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08.06.2024 |
Existential crises are keeping the world‘s population on tenterhooks. The impending financial crash is also on almost everyone‘s lips. Many people are already in a state of shock, as the world has already been shaken by a number of financial crashes, such as Black Friday in 1929 or the crash of 2008. Each time, people lost their belongings. And now the biggest and most serious crash is about to happen. The gigantic mountain of debt on which almost all countries around the world are sitting does not bode well. But why are there global financial crashes at all? And why should the next one be the biggest and most serious? What exactly are the consequences? What are the causes? Who is most affected? Who benefits? Does this have anything to do with the Great Reset? What is it going to amount to? Can it still be stopped? We explore these questions in this program. A gigantic debt bubble bursts – part of the Great Reset The founding of the Federal Reserve System FED in 1913 in the USA as a private banking system led to the establishment of a globally operating banking cartel. The monopoly on money creation came into the hands of a few leading Wall Street bankers by law. The installation of the BIS (1930), as well as the IMF and the World Bank (1944), both special organizations of the UN, ensured a further expansion of power. They grant gigantic loans out of nothing as fiat money and drive entire nations to ruin with their repayment demands. With the help of the UN 2030 Agenda, this development is finally being driven forward. It requires its member states to spend billions on dealing with globally staged crises. According to the economic expert Ernst Wolff, this gigantic, artificially inflated debt bubble is far larger than the sum of all global resources, infrastructures, natural resources, etc. It can therefore never be redeemed. The bursting of this debt bubble, which has been prepared for a long time and deliberately engineered, is intended to herald a complete global reorganization, the Great Reset: This provides for the complete expropriation and incapacitation, even enslavement of citizens under the financial oligarchs. The Great Reset and the 2030 Agenda The Great Reset is the name of the agenda of the WEF and the associated non-governmental organizations, the so-called NGOs, to take over world power. NGOs are controlled by financial oligarchs. These control the central banks, which have dominated the monetary system for over 100 years. Through their asset managers, such as Black Rock and Vanguard, they accumulate gigantic fortunes as well as gold, industrial groups, gas, oil, raw materials, land and public infrastructure. They corrupt the world‘s leading political, industrial, military and judicial decision-makers and bind them to their shadow government such as the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the WEF meetings in Davos and others. This circle has the 2030 Agenda of the WEF and the UN implemented through fate-determining laws via obedient politicians. These in turn lead to the expropriation of peoples through ruinous taxes and burden-sharing demands, as well as to the total enslavement of all peoples through programmable digital money, control over food, energy and health, and surveillance technologies. Who would be affected by the bursting of the debt bubble – who would benefit? In 2005, there was a change in bankruptcy law in the United States. Since then, customer assets can no longer be reclaimed, not even in cases of bank fraud. All assets are transferred to the bankruptcy estate. However, this change in the law does not affect all creditors, namely not the few privileged, i.e. secured creditors. These are the founding banks of the Fed and their offshoots, including J.P.Morgan Bank. When Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008, for example, only J.P.Morgan Bank had its assets returned – despite fraudulent financial transactions. The judge in the proceedings at the time expressly stated that J.P. Morgan was part of the protected group. This makes it clear that, behind the backs of the population, legislation has been changed so that the clan around the FED can survive any bank crash, while everyone else should lose all their assets. Fiat money – how the debt bubble came about On December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve Act introduced the private central banking system FED in the USA. It became a model for the further establishment of central and central banks worldwide. The FED is a cartel of big banks that has a monopoly on money creation. Money is created out of nothing in the form of credit through simple accounting transactions. This fiat money principle, i.e. creating money out of nothing, allows the affiliated banks to multiply the newly created money in the same way. – However, interest and compound interest will also be charged until these air loans are repaid in full. Due to the money creation monopoly, the money for this must also be obtained from the FED and its offshoots in the form of ever new loans. This money lending with interest and compound interest creates a gigantic debt bubble. As a result, while the amount of goods in the world has only quadrupled in the last 30 years, the amount of money has increased forty-fold. The FED – the unbelievably brazen financial system Since the introduction of the FED in 1913, private bankers have been able by law to grant loans without reserves or collateral as a pure accounting transaction and thus create money out of thin air. Customers of the banks, on the other hand, have to deposit their assets as collateral for this worthless loan money and even pay interest and compound interest until the loan is repaid in full. And in