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International Council of Reappearance with speech by Ivo Sasek (German) (2009): https:// |
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30.03.2024 |
You see, the question alone: “Has God forsaken us?” indicates that something has changed dramatically in our society. Which means the world is in the midst of a crisis. And this crisis is so massive that even hardcore Christians but also other kinds of God-fearing people start doubting in God. And with the answers I am giving here today, I therefore primarily consider those who seriously believe and trust in God. However, the first answers I will give on the subject are addressed to all people, especially also those who perhaps think not much of God or nothing at all, who don’t want to know anything of him. Because they too have been using the name of God more and more frequently in recent years. Especially since September 11, 2001, the famous 9/11. You know, when Billy Graham’s daughter was asked on TV about the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York back then. She was asked: “How could God allow such a thing?” Then Anne Graham gave the following answer. Let me quote her. She said: “I am convinced that God is as saddened by these events as we are, but for years we have been telling Him to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the “gentleman” He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?” End of Quote of Anne Graham. And in addition to this statement, which clearly shows what ails our society, other noteworthy observations have been made, which I would like to add to my own comments on the question of “whether God has forsaken us”: You see, the eviction of God from all our schools and state systems has visibly gathered momentum – right from the time when people like Madalyn Murray O’Hair insisted that they no longer wanted prayer in schools, for example. And we simply agreed. By the way, Madalyn Murray was murdered shortly afterwards. And then someone suggested that the Bible should no longer be read in schools. The Bible which says: Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself! And we ... agreed. Then some Dr. Benjamin Spock said that we should refrain from physical punishment if our children disobey us, because their little personalities could be adversely affected and we would damage their self-esteem. We thought, well, an expert must know what he’s talking about and said: “Well, the heck with it.” However, Dr. Spock’s son committed suicide shortly afterwards. We also agreed that the aforementioned declaration should not only apply to schools, but also to parents. This means that neither teachers nor parents should be allowed to “touch” disobedient children in any way. And then someone said: “Let’s allow our daughters to have abortions – even without their parents’ knowledge.” And we said: “Well, so what”. Then some clever members of the school board agreed again: “At some point, our boys will do it anyway. So let’s give them condoms if they want and the parents don’t need to be informed first. And so they can let off steam and have fun as they please.” And what did we do? We agreed again. And then some of our highest elected state officials announced: “It is not important what kind of private life we lead as politicians. As long as we do our job well.” And we said, well, who cares, and thought it didn’'t matter what anyone, including the president, did in their spare time, as long as they did their job properly and the economy worked. See? And then again someone came up with the idea of printing magazines with pictures of naked women and calling it "natural admiration of a female body’s beauty". And we said: “Well, so what”. Then someone took this natural admiration a step further and published pictures of naked women and children on the Internet, so that everyone can see them today. And we were told that this counts as freedom of speech, and again, we agreed. Then someone from the entertainment business suggested: “Let’s launch TV shows and movies that contain violence, homosexuality and sexual freedom, and record music that calls for rape, drugs, suicide and Satanism.” And we thought it was just entertainment and had no serious bad influence because it wasn’t taken seriously after all, and we all agreed to it. Well, so what? And now, now we ask ourselves why our children suddenly are without conscience, why they can no longer tell good from evil and why it doesn’t bother them to kill their classmates, even their teachers, parents or themselves. However, we can probably explain this fact when we seriously enough think about whether this might have a lot to do with “WE REAP WHAT WE HAVE SOWN”. Do you understand? And now we are going step by step into a topic which will reach a depth that we know you may encounter problems with. But we have to do it because it is very closely linked to this question. Anyway, whoever asks in our days: “Why does God allow this?”, I answer first of all: “Why do we actually allow all this to happen?” If anything, we have rather forsaken God, and not God us! And now I will be telling some things to all Christians, and also to other God-fearing people. I ask you to have an open heart for this breadth that I am going to speak on now, so it will not only be us Christians to gain something from it, but all people, who are affected by the same things. In addition to the fact that we have all passively accepted these downward developments, an even more important and higher problem forces us to ask the question: “Has God forsaken us?” We ask this for the one and only reason, because we have been taught for over 2000 years now that the lawless and wicked one must appear in this world, but that we pious people will receive help from above in time. And this help from above has not only been promised to us Christians, but in principle to all believers from all religions, even from philosophical and esoteric ideologies. But for us Christians, it is Jesus who is coming back, who is supposed to come again, from heaven with all his angels to free us from the Antichrist’s world power down here. So we are not the only ones, as I said. It’s the same with the Muslims. Only that their hope is not only Jesus, but the Mahdi. He too shall come from heaven to clean up the mess down here for us. For the esoterics, it is the extraterrestrials who beam us into their spaceships and all kinds of things and take us away from this most difficult hour. In the last decades, for a large part of the world it has been the Americans who were supposed to bring democratic peace to the dictatorially oppressed peoples via bombing. Do you understand? The Americans, too, they always flew in from the sky, with hosts of their fighter jets and all their war equipment. When century after century Jesus did not come in the expected way, the Christians’ erring hope eventually flashed over to Israel. Suddenly, according to Romans 11, Israel was still to be resurrected and become a world power. This is why missionary organizations such as the Swiss “Mitternachtsruf” have for decades proclaimed salvation with every new missile and every new Israeli fighter plane. To this day, Christians have not realized that the state of Israel, which was founded in 1948, is a pure product of Freemasonry. There’s a lot to say about that. On Kla.TV, we shed light on this. The Freemason leadership, however, is openly committed to Satanism. You know that. And I could go on like this indefinitely. Let’s talk about the left. The leftists are waiting for their red power of the hammer and sickle to be restored. They also put their hopes on new politicians at the top. In summary, however, we always see the same picture worldwide: The vast majority of people are lying on the ground completely helpless, defenselessly exposed to the increasingly serious threat. That only help from outside, help from above is left to save them. And this illusory blissful hope always breaks anew, because in practice and in the most difficult hour it always turns out to be yet another unfortunate hope. Why? Because no help comes from above, as expected, but only more bombs, more missiles, more threats, lightning strikes, environmental and weather disasters. More and more earthquakes, chemtrails, plandemics and so on. You could go on all day long. And what has gone wrong, I say, is always one and the same with every kind of person, also with every kind of religion, with every kind of ideology or politics. What is it? We have all misinterpreted our textbooks, our religious books! As the common people, for example, we have misunderstood and misinterpreted the political rules of the game. We all made the same mistake. Which one is it? We have not really understood the task that was demanded of ourselves! Do you understand? As simple, democratic people, we have simply delegated all responsibilities that we as people should bear ourselves, to our representatives, to our parties. Instead of realizing that a democracy requires every one of its citizens to deal with the people's problems in detail – and therefore to know their way around – we have remained passive. Instead of suffering with every problem that arose as if it were labor pains in order to find real solutions, we enjoyed ourselves at all kinds of parties. As Christians all the way to worship parties. Don’t take offense when I say that. We just didn’t tackle anything practically. See? Others even went out for beer and stuffed us with of all kinds of drugs and pharmaceutical products. That’s how people did it. Instead of taking responsibility for solving problems, studying the problems posed, we also studied all kinds of TV booklets and programs. You see? But only those who keep pace with developments in this world can have a real democratic say and vote. You must never transfer your personal responsibilities to any people’s representatives or leaders. That is what I am trying to say. And you can only vote for the right people’s representatives if you know them thoroughly! But all such knowledge has categorically escaped us, and mostly with us Christians. And so we have moved further and further away from the real problems in this world, have not fulfilled our mission to be light and salt, you could also say, and have allowed all sorts of fellows to emerge who are now even distorting our election results at will. We pious people of all kinds, but now I’ll also add the esoterics and the ideologists, we never really understood that our masters didn’t come so that we could hail them for centuries afterwards. Nobody wanted that. And possibly still bashing each other’s heads in as to who of us has or had the most humble and best master. I say: “Whatever master has risen or appeared down here, each of them had the sole aim of making us ordinary people masters as well!” Do you understand? No matter what kind. This is what Jesus wanted, this is what Mohammed wanted, this is what Lao-Tse wanted, this is what Buddha wanted, name whoever you want! Even the karate teacher, kung fu teacher. Everyone wants to make you a master. When a master comes, he wants you to become a master. But we have degraded them all to mere objects of worship. Do you understand? Degraded, not exalted. We Christians wear little crosses, Jesus on necklaces around our necks, the Jews wear their lawgiver in ribbons on their belts or as a little box on their foreheads. But whether in Christianity, Judaism or other religions. We find relics, images and statues everywhere, whether of Jesus, Buddha or other religious founders. What are we actually doing? We venerate sacred objects, sacred memories, even sacred walls, sacred stones, places to which we go on a pilgrimage. Holy crosses, holy waters, one can only enumerate. Good-luck charms of every kind – and you see, all this religious cult proclaims one and the same fate or need. We seek help from our masters, we seek help from above, from heaven, even help from self-carved or cast idols. In any case, we always seek help from outside – and last of all – and that’s the problem – last of all we seek help from within ourselves! That’s the bottom-line of the matter. Do you understand? For us Christians, by the way, this is particularly strange, since Jesus had already said to the Samaritan woman at the well – I quote John 4:14: “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become IN HIM – IN HIM – a well of water that will never run dry, springing up to eternal life.” You see, Jesus insisted that what he gives us becomes a source within us. We ourselves become the outflow. Help comes from within ourselves, put into us by him. Do you see it? We are now talking about this topic in this entire passage that I am presenting you here. But I would like to start slowly so that we can finally learn to understand the return of Christ – the return of Christ within us. But let’s take it bit by bit. You see, all religious founders and ideological masters, starting with Jesus Christ, have always announced that true help would actually come from God or from heaven, but that it wants to take shape with us, in us and through us. This is the summary up to this point. And it is precisely this message that has literally slipped past our grasp. And then, because all our masters have either been killed or have otherwise died, we expect them to come back in their old way. This applies to all with all our masters. But they all wanted to come back through us. I cannot emphasize this enough today. And in the following, I now demonstrate this basic thought, this basic concern or this main intention, from the Bible. And every other type of human should do the same. Deduce what I am saying here from the Bible from your own textbooks or religious books, from your own traditions and doctrines. Just don’t continue to make the same mistake that we have all made over the centuries. Our expectation as Christians that Jesus will come from heaven in a solo walk, as it were, accompanied by myriads of angels, to hold judgement in our place down here, is just as wrong as the expectation of the Muslims, for example, who put on these wide pants because they have understood that Mohammed will return as a male birth. I say it again: “If any master will return, he does not want to be born again into any manger or pants.” These are symbols, for the most part. This symbol with the male birth only points to the supernatural and the divine, the divine that happens within us, just as the virgin birth once did. We should become masculine, so to say, it means growing into the form of the master ourselves. But our masters ultimately also want to return in all women, even through our children, you understand, and this from within! And this is exactly what Jesus Christ taught mankind. He said the following to his 12 apostles, his chief apostles, shortly before his crucifixion: You can read it in John 16:16: He said to them: “A little while, and you will no longer see me; and again a little while after my departure, and you will see me.” Jesus clearly predicted his death. By the way, centuries earlier, the Psalms like the old prophets, also predicted in detail exactly how Jesus would come, how He would serve and how He would be crucified. For example in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 and many other passages. But it’s also told there how He would die and rise again. Also how He would go back to heaven, from where He had come. However, it would be going too far to explain all of this here. The actual point here is that Jesus repeatedly said the exact opposite of what Christianity made of it for 2000 years afterwards. For example, Jesus said clearly, read it with me: John 16:7: “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Holy Spirit will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” So, it is useful, He says. On the one hand, Jesus said of himself: I will return quickly, as in Rev. 3:11! However, in various parables he told of His Royal Reign encompassing the whole world that it will take a long time until He will be able to establish – or have established – His Reign as a King down here with us. And that’s exactly what happened. Look, 50 days after His resurrection, it was the feast of Pentecost, Jesus returned. Do you understand that? That’s where Jesus returned. “I am coming quickly.” John 14:18: “I will not leave you as orphans,” Jesus said after all. “I will come to you.” When we ask the question today: Has God forsaken us? No, He has always been there. I am coming to you – He came at Pentecost. John 14:23 He says: “I and my Father will come to you and dwell in you.” In you! In you! This took place at Pentecost. In you. Once Jesus said: The Father will send you His Spirit! Another time he said: “I will send you the Holy Spirit!” Just as an aside: I and the Father are one and the same, He says in another passage, translated literally. Jesus is God, Jesus is Yahweh in the Old Testament and He is Jesus. And again and again He says: I am coming to you! And thus the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost! You see, that was Jesus, the Holy Spirit is Jesus, too. And just as you consist of spirit, soul and body, so the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit consist of one person. You are a person, aren’t you? Spirit, soul and body; Father, Son, Holy Spirit is all Jesus. Only He. And you see, all people there aligned towards Him suddenly began to speak in dozens of different languages under His influence. This is the returned Jesus. The apostles, like Jesus, began to heal the sick, to cast out devils on the spot, to raise dead people! Signs and wonders, acts of power without end happened. And now they were suddenly coming from despised tax collectors, fishermen and farmers, all kinds of different people! You didn’t recognize them anymore. Why? Because God had come in His saints, from heaven in His Holy Spirit, because Jesus had returned. But not in order to take their place, for example in their fight against the supremacy of the Romans, as they had always