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Laboratory Investigations from the Institute for Chemical Engineering in Tuzla Important further programs: Weapon of War: Compulsory-fee paid media | 40 reasons why I no longer pay
Updates for Greta! – The true climate killers (by Ivo Sasek)
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23.08.2024 |
It was in my Kla.TV speech of May 11, 2024, when I expressed for the first time that I suspected that the new kind of Sahara dust precipitation might have more to do with the use of long-patented weather weapons than with Sahara sand. Today I am presenting you with a 1st analysis report. It states that at least 26 chemical elements, some of which are highly toxic, trickle down on our heads with every so-called Sahara dust shower. However not only on our heads, but also on our entire agriculture, our lakes, rivers, gardens, meadows, on all our animals, insect populations in the air, on the ground and under the ground. But let’s start at the beginning: I would like to remind you first of all once again of the US patent 9924640. And this is just one of dozens of similar patents: It describes how Boeing aircraft are converted to carry loads of 25 metric tons of sand-like nanoparticles at an altitude of 60,000 feet. Why? control and manipulate our weather and our climate. Then I would like to remind you again of NATO's “JP 8” fuel, 90% of which the masonic NATO has long since sold to civil aviation, i.e. to almost all the world’s major airports. The alarming thing is the analysis results of the mentioned additives: High quantities of aluminum, barium, beryllium, lead, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, iron, copper, molybdenum, sodium, nickel, strontium, titanium, vanadium, zinc and tin have been detected in these military fuels. As well as many oxides of these metals and other toxic substances. The results of this measurement made us believe in the first place that similar substances could perhaps also be found in the sand-like fine dust nanoparticles, of which hundreds of millions of tons have already been sprayed over all our heads. And that the so-called Sahara dust rain could also precisely be such a precipitation which contains such substances. Because the weather manipulation patents that have been unveiled, i.e. weather weapon patents, describe in writing how these nano-sand particles float around in the upper atmosphere for up to two years after being ejected – and then gradually trickle down on us. And I say: either silently, or with pattering rain, falling on our heads, but also on the heads of our loved ones, our children. And then they also gum up our solar systems, smear all our means of transportation, poison all our fields and so forth. Before I come to the results of the analysis of the so-called Sahara dust rain, I must also refer once again to the large-scale experiments with peoples, for instance in the USA in 1994, which have long since been uncovered. I have to do this so that you would truly understand that such cruel experiments on peoples are indeed being carried out by governments and then covered up by their judiciary. And here again, we are only dealing with the tip of the iceberg that free investigative journalists have already uncovered: In 1994, the unaware test subjects were US citizens – entire major cities. What happened? Military planes deliberately sprayed them with poison over long periods of time because the military allegedly wanted to see what would happen – because warfare agents have to be tested before they are used on the “enemy”. Great, isn’t it? Even an elementary school with children was deliberately sprayed with zinc cadmium sulphide every day for three months. Remember these two substances, because you will be hearing more about them in a moment. The consequences of this zinc cadmium sulphide fog alone were horrific. Half of an entire school class literally died as a result, while the other half suffered serious illnesses, sterility and other disabilities. Because these defenseless victims, these little children, later when they were adults, gave birth to severely disabled children themselves, etc. Please understand at this point that we are not talking about mere conspiracy theories, but about crimes committed by governments and their legal systems, which have long since been admitted but never duly punished and made public. When asked, they stated that the planes only sprayed harmless chemicals. Incidentally, our governments provide us with the same answers when we ask about the content of the millions of tons of nano particulate matter sprayed. And there is no outcry at all about the so-called Sahara dust rain – most certainly not from our mainstream media. But now to the shocking results of the analysis, which were presented to us by independent investigators from Bosnia. The original documents are displayed in the background. They had a comparative analysis carried out on original Saharan sand and the alleged Saharan sand from precipitation in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Their only interest was the question of whether there might be toxic elements in this so-called “Saharan