each case, i.e. repayment and interest, with real assets. In the case of the USA, 1 trillion dollars a year must now be paid to the banksters for nothing by the state and thus by the citizens. With this fiat money sleight of hand, the big banks were able to seize practically the entire US national wealth. The automobile tycoon Henry Ford said it well around 100 years ago: If people understood the monetary system, we would have a revolution before tomorrow morning. Who are the founding fathers of the FED? Paul Moritz Warburg, together with John D. Rockefeller and Nelson Aldrich, is considered the main initiator of the US central bank FED, which was founded in 1913. The Warburgs are regarded as the second most important banking family in the world after the Rothschilds. Back in 1798, Bankhaus Warburg was founded in Hamburg by the two brothers Moses-Marcus and Gerson Warburg, around the same time as the Rothschilds‘ bank. In 1814, the Warburgs became one of Rothschild‘s first business partners in London. Moritz Warburg completed his education with the Rothschilds in Italy and Paris. His son Max Warburg completed part of his apprenticeship in New Court, the London headquarters of the Rothschilds. A few years later, in 1910, Nelson Aldrich and bank executives from J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller and Kuhn & Loeb retreated for ten days to a top-secret meeting on Jekyll Island in the US state of Georgia. Nelson was a high-ranking politician and at the same time a partner in the investment bank J.P. Morgan and also the father-in-law of the wealthy oil magnate John D. Rockefeller Jr. Among the executives attending Jekyll Island were Frank Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, who was associated with the Rockefellers; Henry Davison, senior partner of the J.P. Morgan Company; Charles Norton, president of the First National Bank of New York; and Andrew Piatt, a leading Harvard economist. Paul Moritz Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb & Co chaired the meeting and wrote the outline of what would become known as the Aldrich Plan, a plan for the reorganization of the banking and monetary system, the cornerstone of what would later become the Federal Reserve System. The country estate where they had come together belonged to the man who was considered a spider in the web of the financial industry at the time: John P. Morgan. The secrecy was therefore necessary in order to successfully initiate this unique move against the American people, democracy and competing big finance. As cunningly and secretly as the plan was developed, the amendment was waved through the decimated Congress three years later, on December 23, 1913, one day before Christmas Eve, by a vote of 43 to 25. Woodrow Wilson, the newly elected US President, signed the Federal Reserve Act on the same day, thereby establishing the US central bank, the Fed. The US right to create money and global power for the next century was transferred to eight families, including Warburg, Rockefeller and Morgan and their private banks. Paul Moritz Warburg became a member of the first Supervisory Board in the history of the FED. During the First World War, he was appointed Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Supervisory Board. As a member of the advisory staff, Warburg remained associated with the US central bank until 1926. In 1921, Paul Moritz Warburg also became the founding chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a privately organized platform for international influence operations that operated in the background. He held the position of CFR board member until his death in 1932. Colonel Elisha Garrison, a friend of US Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson, described Warburg as the driving force behind the creation of the FED, but he clearly identified Baron Alfred Rothschild from London as the mastermind. The Rothschild dynasty had already wanted to install a central bank under its control in the USA on several occasions. The fact is that the United States was virtually ruled from England in 1910, and it still is today. The ten largest bank holding companies in the United States are firmly in the hands of certain banks, all of which have branches in London. They are J.P. Morgan Company, Brown Brothers Harriman, Warburg, Kuhn Loeb and Henry Schroder. They all maintain close ties to the House of Rothschild, above all through Rothschild control of the international money markets via the manipulation of the gold price. Every day, the world market price for gold is set in the London office of N.M. Rothschild and Company. Who are the founding fathers of the FED? Nelson W. Aldrich was a member of the Freemasons; among other things, he was a trustee of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. The US dollar is the official currency unit of the United States. The one-dollar bill has been in circulation in its current form since 1935. A closer look reveals some astonishing facts. One of the two inscriptions on the reverse of the 1-dollar note reads Novus ordo seclorum. This is Latin and means a new order of the ages. Above it is the Eye of Providence above an incomplete brick pyramid. In fact, the so-called Eye of Providence is still a central symbolism in Masonic lodges today. The Egyptian brick pyramid is a reference to the secret society of the Illuminati. Incidentally, the pyramid was added to the one-dollar note in 1935 under President Franklin D. Roosevelt – Roosevelt on the one-dollar note. Roosevelt was a very active member of the Freemasons and received numerous Masonic delegations at the White House during his presidential years. The Roman numeral MDCCLXXVI on the bottom step of the unfinished pyramid on the 1-dollar note stands for the year 1776. However, it