thought. Nevertheless, Jesus, God, through His Holy Spirit, came through these simple people to take shape in them. They should now become like HIM. They understood that very well at the beginning. In Joh. 14,12 Jesus says: “Truly, truly I say to you: he who trusts in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater or more essential works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” That’s exactly what Jesus said! But you see, this inner dynamics soon began to flatten again. In the beginning it was crystal clear, Jesus came back IN them. But then it started to level off, persecutions began. The apostles countered this tendency with fiery letters. Paul writes in great distress in Gal. 4:19, read it with me: “My children, I once again suffer all the pain and anguish that a mother has to endure at the birth of her child – until Christ is formed in you.” Do you see what the apostles are after? Christ in us. In Gal. 2:20 he says it – as it cannot be said more beautifully – with emphasis: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” In Phil. 3:11 Paul went as far to write “... in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Because the Resurrected One lives in him, but not as you may have uncle Joe in your hearts, you understand, but as the living God dwelling within us, who wants to have His full expression through us. So the whole emphasis of the apostolic letters lay in the fact that the outpoured Spirit of God, called the Christ, was to gain its full form in the believers. In Eph. 4 Paul devotes an entire chapter to this new body, this organism of Christ, also called the body of Christ, which must now grow to full stature, to full maturity as a man. He says: “Until we all attain to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ...”, Eph. 4:12-13. And so, in the first decades after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the outpouring of the Spirit, the first Christians literally allowed precisely this mystery – the living God poured out within them – to grow, to swell. They became more and more powerful, more and more powerful in spirit. And less than 70 years later, this spiritual force and power had swelled to such an extent that the entire Roman Empire surrendered – or had to surrender under it, you actually have to say. The Roman swords were quasi forged into ploughshares. The Spirit of Jesus Christ, who has always been a Prince of Peace, simply conquered that Roman world empire, that world empire that had previously conquered and absorbed all the ancient Egyptian, ancient Babylonian, Persian and even ancient Greek cultures, so powerful was God in them, the return of Christ in them, do you understand? But then something happened, and this was in the form of incitement and slander, mostly from within their own ranks. Massive persecution of Christians happened. And, without wanting to go deeper into the causes and reasons, I’ll only point my finger at the real sore wound that this is about here. Because now the second scene, that I already mentioned at the beginning, began to happen in reality. For Jesus had not only said of Himself that He would return quickly, soon, quickly. He also made it clear in various parables that great world upheavals would occur after His departure and before His general, globally visible return. He not only described this in the parable of the ten virgins, who all waited a long time for the bridegroom, until they all fell asleep, as can be read in Matthew 25. He also hinted at his quasi-prolonged absence in the parable of a king who went into exile. He went out, He says, into a far country, these are typologies, into a far country – according to the parable – to establish a Kingdom for himself, in order to return and establish his Reign as a King at the starting point, so to say. This can be read in Luke 19:12. Then comes the famous scene with the entrusted talents, where He tells His subordinates: Act with it, be active until I come again, also to be read in Mark 13:34. Everyone in this parable had multiplied their talents except for one who remained passive. And that’s where we need to put our finger on. His returned master was unusually harsh in his judgment of him. Why was that? Because God intends to multiply in us, that is what this parable wants to say, through our own action, through our firm knowledge that God now dwells in us in all His fullness and wants to design and shape everything anew through us. He wants to multiply, the talents in us must multiply, you see, in us. This means in plain language: God needs us – HE is dependent on us, you could say in human terms. Why? Because He has connected the path to total restoration WITHIN US. It is not HIM who has forsaken us. We have forsaken HIM. That’s what we must see from that. God is waiting for us, just as we have been waiting for Him all this time. As it is also written in Colossians 2:10 or in Ephesians 1: “And in Him you have been made completed ones”, literally. “He is the head over all rule and authority.” Or then again in Heb. 10:14 the writer says: “For by one offering – numeral one! – he has perfected for all times those who are sanctified.” With these parables, Jesus was talking about nothing other than His process of developing in us, within us; from the time of His death, His return at Pentecost in the Holy Spirit, up to His organic formation in the totality of His disciples – on His new body, one could say, through His new body. That is, until His believers have allowed the person of God to grow so much within themselves that God’s Reign as a King will become a worldwide reality in them and through them. Jesus clearly predicted that these maturing processes would take place from heaven. Invisible to the human eye. Do you understand? In this parable, Jesus went to a distant land, that is He who ascends to heaven and from the heavenly reality works it all in us, invisible to the human eye. “Therefore the kingdom of God does not come in such a way that it can be observed”, said Jesus clearly. This is how He answered the Pharisees in Luke 17:20, for example, when they asked Him: “When will the kingdom of God come?” “When?” or “How?” they also asked. So five of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom did not realize His coming, do you understand? And this process has been going on for centuries now. That’s why so many are asking: “Has God forsaken us?” But the majority of Christians have so far only managed and administered religion, various relics, doctrines, creeds and all kinds of statutes. A small number of Christians, however, have always understood the true meaning of the return of Christ, namely Christ in us. Christ wants to come again in all of us, also in Col. 1:27 it is written: “to whom God willed to make known among the nations” – pay attention, to the nations, “what are the riches of the glory of his mystery in them,” in the nations, you see, “and that is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” So we have the mission, the task of teaching the nations that God already dwells within them and to awaken this hope, that this expectation of glory will break forth in them. However, the return of Christ is a process that grows organically from within and that had to take centuries to take on its full form and maturity. And this is because we should mature as a whole organism in God. God in us, working through His divine virtues, through God’s will in us, that means His willingness in us, through His perfections in us. That is why Jesus already said in Nazareth in Mt. 5:48: “Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect!” This is the level He has set, God incarnate, the perfect one in us. This wants to say, Jesus, the Master, didn’t just want to make us into people who behave virtuously! Rather, Jesus wanted us to become virtue ourselves, we becoming virtue ourselves! To be God’s perfections in us, not to believe in them, do you understand? Perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect! But because all these maturing processes first take place and have taken place in the mind, in the heart, in secret, the vast majority of Christians have missed this connection, unfortunately we have to say. The first apostles warned us seriously before their departure that false teachers would come like wolves in sheep’s clothing to destroy the flock, as we can read in Acts 20:29. You see, and that’s exactly what happened: They deliberately introduced targeted false teachings. False teachings like: They hammered into us, for example, that Jesus had to come back from heaven as an individual person. And with this they turned the words of Jesus upside-down. For Jesus clearly emphasized how he will BE – not come – how he will BE in His return, - and in the original text it literally always says in His appearance or in His being there, in his presence: Namely, like the light that shines from all sides at the same time. Lk. 17:24 we read, He says, “For just like the lightning when it flashes out of one part of the sky, shines to the other part of the sky, so will the Son of Man BE in his day.” Underline BE for yourselves. This is a very important word, this is His state, as He is. This means that when He has reached maturity in us, He would appear from all four points of the compass at the same time. Just as the lightning illuminates everything from east to west! Through all of us together, through you, us. But the false teachers have turned this being into a magnificent solo return event. That’s our problem, that’s why we cry out, “has God forsaken us?” No, He has not forsaken us, He lives inside us and waits until He is allowed to come out. Through this false doctrine they have conditioned us never to accept Jesus in any plural form, because Jesus said and yes, they quote Mt. 24 from verse 23: “But there it is written,” they say, “If anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There He is,' do not believe him. So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, or 'Behold, he is in the inner rooms,' do not believe them. For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming, or literally the being, the presence of the Son of Man be.” You see, Jesus said the exact opposite of what has been put into our heads for centuries by these people who twisted this. He has emphasized that He will never again return as an individual person, that’s what He says in this text – just like the Pope. That’s what he says in this text. Just sort of like the Pope, you see? Nevertheless, Christianity has run after every single pope as a representative of Christ. One called out: Christ is in the tabernacle, you understand, and all the world is swallowing these little round wafers in the church of the desert outside, where no spirit flows – you understand ... But in 2 Thess. 1 our nation apostle, Paul, clearly taught that Christ will come again in order to be admired and glorified in His saints! So He is not to be glorified by us alone, but people are to glorify God because they see God in us, the Returned One in us! Beforehand, Jesus taught us to pray: Thy royal Reign, Thy kingdom come, that is Thy Reign as King come, on earth as it is in heaven! On earth! Do you understand? You see, it is not God who has forsaken us, but we have forsaken Him! This is what that means. While Jesus and the whole heaven have always been waiting to descend to earth in order to restore everything down here in us and through us, the whole of Christianity has been striving for 2000 years to get to heaven! Do you see the contradiction? Heaven wants to come down, we want to go up. Yes, the persecutions and various false teachers have literally twisted the minds of the Christians. That’s what happened. They departed from their hope in themselves and leaned on their dad in heaven. Instead of expecting all the more strength and the Spirit of God coming forth out of themselves in times of need, Christianity has thrown itself on their faces. We Christians like little children cried out for daddy in heaven and longed for a saving rapture to heaven? Yes, that’s right, Paul talked about us being caught up in the rapture. But a rapture to where? Read it in the Scriptures. The original text tells us clearly, but we also see it clearly in German: Raptured in the air, it says there. It literally says where we will reign together with Christ. Where is this realm of the air? But after we were babes, helpless and powerless in spirit. (1. Thess. 