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27.01.2024 |
The protests by German but also European farmers are currently on everyone’s lips. The recently aired program “Farmers struggle for their existence” [] clearly sums up the point that the government’s austerity measures are just the last straw that has caused the farmers’ oppression to overflow. The extent to which farmers have or have not been instrumentalized by the protests and why they are being badly portrayed by the mainstream media is addressed in other programs. So, check regularly! It is fact: The UN, WHO and the WEF have declared war on farmers as well as traditional foods. Through their Agenda 2030, as has already reported in several programs, farmers in particular are among those being targeted. Here is a short repetition from the program “Label fraud Agenda 2030” []: Goal 2 of the 2030 Agenda reportedly aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. What can be observed, however, is that natural, small-scale farming is being destroyed, while at the same time multinational corporations are increasingly controlling global food production through industrial agriculture, genetic engineering and agrochemicals. The status of farmers, and thus the livelihood of our society are deplorable, but not by chance, as you will see in the following by looking over the fence. More precisely, the fate of farmers is very closely intertwined with the fate of us all: An outline of the essay “Food as a Weapon”, by the independent German author and journalist Tom-Oliver Regenauer, shows how the basis of existence “food” has been used as a weapon against humanity throughout history and today: In December 1974, Henry Kissinger wrote a secret strategy paper for the “National Security Council” of the United States. It had the bureaucratically cumbersome title “Implications of Global Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests”. The strategy outlined by Kissinger became the official policy guideline of President Gerald Ford in 1975. One reads: “[…] Growing populations will have a serious impact on the need for food”. Kissinger concludes, that food aid for developing countries may therefore have to be linked to mandatory sterilization programs or population reduction quotas. This series of thought leads the geostrategist, who works for the influential Rockefeller clan, to the amoral realization, that in such a scenario food becomes an effective “instrument of national power”. He declares food as weapon. However, this is not a new idea. Whether it’s a siege in the Middle Ages or inflation today, food has been a weapon since time immemorial. A lever used by those in power for population control. But with mRNA vaccinations for livestock, genetically modified spores to optimize global supply chains and CBDC payments for water, the fight for survival is reaching a new level. Examples from past history: The Greeks besieged Troy to starve it out 3,000 years ago. In Ireland, around one million people, or twelve percent of the Irish population died as a result of the great famine of 1845-1849. The primary cause was not crop failures or a new type of potato blight, but the policies of the British government at the time, which were corrupted by high finance and individual interest groups. The British colonial power was also responsible for the deaths of up to four million Indians during the famine in Bengal in 1943. This is shown by the study of Indian scientists who analyzed periods of drought over the past 150 years. During the Second World War, over a million people died during the 500-day siege of Leningrad – more than from the combined death toll from the bombs on Hamburg, Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Joseph Stalin also used his power to bring the “Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic” to its knees by means of food shortages. “Holodomor”, the name given to the famine in the 1930s which some considered to be genocide, cost the lives of three to four million people. Cannibalism was not uncommon. Under Mao Zedong, at least 24 million people starved to death between 1958 and 1962. His motto was: “It is better to let half the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.” Current developments: Given this history, it would be downright naive to assume, that food will not be used as a weapon in the 21st century. However, not with a siege or destruction of the enemy fleet, but with disruption, artificial shortages, contamination with toxic substances, biotechnical additives, genetically modified raw materials, etc. The number of people at acute risk of hunger has doubled worldwide since the pandemic was declared. The coronavirus lockdowns and crop failures during the Ukraine war caused massive supply bottlenecks and gaps, many things became very expensive and family farms and small businesses went bankrupt. Farmers are under so much pressure due to the “green economy”, the zero CO₂ agenda, that they are unable to meet the requirements and rising costs and are taking to the streets in desperation. Marc Rutte (Dutch Prime Minister) even deployed military equipment against the farmers’ uprisings! The entire food industry is to be transformed, with natural additives increasingly being replaced by artificial ones. The most prominent example of this is lab-grown meat. For many years, Bill Gates, now the largest landowner in the USA, and Google Ventures [a venture capital company] in particular have been putting a lot of energy in this area. At the same time, Gates is investing a lot of money in researching and modifying the microbiome, a complex ecosystem of bacteria, fungi, archaea (primordial bacteria) and viruses which, under the collective term “intestinal flora”, significantly controls digestive processes and has a major influence on a person’s mental and physical development, especially in the first year of life. With this, Gates – who constantly articulates his concerns about “overpopulation” wants to – listen! – help children in developing countries!!! The fact, that food will be supplied with mRNA or RNA additives in the near future makes us feel even more apprehensive. Big pharma profiteers such as Bill Gates have long been announcing their intention to distribute these experimental and harmful substances via food in order to supply them to people who have refused COVID injections. Companies such as Bayer and BioNTech have been working on mRNA vaccines for livestock for over six years. The scientist and co-inventor of the artificially generated mRNA technology, Robert W. Malone, pointed out in this context, that there is even less transparency in veterinary medicine with regard to testing and approval procedures than in human medicine. In other words, the risk for the consumer is potentially even greater than with COVID injections. The Canadian government even offers a detailed overview of the RNA and DNA products in use in the country on its website. At least, a handful are already in widespread use. Despite all the fact checks to the contrary, vaccinations based on genetic engineering are already in use. They just run under different labels. So-called “self-disseminating vaccines” are also likely to be used soon. These vaccines are administered to just a few carriers who serve as multipliers and pass on the genetic information to the rest of the population via various transmission routes. In addition, genetically modified spores (bioengineered spores) will also be used to control global supply chains. Microbes will be used as tracking devices. In the future, it will be possible to track every food product from the field to the fork in your mouth. Data records are converted into DNA, which is then introduced into microorganisms. These microorganisms can be transferred to any agricultural product, be it beef or pork, vegetables, fruit or grain. This “DNA barcode”, as the company calls the supposed innovation, cannot be destroyed by heat or cold or by washing and chopping the produce. In addition, the product contains toxins which, in small doses however, are considered to be – get this! – “generally harmless”! All these developments in the field of food turn the human organism into a battlefield! Because food can and will be used as a weapon. An instrument of power of a few in the background! Obviously, the EU is also an accomplice of those in power, as it is committed to the “regulation” of private livestock farming and wants to make it increasingly difficult for people to grow their own food. In Nigeria, they are even going one step further in this respect. The African country is the second after the Bahamas to introduce electronic money from the central bank called CBDC. In Nigeria, water is now only available to those who scan their CBDC QR or RFID code. It is therefore quite possible that anyone who rails against the government on their social media profiles linked to their central bank account will soon be thirsty or die. At this point, here is another link from Goal 6 of the 2030 Agenda supposedly aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. However, it should be noted, that 90% of the world’s water is controlled by a number of multinational corporations, which are increasingly turning water into a luxury good and preventing any self-sufficiency and independence for the population. Interestingly, the same symbol is used for the 2030 Agenda as for the “Great Reset” propagated by the WEF. However, no improvement in this global situation can be expected from a self-appointed elite such as the World Economic Forum. On the contrary, their New World Order is, in plain language, nothing more than the self-enrichment and control mania of a few financial oligarchs at the expense of the general public. In view of these developments, this long-planned reduction of humanity must be brought to public attention. The original and unabridged version of the Essay by Tom-Oliver Regenauer can be found at the link behind: Dear viewers, spread this program as widely as possible! And check regularly so you don’t miss the sequel. will stay on the ball here to shed more light on the seemingly complicated connections.
from wou./abu.
Strategy paper by Henry Kissinger from 1974:
The farmers’ struggle for survival:
Agenda 2030 fraudulent labeling: