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9/11 - Facts and background Against Racism and Conspiracy - by Ivo Sasek 2015 |
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10.09.2023 |
On September 11, 2001, the events surrounding the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon shook the world. An event that still continues to shape the world. That day, also known as 9/11, resulted in numerous wars and enabled governments worldwide to massively expand the control of their own populations. According to the official report of the U.S. government and mainstream media, 19 terrorists hijacked four airliners on the morning of September 11. Two planes flew into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, which collapsed a short time later. A third plane crashed into the Pentagon, the U.S. Department of Defense Headquarters. A fourth plane crashed near Pittsburgh. 2,989 people lost their lives in the attacks. Immediately after the attacks, the U.S. government and media presented Osama bin Laden and the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda as the perpetrators. 1. Does this official report by the U.S. government and mainstream media stand up to scrutiny? Numerous facts, expert opinions, investigations and eyewitness reports seriously shake the credibility of the official government version. Collapse of Twin Towers due to controlled demolition? Numerous investigation results and other factors point to a controlled demolition. For example, an international team of researchers led by chemist Dr. Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen found large quantities of the nanothermite explosive in the rubble of the Twin Towers as part of a scientific investigation. The researchers conclude, in a scientific article about their investigations, that the two hijacked planes did not cause the collapses, but rather that explosives were placed in the buildings in advance. Statement by Dr. Niels Harrit “We found nanothermite in the debris. [...] It can blow things up and it can melt things. Both properties were probably used, as I see it. Molten metal poured out of the South tower a few minutes before the collapse.” World Trade Center janitor William Rodriguez made the following remarkable statement: “There was an initial explosion on the sub-level No. 2 – B2. There were six sub levels in the building. I say B4 – prior to plane hitting the building. I saved people, I actually have the people available for the 9/11 Commission, that was the Commission that was created and investigated. They were never called, not even once. I worked in the building for 20 years as a janitor and I have the only master key that was used on 9/11.” Firefighters and hundreds of eyewitnesses who reported blasts and explosions were not included in the government’s official report. “And when I got up to the concourse level, it was just like, you know like gunfire and then just three big explosions.” “And as we were coming out, we passed a lobby – there was no lobby. So I believe, the bomb hit the lobby first, and a couple of seconds before the first plane hit.” “I started walking down the stairs and made it to the eighth floor, big explosion, blew us back into the eighth floor.” “As we were getting our gear on and making our way to the stairway, there was a heavy explosion.” The official version of the government still leaves unexplained the fact that the concrete of the Twin Towers was pulverized (!) by the collapse. Statement by Peter Ketcham “Look at the rubble that is left. It is not big pieces of steel, big chunks of cement. It is fine particles.” Eyewitnesses “Where did all the rubble go? The concrete was pulverized. And I was down here Tuesday and it was like here on a foreign planet. [...] It was just – pulverized. [...] 210 story office buildings. You don’t find a desk, you don’t find a chair, you can’t find a telephone, a computer. The biggest piece of a telephone I found was half of the keypad – and it was about this big. The building collapsed to dust.” Ground Zero refers to the site of the World Trade Center destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This term is used in military terminology for the above-ground explosion site of a nuclear bomb or missile. WTC7 World Trade Center 7 was not located directly on Ground Zero, but North outside the site. Few people know that this high-rise also collapsed on September 11, although it was not hit by any aircraft. It collapsed vertically, as is common when a building is blown up. The U.S. government-funded National Institute of Standards and Technology, or NIST, conducted the official investigation into the collapse of WTC 7. The NIST report supported the official government version: according to it, WTC 7 caught fire due to falling debris from the Twin Towers and collapsed. Swiss historian Dr. Daniele Ganser comments: “How can a building with 81 steel columns go into free fall due to fire? Because in free fall, all 81 steel columns have to