4:17) But before that, Paul testified in all his letters that we have already been transferred with Christ to heavenly places. Look it up in Eph. 2:6-8: Let’s read it together. “God has raised us up with Him, and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus...” Why is that? “so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For of grace you have been saved.” It doesn’t say: by grace. Of grace, so that – in other words – grace may swell in us until all the riches of God would become visible through us, that is what is written here and we do not come from the realm of the air, we come back from heaven with Him. He in us. All of this – heaven within us – has taken place. But now it’s coming, it’s breaking through into the realm of air, we’ve read about it. Yes, in spirit we have been living connected to God in heaven for centuries, that is what we need to understand. Just as Jesus prayed in his High Priestly Prayer in John 17: Just as the Father was in Him, He says, the Father shall also be in us. That is exactly what it is about. But not in the same way, I’ll say it again, that you have an old father in your heart, for example, or your “Uncle Joe”. We should all carry God within us as a real, living person. In other words: God wants to fully take shape in us, down here, in order to complete His work, that means the restoration of all creation, through us. God is waiting for us. This is also what it says in Romans 8. Please be sure to read this chapter again. It is written there verbatim: “The whole creation is not waiting for a solo Jesus from heaven, it is waiting for the revelation, the manifestation of the sons of God!” Yes, that they would restore all of creation. Yes, even, and now it’s getting serious, please fasten your seatbelts, especially you Christians: Indeed, God wants to carry out the entire world judgment through us, through us humans who are committed to righteousness. Therefore Jesus could say on the one hand: “I am not judging anyone” read John 8:15. So He, as an individual, He judges no one – and on the other hand He testified in Joh. 5:22: “For not even the Father judges anyone”, and here it comes, “but he has given all judgment to THE SON.” You could ask here naively: “What's true now?”, we could ask. If neither the Father nor Jesus judges as an individual person, who is this Son to whom all judgment is given? No passage, I say, has probably slipped past the consciousness of Christianity more than this one. And yet the apostles of Jesus Christ already preached clearly at the resurrection of Jesus who this Son is to whom all judgment has been committed. It is not Jesus of Nazareth as an individual, but the resurrected Christ in combination with His new body that we have been talking about here all along. You can read it all word for word in Acts 13:30-33. Look what it says here: “But God raised Jesus from the dead”, that is the resurrection sermon, you see, “But God raised Jesus from the dead, as it is also written in the second Psalm: You are my son, TODAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN YOU.” Well read, well understood? Today, that is, on the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and not in Mary’s womb, God has begotten this SON here, of whom the second Psalm also says that all judgment over the world will be given to him. Let’s read a few more excerpts from this second Psalm. Why? So that we can find our way back to God and to our very own calling. For it is not God who has forsaken us, but we have forsaken Him, I can only emphasize this again and again. If we do not return to our calling here, we will continue to seek God and not find Him. See what the second Psalm says about this son: “Why are the nations in an uproar? And the peoples devising a vain thing?” The powerful of this world rebel: they conspire against God and the ruler who He chose and instated, saying Let us break free, they say. We shake off the shackles of their rule! Note the plural, not his rule, THEIR rule, it is about you and God in you. Verse 4: But God in the heavens can only laugh about this; all He can spare for them is scorn. I now jump to verse 7, where it says: “I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord. This is what the prophet now says: “He said to me”, or rather Christ speaks out of him, out of the prophet, “He said to me: You are my son, today I have begotten you. Verse 8: Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance. And the very ends of the earth as Your possession...” And then the promises of God’s power follow over this Son, that is, the organism of Christ, the Risen One, the One who has returned, the One who is returning in us, that enables him to set the whole world straight – in the power of God that is inherent in us. But again, false teachers came along and taught us. What? Thou shalt not judge! Oh, how many thousands of times I have heard this sentence, “thou shalt not judge”. But Jesus also brought the exact opposite here, if you read it carefully in context – and that is why Paul, the nation apostle, taught us, read it with me from 1 Cor. 6:1-3: “Does any one of you”, he says to the Christians, “when he has a case against his neighbour, dare to go to law before the unrighteous and not before the saints? Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world?” It has been said here, you see, for 2000 years. “Do you not know that the saints will judge the world?” “And if the world is judged by you”, so here it becomes clear who the saints are, it’s not the pope or so, do you understand? It is the people, it is you, “if the world is judged by you, are you not worthy to judge the smallest issues?” Do you not know, now it’s going to get a bit steeper: “Do you not know that we will judge angels, how much more matters of this life?” By the way, the same thing is already written in the Bible at the end of the first and the last Revelation: In Genesis 1:26 God says about the righteous man in general terms: “and they shall reign.” And when you see the conversation God had with Cain: He said, if you do right, you will be exalted; if not, do rule over the sin (personified), literally in the original text. That means rule over the devil. In Rev 20:5 God says “and they will reign”. You see: they shall reign – first revelation – and they will reign – last revelation in Scripture. Rev 18:20 brings it out even more differentiated how exactly in which way this power of judgment will be exercised against all evil murderous world rulers: Rev, 18:20, now pay particular attention, now we are slowly getting down to business: “Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you saints and apostles and prophets! Because God has executed YOUR judgment against her.” In context, it speaks precisely of our time, this Babylonian confusion, where Babylon falls, this age of confusion. And it does not say, as is wrongly translated in our Bibles: God has executed judgment for you. This originates from this false doctrine that God needs to do everything for us. No, it says: God has executed YOUR judgment on them. In other words, God accomplishes what passes through us. He has always done so, even in the Old Testament. Every victory of Israel, you see, God has done His great things through Israel, in the midst of Israel, it is no different today. So from the very first page of the Bible it says, from the very first page, God has clearly stated that He has put man to even settle scores with the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan: Enmity between the female seed, the human as a whole, and the devil. “He will crush your head...”, it says in Genesis 3:15. But Stoic, I say, and Epicurean false teachers have not only distorted this divine destiny of ours. They have also manipulated the interpretation of the Epistle of 2 Peter in such a way that we have now proclaimed for 2000 years that this world is hopelessly doomed to the Antichrist and must be burned in the fire. Yes, I say in passive leisureliness we have allowed this world, enslaved by the devil, to even be burned in the fire in the end and that is the summarized attitude of the Stoics and Epicureans of that time. They taught exactly that: the world must burn, it comes from that corner. But nothing of this sort is actually found in the original biblical texts. Even if you read it that way in your Bible, it is written differently in the original text. It says the exact opposite. I have made everything clear in the new Interlinear Full Analysis I-VO, every word is proven to you there with the whole context. Please study my new Bible translation from the Greek and also study my International Second Coming Council “The Second Coming of Christ” through us, which I have already held in 2009. But I will now give you a sample of this new translation, of Jude 14 and 15. See, here our entire ministry is being described that we will exert when Jesus, that is God through us, will have reached His full stature and will draw this world into His judgment. For it is God himself who carries out this judgment in us, you see, and we do not fight with human weapons, but only with the creative word, with the creative power from the spirit of God. Now to this newly translated text Jude 14-16: “This was also prophesied by the seventh after Adam, Enoch, when he wrote: “There, here! The Lord has come for Himself in His holy myriads to bring about a separation in all and in everything down to the bottom, and to refute every soul with evidence from investigations; He will look at all their wrought undertakings of godless irreligion, with which they have sacrilegiously offended God; He will also examine all the relentlessly harsh utterances that the sinful transgressors, the godless workers of iniquity, have garrulously blabbered against Him in a condescending manner.” These are disgusting troublemakers, accusers of fate, forced to march by their own flaring lust instincts; what's more, their mouths slur overly pompous, empathically eulogizing, socially masked things for the sake of their own advantage!”” You see, God has not forsaken us, we have forsaken Him! But now the time has come for us to turn back to Him and finally allow God to work through us. Do you see that? In the OCG, we have been allowing this to happen for decades. We have grown into an organism that is already executing this announced judgement through itself. For it is written that at His return Jesus will strike the violent one through us – with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He will overcome the lawless one, that’s how it is written. But see: We are his breath, you, I, that's what we are in enlightening the people And so the ministry of Kla.TV, of the AZK, but also beforehand the ministry of the OCG developed – by exposing the Luciferian would-be world rulers, down to the bottom – as it is written here, yes, exactly like that. And we haven’t just been doing that since we read this, you know. For it was only through God’s active working through us that we have come to understand and discover all these relevant connections in the original texts, do you understand? And as awakened fighters for justice, we allow God to come through us again. That’s what it's all about. God also wants to appear in you, wants to appear in all of you in all of His perfection, in His perfections, and in increasingly restoring spiritual power, in and through you, to rebuild this broken world. Everywhere this process of restoration has been festering in humanity SINCE we have been proclaiming it and also living and being it. For this working of God through us has not remained unrecognized by the world at all. We have been