This might interest you as well: The Tedros file International wake-up call: WHO plans insidious coup Interview with James Roguski: WHO plans for centralized world control - wants Nations to pay for it DOWNLOAD "WHO-FACTCHECK"-pdf (05/2024): Click here |
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08.05.2024 |
But now, watch out: Now we chase them! Let’s turn our attention now to Tedros and his WHO cronies. We have arranged a mighty DRUMFIRE here in the last few months with all justice fighters and truth-loving people together. That’s all we need, that the Director-General can declare global pandemics and lockdowns at will... This hair-raising WHO pandemic treaty, which is due to be voted on May 27th, has caused quite a stir. We at Kla.TV have scrutinized this ‘castration treaty’, as I call it now, which is intended to disempower the nation states, and translated WHAT THIS TREATY means word by word for politicians and the people. In order to reach all 194 countries concerned, we have studied exactly which languages are spoken in which country and have translated it into 41 languages with 100s of voluntary contributors. 5 days after Kla.TV aired the program the WHO pandemic treaty draft was CHANGED. Only 5 days after. And already a million of people had seen the program. And it was exactly the places that we had spoken about in this program that were changed. WE HAVE A POWER – we TOGETHER have an INFLUENCE!!! For example, the WHO has again weakened the BINDING character of its so-called ‘recommendations’. The entire Article 13 A here has been completely deleted and in some places the word ‘non-binding’ has been reinserted into the text of the treaty. Another sentence was deleted completely concerning Tedros’ power to declare a public health emergency... The entire sentence on ‘misinformation and disinformation’, which is to be combated, was DELETED from the WHO treaty!!!! Wow... But now WATCH OUT... We read the SMALL PRINT: ‘The responsibility for this is transferred to the respective MEMBER STATES... - end of quote. So I say: Watch out! The octopus lets out some ink and hides behind the rock. We can see what this looks like in practice in Louisiana and Switzerland. Attempts are now quickly being made to introduce THE SAME INSANE LAWS BACKWARD at NATIONAL level – without any great fuss. In Switzerland, this is being attempted via the Epidemics Act. You can watch this program.... SO, dear friends from near and far: Yes, we are celebrating the partial victory, they are being pushed back by us… they have to react. So let’s celebrate that, yes. But WATCH OUT; we are celebrating and in the background something happens that we are not aware of. Therefore, now we are CHASING THEM!!!! The battle is not over yet! Hunt AFTER THEM NOW!!! But which arguments still are watertight? We have produced elaborate fact sheets, postcards and flyers... What can we still use now? What else should we do? There is confusion in the camp of the investigative journalists... But NOW it’s time to use this month, May, to hit the target again, but in the RIGHT place! Do you join in? In other words, we have revised the material and prepared it for you! I’m now handing over to Klaus – not Klaus Schwab :D, but Klaus from Franconia :D, he’s really GREAT! Klaus: Hello Lois, hello, this is Klaus from Franconia... We must not allow ourselves to be blinded by initial successes, because the supposed weakening of the WHO treaty texts, for example, was certainly a ‘tactical concession’! Because the resistance has become ever greater, they had to row back! We must now raise our voices all the louder, because the real dangers are far from over! I would like to summarize 5 specific points to make this clear: There must be no vote at the WHO General Assembly at the end of May! There is a huge back and forth with the texts of the treaties. The latest versions were only published in mid-April. This is far too late, because according to WHO regulations, every change must be announced at least 4 months before the vote! The vote must not be held at the WHO General Assembly from 27 May - 1 June 2024, but must be postponed! After all, the WHO cannot demand compliance with its regulations if it does not adhere to them itself! The WHO wants to clarify very important parts of the treaty only after the vote! Who would sign a treaty whose content is only to be clarified after it has been signed? The WHO has left many important points open in the treaty texts and does not want to clarify them until May 2026! This shows how deceitful the WHO is acting! The Secretary-General is given too much power! For example, he is allowed to appoint and dismiss the body that is supposed to monitor him! Not even minimum democratic standards are observed here! There is no separation of powers etc. Tedros has a highly criminal past! As foreign minister, Tedros was jointly responsible for a genocide against ethnic groups in Ethiopia. Take a look at the ‘Tedros file’. This man must never be given so much power! It's not about health, it's about profit! It is hypocritical to pretend that these contracts are about the well-being and health of the people! Non-state actors want to gain more and more influence through earmarked donations and make Big Pharma even richer! As you can see, there is still a lot wrong! There is still a great need for action! Hence the big question: What does the practice look like? How can everyone make a contribution? There is only one way to stop the WHO plans for our respective countries: This way is through the elected representatives in the relevant parliaments! There is no other way! We live in a so-called parliamentary democracy. People can elect their own representatives in parliament! That is a great privilege compared to authoritarian forms of government! So let’s make use of the opportunities that the law gives us and leave no room for resignation! Just imagine: Everyone who is against these plans picks up the phone, writes a letter or postcard, sends an e-mail to the MP in their region... The issue would quickly be off the table! I am convinced that we have much more influence here than we even realize! As a rule, the MPs themselves hardly know anything detailed about these agreements. They are reliant on us to inform them in particular about the dangers mentioned. I even believe that most of them are very grateful if we can provide them with helpful information. We have therefore prepared two specific aids for you: The fact sheet This is up to date and the latest version was only finalized yesterday! It contains the key facts, even the wording of the latest drafts. It is certainly very interesting for politicians if someone can show them in black and white what is really in the agreements and what is planned. A legal scholar has scrutinized this fact sheet. The postcard There is a way for everyone to become active, e.g. by sending a postcard to members of parliament. There are short sample texts for this. They contain a brief aspect on the dangers of these agreements and call on MPs to take action. Anyone can get involved without too much effort! You can easily download the up-to-date fact sheet or the sample texts for postcards from the page below the wake-up call program. I hope I have been able to encourage you to take your first steps on the water. Then we can discover the enormous potential that lies within each of us. Get involved, because together we can achieve great things! I’m done! Your Klaus from Franconia!
from Lois S.
International wake-up call: WHO plans insidious coup