disappear at the same second. [...] So far in history, never, really never, has a building collapsed because of fire, a steel frame building.” In 2019, an independent study on WTC 7 was published in the United States. It was presented by the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The main finding of this study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on September 11. Commenting on the result of this study, Dr. Daniele Ganser said: “It says that all 81 steel columns must have lost their stability at the same second. And that's actually another wording for demolition.” In 2017, longtime NIST employee Peter Ketcham accused the institute of falsifying the investigation report in favor of the government version: “NIST’s role, as I understand it, was to investigate the collapses of the three Word Trade Center towers. And by that, I mean Towers 1, 2, and 7 and determine why they had collapsed. [...] In a very short amount of time it became clear to me that NIST’s investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Centers was not a sincere and genuine study. [...] I always felt that NIST did research of the highest integrity. So to see what they had done, what NIST had done with the World Trade Center investigation and report left me stunned. [...] What became immediately obvious to me was that there was overwhelming evidence that all three of those towers – 1, 2, and 7 – collapsed due to controlled demolition. [...] The most likely cause – controlled demolition – was not investigated at all. In fact, it was dismissed in one or two sentences within the report.” Media coverage on the day of 9/11 The BBC live broadcast reported on the collapse of WTC 7 and this while the building was still standing. In fact, the high-rise collapsed twenty minutes later. In addition to the British broadcaster, CNN also reported the collapse too early. This occurrence indicates that certain media were pre-informed. 2. In view of these facts which speak in favor of a controlled demolition, the following questions inevitably arise: Who is the owner of the World Trade Center? Who was responsible for the security of this building complex? Are there indications that there were people having pre-knowledge of these events? Construction of the World Trade Center in New York At the end of the 1950s, banker and global strategist David Rockefeller campaigned for the construction of the World Trade Center. In 1958, Rockefeller founded the Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association and became its chairman. He received great support for the construction from his brother Nelson Rockefeller, who was governor of New York at the time. For this reason, the twin towers were named “Nelson” and “David” by New York tabloids. David Rockefeller, who died in 2017, sat on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1949 and later headed it. Behind this think tank lies so much power that the news magazine DER SPIEGEL described the CFR as early as 1975 as the “most influential private institution of the United States and the Western world.” And up till today, the CFR, i.e. the Council on Foreign Relations, is still pulling the strings as a kind of shadow government. From this strategic control center, the U.S. administration is being directed with the goal of advancing a world government – also called the New World Order – envisioned by David Rockefeller and the CFR. The CFR was founded in 1921 by well-known bankers such as John D. Rockefeller Junior, the father of David and Nelson Rockefeller, and has been largely financed by the Rockefeller family ever since. A first lead to the masterminds behind 9/11 is provided by the remarkable statement of the award-winning US filmmaker Aaron Russo in 2009 – shortly before his death: “I had a friend, Nick Rockefeller. [...] And I was running for governor in Nevada, […] He came to me, introduced himself to me through an attorney. And we became friends, we started talking about things. [...] He is the one who told me – eleven months before 9/11 ever happened – that there was going to be an event. He never told me what the event was going to be. But there was gonna be an event and out of that event we would gonna invade Afghanistan, surrender pipelines from the Caspian Sea. We’re gonna invade Iraq, you know, to take over the oil fields, establish a base in the Middle East – and make it all part of the New World Order. [...] And I remember he was telling me how we’re gonna see soldiers looking in caves for people, in Afghanistan and Pakistan and in all these places. And there is gonna be this war on terror which is no real enemy. And the whole thing is a giant hoax; you know but it’s a way for the government to take over the American people, you know. [...] But the war on terror, it’s a joke. [...] So the ultimate goal that these people have in mind is the goal to create a one world government, run by the banking industry, run by the bankers. The whole agenda is to create a one world