break loose down here, I say: if we don't win over the disinformed peoples. If the people truly awaken in a healing way, then only if they get something BETTER than what they already have. To put it bluntly, they will only exchange their notorious addiction to distraction for something better: their cell phone addiction, their addiction to drugs, pills, nicotine, alcohol and sex, etc.! Even their misguided addiction to information and entertainment can only come about through the influx of a more satisfying substitute! But who among us has such a thing? WE ourselves are supposed to be this BETTER! If the deceived world cannot taste and recognize the new world in us, in our unity and spiritual strength, in our love for one another, in our sincerity and power of light, then we will not win it! Because we only ever pass on what we ARE and not what we say. For example, if you tell someone that you have measles, but you have rubella, you will not infect them with measles, but with rubella. Our BEING is therefore one of the most important solutions of all! But let us be sober and remember that both God and angels or extraterrestrials, or whatever miraculous saviors we think of, will only ever carry out their powerful work in conjunction with ourselves and through all of us. Spiritual powers and forces of all kinds always seek and need our physical presence. Without us, they cannot do any “fine work”, so to speak. If they have to clean up down here without us, then we have the flood of sin again, or earthquakes, natural disasters, the plague or whatever... But it is not only Jews and Christians who have always misunderstood and misinterpreted their saviors and scriptures. All other religious, but also political, economic and other people err in the same way. Politically, Donald Trump is once again a longed-for sole savior, even for many enlightened people. We will hear a lot more about this today. However, what election promises are for politicians, biblical prophecies are for Christians. But every species of human being always manages to keep itself out of the game because of such promises and, moreover, to interpret the prophecies in a completely exaggerated way. Here is an illustration from the Christian scene: For example, when Revelation says that in the last days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light because they will lose 1/3 of their luminous power, then we have always automatically deduced that the sun and the moon must somehow break apart in order to lose a third of their radiant power. But you know what? All the aerosols, the geoengineering, the chemtrails poison cocktails that our world leaders spray over our heads together with hundreds of millions of tons of nanofine dust have long been enough to darken the sun and moon. Even the additives in the tanks of our civilian airlines, which they constantly obtain from NATO, are enough to reduce our day and night light by 1/3. These NATO fuels darken the sunny blue sky in almost all countries every day. So we do not have to wait helplessly and resignedly for a destroyed sun or a shattered moon, but simply actively grab those people by the scruff of the neck who dare to cloud everything with their poison cocktails behind our backs. And when it is written that people will blaspheme God because of the heat of the sun, we have automatically deduced that the sun must actually shine much stronger than usual. We have never really considered how this can be reconciled with a sun that has lost a third of its radiance. In practice, however, it's quite simple again: people blaspheme God because of the heat of the sun, because it's hammered into them all the time in the same panic-like way by the forced-fee media. Look: they tell us that we will soon burn to death, while in reality we are freezing our asses off. And then finally came the first warm day at the beginning of July, it was 38, 39° in Romania, which has never been different there, and what did the forced-fee media shout? “The train tracks are melting away ...!” Dear ones, you can read that in the newspaper, the train tracks are melting away! Well, it doesn’t need a physics lecture, everyone knows that iron doesn’t melt at 39°Celsius. And right away all the dumbed-down are starting to blaspheme God, that HE is burning us down here, that HE is melting away the train tracks! And you see, if we focus on the evil works of evil people, not some aliens and supernatural mystical things, then the math suddenly works out quite simply and easily! And if you are wondering where you could tackle the whole thing, in addition to the further dissemination of today's AZK lectures, etc., then I say to you: approach the people and show them the temperature progression tables of so-called global warming, the famous climate change, for example. Remind them that the average temperature in Central Europe was barely 17° Celsius until at least mid-July! Do the math yourself! Remind them of all the weather disasters, the constant yellow rain, and show them the weather weapons patents, show them the pictures, including the data, of how many tens of millions of tons of nano-dust particles, highly toxic cocktails are constantly being flown into the air. Tell them that without their protest there will be no end to this until the earth is completely destroyed, including our precious plants and animals, right down to the most valuable birds and insects. Remind them, moreover, that they are breathing this poison every day and will become fluorescent visible targets for invisible warmongers who are out to get them! Only we, as united peoples, can provide a countervailing power here: - we need the formation of a 5th power! Nothing less! But this must first become the will of the people, you see! Neither Jesus nor any angels or aliens will come from heaven to solve these difficult tasks on our behalf single-handedly – but together with us and through us! Whenever any hopeless situations in the world have suddenly been powerfully changed, it has always happened through awakened people who were able to bring whole masses of people behind them – but through sincere, blessed, spiritually gifted, spiritually powerful people! We ourselves must therefore authorize investigative commissions to carry out these air and water investigations, for example, and we ourselves must demand accountability from EU, WEF, NATO scientific heads, etc. for every single action. We ourselves must demand accountability for every single action – and then make it public! All peoples must know who exactly the perpetrators are, who exactly the executing bodies all are. From the highest commander of the shadow powers down to the smallest vassals in their offices! But if we don't, they will continue to burden us with expensive particulate filters and thousands of regeneration regulations and health requirements. And all the deluded followers, like Stasi henchmen, will fanatically ensure that we implement all these enslaving requirements with pinpoint accuracy – as with the Covid plandemic! I would almost say „covid imbecility“! We are the ones who have to uncover and defeat these crimes and criminals. You yourselves are part of the anointed savior you have always been waiting for. You are his body, no matter who your hoped-for savior is! Whether we have placed our hope in Trump, the Mahdi, Jesus or extraterrestrials: They would all need our united strength! And we are already living in the days of apocalyptic scenarios and their overcoming – through us! If you study the millennia-old images and symbols of Revelation, you will see how they did not prophesy of extraterrestrial beings, such as extraterrestrial superpowers - as many have been thinking for over 2000 years. The scenes and images that these ancient prophets saw and reproduced in an embarassed way merely describe the most modern tanks with their antennas and barrels, the rattling of their chains and the sound of contemporary fighter planes. Rev.9:17 ...and out of their mouths proceed fire and smoke and brimstone. V.19 For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents and have heads; and with them they do harm. It's not supernatural swarms of locusts that come flying, but helicopters, airplanes, cruise missiles and all that kind of stuff. Fire and brimstone do not come from the mouths of some demonic beings who have taken on a terrible form, but from the barrels of guns, from the bombs that have been dropped. It is not large stones thrown from the sky by an angry god. Only the ancient seers and interpreters helplessly interpreted it this way. It is the enslaved NATO troops who do this because they obey the orders of the demonized CFR. It is the peoples of Europe, seduced by the US administration and high-grade Freemasonry, who are putting Luciferian plans into fiery and sulphurous action. Germany and Russia must never come together, this plan ordered over 100 years ago, but we were able to bring it to light. In the end, we will expose ourselves to their planned fire and brimstone from heaven if we do not see through this sinister game together and put an end to it as a people! But we need media sovereignty to do so! Do you understand? We need information sovereignty! Without this, the people will remain in darkness, do you understand? That's why we are not people who only point out problems and don't offer solutions. Yes, we do offer solutions: But the most important and indispensable of all practical solutions is all of you out there! I will show you together with the OCG how you can become bearers of divine strength, ability and assignment yourselves, how you can discover the specific divine talents your are gifted with, thus quenching the current need of all. With AZK and KLA.TV we keep showing you new circles of action where you can take part in a dynamic and outcome-oriented way. But it is always you yourselves who are in demand: you as the body of truth, you as the body of ontic power, you yourselves as the body of God! I tell you, whatever confession you have, it it is an unbelieving, atheist confession or not – God dwells in you, my dear! His power, his perfections are in you! Learn to make use of them, but without piety! Everyone who hears and sees us today should carry all that you hear and see today out into the world – to the ends of the earth! But preferably not in a panic or even so fanatically that people lose interest, if only because your hysteria makes you seem untrustworthy. So find strength and wisdom, inner strength, find the power of God, the wisdom of God, and let the gloriously attractive power of God's light shine through you so that your radiance of light and your outstanding aura win over the nations and catapult them into the truth through you! However, you will only ever truly pass on what you ARE. So be light bearers who represent and radiate the light of truth in divine power, importing it into the nations so that they wake up and want to become part of the new world themselves. However, a successful solution to all problems is only really in sight when people are also able to shake off their cell phone addiction, or when we, as the new 5th power, can order the removal of all mobile phone masts, this highest-ranking primary war technology, or if, as a new judicial power, we can effectively put an end to all the abuses of power that have crept into our 4 powers – i.e. into our judiciary, our media, our legislative and implementing political bodies! Only when we have gained the real upper hand over the global secret society network with all its octopus arms can we speak of a 1st real solution. However, this does not mean that the world will be already saved by this; but to talk about this would definitely go beyond the scope of this 20th AZK. So I will leave it at that. In