does not honor the year of the US Declaration of Independence, but the founding of the Masonic Illuminati Order by Adam Weishaupt in Ingolstadt in 1776. The symbol of the secret society is the owl of Minerva. And interestingly, a tiny white owl peeks out from behind the number ONE in the right-hand corner of the front of the 1-dollar bill. The thread-pulling nature of Freemasonry came to light soon after it was founded. During the First World War, the FED supported major banks in lending to various belligerent nations. In this way, they became permanently dependent on US high finance, which made them the real winners of the First World War. During the Second World War, the US dollar was declared the global reserve currency. This gave the Fed supremacy over all central banks and made it the real winner of the Second World War. FED foundation through the connection to politics From time immemorial, people have always married with a view to amassing wealth and power – as was the case when John D. Rockefeller Jr., the only son of John D. Rockefeller Sr. and the richest man in America, married Abby Aldrich, the only daughter of Nelson Aldrich, in the fall of 1901. He was the Republican majority leader in the US Senate, without whose approval no federal law could be passed. He was so powerful that the press called him the nation‘s general manager. This marriage, i.e. the strategically perfect fusion of money and politics, laid the political foundation for the legal introduction of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913. What does the FED have to do with the sinking of the Titanic? The owner of the White Star Line, a fleet of ships, and thus later also of the Titanic, was J. P. Morgan, the central co-founder/director of the FED, from 1902. Whether it was the railroad network, electricity, coal or the telegraph, he had a hand in everything. He only had no access to Carnegie‘s steel and Rockefeller‘s oil. He was so powerful because he was the only American who enjoyed the trust of the financiers in London, Paris and Berlin. Bank Morgan & Company, based at 23 Wall Street, was the key to the industrial revolution in the USA around 1900. It was a lender, shareholder and – at the time – the unofficial central bank of the United States. J. P. Morgan belonged to a circle of criminal bankers who wanted to establish the Federal Reserve System (FED) in the USA. On board the maiden voyage of his luxury liner Titanic were very influential and wealthy people such as Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus and other major industrialists and bankers, but above all John Jacob Astor. He was one of the richest people in the world at the time. This influential group wanted to prevent the FED and thus thwart the global strategic long-term plans of the financial oligarchs. Astor and his circle should therefore be eliminated inconspicuously. When J.P. Morgan deliberately caused the Titanic to sink, the crew of the Titanic forcibly prevented the Astors and their allies from saving themselves. Her death in 1912 marked the end of the resistance to the founding of the FED through the deliberate sinking of the Titanic. J.P. Morgan canceled his participation in the voyage at the last minute and, with foresight, did not board the Titanic. A way out of the total indebtedness of nations: Fiat money credit debts back into nothingness through a haircut According to financial insider David Webb, the coming financial crash is like a game of Monopoly in which all the pieces on the board and all the money are pulled back to the bank by the main oligarchs. And then these top gentlemen say: Let‘s start a new game. We start at the base, where we have everything and you have nothing. So would you like to borrow something from us? But the nations currently drowning in debt don‘t have to go that far. Because there is a way out. The narrative of the top financial oligarchs must be replaced by the new global parlance of the nations, namely: Now comes the global debt cut for all nations that have fallen for the fiat-money-out-of-nothing-credit. In other words, debt relief for all nation states that have been maltreated, plundered and effectively expropriated by the IMF, the World Bank and the central banks, and the return of all seized resources. Because just as credit was created out of nothing, credit debts must also disappear back into nothing. Conclusion The global financial oligarchy is as terrifying as the Wizard of Oz‘s reign of terror. In other words, he puffs himself up in a pompous and threatening manner and terrifies the people, but – if you look behind the curtain – there is nothing behind it. The entanglements with Freemasonry, the sinking of the Titanic, the brazen financial system etc. show that the operating principle of the financial oligarchs is deceit and deception. It lives solely from the participation of the gullible and profit-seeking. Without this following, the global financial oligarchy‘s reign of terror will collapse like a house of cards. Therefore, exposure and dissemination as well as network building and civil disobedience in solidarity are effective ways out.
from hm.
02_The Great Reset and Agenda 2030
03_Who will be hit by the debt bubble’s bursting – who profits?
04_Fiat Money – how the debt bubble was created
05_The FED – the unbelievably brazen financial system
06_Who are the founding fathers of the FED?
Compact Spezial, Sonderausgabe Nr. 30, 'Geheime Mächte', 2001, Seite 28
07_Whose nature are the FED’s founding fathers?
08_Founding of the FED through connections to politics
09_What does the FED have to do with the sinking of the Titanic?ätigt-Untergang-der-Titanic-war-ein-Versicherungsbetrug
Buch von Gerhard Wisnewski: Das Titanic-Attentat
10_ Global debt cut of the nations: Credits back to nothing