dust rain”. Something that would harm us and our ecosystem. And exactly this should have been the task of governments. However, as none of them took any action, the following analysis was carried out on a private basis. So in addition to the original Sahara sand, they sent a sample of sand from Lukavac to the Institute for Chemical Process Engineering in Tuzla. “We sent two samples to the Institute of Chemical Process Engineering in Tuzla on May 6, 2022: A sand sample from a lakeshore in southern Tunisia and a sand sample from Dobošnica Donja near Lukavac, which was taken on April 7, 2022 after the red “blood rain”.” ... which was taken on April 7, 2022 after the so-called Sahara rain. This sample is therefore of utmost importance because the wind blows mostly from the west in Bosnia and therefore the precipitation in Lukavac could not be influenced by exhaust gases from any industry or thermal power plants and the like. And here it comes: No fewer than the following 26 chemical elements, some of them highly toxic, were found in the investigated so-called Sahara dust rain: Aluminum, arsenic, boron, barium, beryllium, bismuth, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, lithium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, lead, antimony, selenium, tin, strontium, thallium, vanadium, zinc, cadmium. I told you to remember the latter two elements. The aluminum content alone in the so-called Saharan dust rain from Bosnia was 728 times higher than in the original Saharan sand. Do you understand? But aluminum particulate matter, for example, can cause Alzheimer’s disease, damage the kidneys, liver, bones, and much more. The arsenic content was 44 times higher, the barium content 660 times higher and the nickel content even 2,500 times higher than in the original Sahara sand. A 64 times higher proportion of zinc was found in the so-called Sahara rain and a 23 times higher proportion of iron, and so on. After this disclosure, the affected peoples are only interested in one thing: Who the hell is allowing these new, highly toxic cocktails to be poured over our heads? Who exactly does this and why? What are the names of these culprits? That’s what we want to know now. Who tells them so and what are their ultimate goals? Because these analyses provide more than just an initial suspicion about the fact that the whole of Europe has become the target of attacks by terrorists acting in a most evil hybrid way. I call on all our viewers to actively participate in further educational uncovering work in this matter. Because, as usual, our compulsory fee-paid media report nothing about this and even conceal far worse things against their better judgment. We have been reporting on this daily since 2012. Please don’t forget that with every additional so-called Sahara dust cloud you inhale all this stuff, exactly this, for as long as it floats freely in the air. And then you absorb these nanoparticles of the periodic table through every pore of your skin, you eat them with your organic vegetables, you swallow them with your drinking water and even when you swim the stuff gets into you. From all sides, not just through the mouth. Bear in mind that the final extent of damage and the long-term consequences have yet to be investigated. But the increasing disfigurement of our trees alone makes us forebode the worst. Any relevant information can therefore protect and save the life of our nature and the existence of entire peoples! As many additional analyses as possible of samples from different places of origin are needed to get a definitive confirmation on the origin, cause and objectives of this chemical dust composition. It is also still uncertain how, and to what extent the chemical elements that were found, are being absorbed by the various organisms and what the consequences will be. But I say: Do not stop calling on the members of parliament in your constituency to not only ban the spraying of NATO fuels from our airplanes that are climate and human killers! But also educate all who still are unaware how deadly these previously named chemical elements are for us. Ask your MPs to educate the people about the annual consistent spraying of tens of millions of tons of aluminum nanoparticles and coal particulate matter. Continually call for an open discourse on all these weather manipulation patents and weather weapon deployments mentioned here and the creeping genocide associated to them. I can’t find other words for it. Call on your politicians and MPs to report publicly on the Saharan dust analysis just mentioned. In the screen you see the originals, dear ones. And finally, we, the people must relentlessly continue to demand our right to have the final competence of say in decision-making. Let’s continue to do this until it will firmly be anchored in every single constitution so that our political representatives can no longer oppose our objections. Please forward programs such as this one to as many people as possible, especially to those who are still unaware of these matters - as much as you can! I am Ivo Sasek, who is in his 48th year of standing before God.
from is.
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