summary, it can be said that it is Luciferian high-grade Freemasonry that has brought all of these absurd, ungodly, nihilistic things into the world - they are constantly forcing humanity to increasingly submit to their experimental vaccines, poisoning us with their mostly useless pharmaceutical products, stuffing the pleasure-seekers full of drugs, alcohol, nicotine, etc... Because of them, people have long been mindlessly blaspheming their wonderful Creator! But it all happens down here – man-made. However, by people who are ridden by evil spirits, some of whom are downright demon-possessed. And that's why we, us normal people, should also expect God and His power, namely all His perfections on us, in us and through us! This is the path of development that we have all been created to follow. Everything is created by God, from God and into God, that's it! I don’t speak of a God that is everywhere depicted in a weird way. So let us now expect the power, wisdom and perfection of God to penetrate us through all of today's speakers! Let us expect that everything they impart to us today will become a continuing deed in us. Let us expect that all these divine empowerments will mature in us until we are able to unite in bringing these mischief-makers to justice, who are putting all this demonized nonsense into the world, of which we are about to hear much again – through these next speeches. I am through with my part. Thank you that you are there, and that you are hungry and thirsty for reality! OK. As you certainly know, my wife Anni and I raised 11 children together. Today they are between 20 and 40 years old. And now, our fifth daughter, Ruth Elpida, will express with her newest song, how we can put into practice in everyday life what we just heard. Before she will sing this song now with our other children and children-in-law, you will hear still some personal thoughts from her. Please, Ruth Elpida, talk to us. (Ruth-Elpida:) Hello everyone! It is a huge privilege to me that I may sing a song together with my family today. It's called “One Until the End“ and it comes from the direct experience from our everyday life. I think “One Until the End“ actually expresses this: We had moments again and again where we noticed we actually pursue the same goal, we have the same aim, we have the same in our hearts, but there are always these moments where we feel like there is something that wants to divide us and we can't connect anymore with each other. Although we actually have the same goal. I think everyone knows that. You know it too. We know that situation where we are like separated and divided, although we have the same goal. And that really moved me the last months. So it brought me to writing this song. Because I noticed it's not normal, that we can’t get together although we have the same in the heart. There must be some other power involved. And especially when our goals are really high that we have together, the highest goals, not just some career but really changing the world, that’s where the strongest storms come up. And even in the Bible it says when just two or three become one, nothing is impossible to them! And that's why I think that's so attacked. This power when just two or three unite to transform the whole world, then that unity is stongly afflicted. So I think there are some invisible powers involved in this. In my song I call it evil spirits. This song is special because we address these evil spirits directly, those powers that want to hinder us, that want to keep us from uniting despite all our different directions, characters and movements. They don’t want us to get together in unity in order to change this world. That is why I wrote this song directly addressing them. We’re sending those evil powers that want to divide us to the deepest abyss. Their time is over. They can’t put those separating ideas and thoughts into our heads any longer that always make us find something to go against each other. Especially now in this time when so many different movements are coming up and different characters clash. There would always be some reason to get stuck somehow. But today we kick these powers out and we will move worlds together and stay one until the end! That’s my message with this song. It's a cut to your own flesh. when you and I are divided sooner or later Pursueing the same goal and yet there is something that tries to divide us at any cost Call it what you want I call it an evil spirit When it says Give up, you don't move anything anyway Stand up and tell him in his face: Get away from here Get away from us Go and remain, remain in the deepest abyss. You have tried to separate us Your time is over I place ourselves under God's protection For there we are one until the end Its power is what we fear But he is just a shadow on the wall Don't be afraid for he has nothing Except if you give him weightiness. Do as you want But don't surrender! When it says: Give up You won't survive that Stand up and tell him in his face: Get out of here Get away from us. Go and remain, remain in the deepest abyss. You have tried to divide us Your time is over I place ourselves under God's protection For there we are one until the end Dear friends, will you help in order that we triumph step by step over all evil spirits Let's close the breaches Don't underestimate the power that lies in our unity! If only two or three are united, the evil power is shredded to pieces. Leave from here. Get away from us. Go and remain, remain in the deepest abyss. You have tried to divide us Your time is over I place ourselves under God's protection Because there we are one until the end. There we are one until the end, oh I place ourselves under God's protection There we are one until the end. Leave, get away from us We are one until the end. Get away from here Get away from us Go and remain, remain in the deepest abyss.
from Ivo S.