persecuted internationally for decades now. It’s the same as in the time of ancient Rome. It repeats itself, do you understand? Hundreds of the most serious attacks by the very largest mainstream media were the result. But we have only risen more and more. Why? Because we know that this is our program. We are not waiting for Jesus from heaven to do something for us, but we expect that the greater the weakness in us, the more God’s power will break through in and through us. That is the old line, as the whole Bible has taught us. But God only laughed at all these attacks against us – just as it is written in the second Psalm. And today it is the case that even the largest press agencies, but also the World Economic Forum, WEF, and the strongest mass media are wobbling before all the free investigative people that have been awakened, they are trembling before them, and are heading towards their downfall. Why? Because they have lost their credibility down to the ground as a result of this exposure. And through God in all these people, because God through us, through Christ through us, has uncovered these misdeeds down to the bottom and will uncover them completely. That is the program. He is currently uncovering the circles of the lodge brothers from high-grade Satanist Freemasonry and dragging them into the light. That’s where we are right now. He will not stop until the great change in the world has come. We have to believe and understand this, so we should let it in during these days. You see, the Roman Empire, which has been resurrected from apparent death since the Renaissance, as it were, together with the false Israel down there, is now being revealed in the light of God. Massive judgments will strike this world, believe it. But we, I say all the saints and righteous united, who dwell and are on this earth, we are set to allow God to arise in us in perfect glory until the whole world can enter into a conversion. That is our job. The whole of creation is waiting for us. According to the divine plan of salvation, all the righteous of this earth are also promised an upper hand for at least 1000 years, where they will restore this entire creation. In summary, I can only say: personal responsibility is therefore required. These processes can only be completed when we return to our responsibility, our calling and our heavenly position. As OCG, we have been following this path for decades. I would really like to invite you all to join us on this journey today. I don’t mean that you all have to join our organization, but please take the same path with us! And we want to work and become effective together with you. And I would like to offer you a first, perhaps direct way to get started, because every morning between 06:00 and 06:15 a.m., in other words in this quarter of an hour, thousands of us simultaneously, worldwide, speak creatively – we call them mantras. Do not take offense at this word. This is because we pray the same short prayers, the creative ones, together at these times. Let me give you an example of such a creative prayer: “All truth in all is uniting now, all deception of the deceivers is shattered!” For the first five minutes of the day, we all pray the same thing together, each in our own place. “All truth in all is uniting now, all deception of the deceivers is shattered!”” This is a creative word! A sword of God! Or another mantra that we pray on another day: “Abuse of power is now coming to light, fraudsters are being exposed.” You see, that’s a creative command! And because we give the order and then we get back to work and do the detective work, that’s exactly what happens! “Abuse of power, it’s coming to light now”, be it at the WEF, be it at the UN, be it at NASA, take what you want, it’s coming to light now. “ ...fraudsters are being exposed.” “Strength comes out of weakness”, yet another mantra, “...breakthrough comes through us! “Strength comes out of weakness, breakthrough comes through us.” Or another one, where we all pray together: “Heaven come to tear apart as the Lord has commanded through us, take the devil away with you, chain him tightly according to God’s word!”” You see, that’s what it ultimately comes down to. We have the task of forming a chain to bind the devilish powers worldwide, Christ coming through us. Like lightning from east to west, all at the same time, we say the same prayer, the same commands together. The devil comes in chains, he must be locked up in a dungeon for a thousand years so that he can no longer tempt the nations. You will find the respective creative word for each day of the month below in the broadcast text, which we all proclaim at the same time between 06:00 - 06:05 in the morning. And I simply say: experience this power as it synergizes in those first five minutes, it’s just tremendous! If you are then drawn further, we will be happy to give you the code to download our entire Power Prayer brochure, as I call it. There you will also find the three-dimensional, as I call them, apostolic texts, the prayers and the healing proclamations that we “materialize” together in the second and third five minutes. I can promise you that you will discover a world novelty. You see, the whole new world starts at home, I would like to finish by saying that. This means we don’t teach you or others what we don’t do ourselves. It all starts with us personally in the smallest detail, that’s what matters. The entire reorientation must begin in one’s own heart and then take on a collective dimension, - Paul calls it the full divine greatness. And everything we do, we do without selfish or self-serving interests. This means that everything we do, we do without pay, we do it on a voluntary basis. Because the new world is without money. Thank you for your attention and best regards from Switzerland! Be embraced, I look forward to our ascent together, because together we are this new world! I am Ivo Sasek, who has been standing before God for 47 years.
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