government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted in them. All money is to be in those chips, there’ll be no more cash. And this is given me straight from Rockefeller, so this is what they want to accomplish.” Why did Nick Rockefeller know about 9/11 and the subsequent war plans in advance? Nick Rockefeller, seen here with Aaron Russo, is also a member of the CFR. Who was responsible for the security of the World Trade Center? From 1993 until the events of 9/11, the Stratesec company was responsible for the security of this building complex. As it was later ed pointed out, of all people, Marvin Bush, the brother of then U.S. President George W. Bush, sat on the board of this company from 1993 to 2000. Who is the owner of the World Trade Center? Billionaire Larry Silverstein leased land adjacent to the World Trade Center complex in the 1980s and built the WTC 7 skyscraper on it, which opened in 1987. Silverstein also signed a 99-year lease for the World Trade Center’s twin towers six weeks before September 11, 2001. At the same time, he took out an insurance policy that was also valid in the event of terrorist attacks. Ultimately, he benefited from 9/11, as he received an additional $1.1 billion on top of the agreed insurance sum of $3.5 billion. How did that happen? Silverstein demanded twice the agreed insurance sum from the insurance company, since the Twin Towers had been destroyed by two airplanes – in other words, according to Silverstein, by two independent events. He was able to use the sum he received from the insurance company to rebuild the World Trade Center. The American investment company Blackstone Group is a corporate partner of Larry Silverstein. This company took over the mortgage of WTC 7 the year before the attacks. Blackstone Group was founded by Peter George Peterson and Stephan Allen Schwarzman. Not only was Peterson the executive chairman of the Blackstone Group at the time of 9/11, but he was also the chairman of the CFR. Schwarzman is also a member of the CFR. Besides that, Larry Silverstein is a good friend of David Rubenstein, the current chairman of the CFR. Here is David Rubenstein at an online conference with Silverstein: “I’m very honored to have my friend Larry here.” The new WTC 7 was opened in 2006. Silverstein had the so-called “Silverstein Park” built on the forecourt of the new building. This park is a representation of the All-Seeing Eye – the same symbolism found on the U.S. dollar bill at the top of the pyramid. It symbolizes the establishment of a New World Order under Luciferian rule. In 2021, commissioned by Larry Silverstein, a work of art composed of several pyramids was erected in the “eye” of Silverstein Family Park. This is also an allusion to the New World Order aspired to by these circles. The following fact suggests that also Larry Silverstein had prior knowledge of the plans surrounding 9/11: He always stated in interviews that his mornings were usually spent having breakfast meetings in the North Tower of the World Trade Center with new tenants in the building. On the morning of September 11, 2001, of all days, he was outside the World Trade Center. 3. The official 9/11 Commission investigated the causes and backgrounds of September 11 from 2002 to 2004. How independent and trustworthy is this 9/11 Commission? Are there connections between the 9/11 Commission and the groups of people mentioned before? Due to enormous public pressure, the U.S. government felt compelled to conduct an investigation into 9/11 in 2002. The 9/11 Commission that was set up as a result always emphasized the independence of its investigation. U.S. President George W. Bush initially refused to approve an independent commission. In November 2002, the White House finally agreed, but on the pretext that Bush himself would appoint the commission chairman. Bush then appointed former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, of all people, to chair the commission. David Rockefeller was one of his closest friends until his death. He is considered one of the most important global strategists with regard to the establishment of a New World Order. Kissinger is also a member of the CFR and served on the CFR Board of Directors from 1977 - 1981. Kissinger had to resign as chairman of the 9/11 Commission after a short time because he did not want to make public the clients of his economic consulting firm. In addition to this, he was accused by the families of the 9/11 victims of having financial and political ties to Saudi Arabia – including to the Bin Laden family. As a result, Thomas Kean was appointed by President Bush as the new Chairman. Lee Hamilton became his Vice-Chairman. Both Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton are members of the CFR. The 9/11 Commission primarily conducted the public interviews with witnesses and issued statements on the course of the investigation. The actual work, requesting, collecting and evaluating relevant documents and preparing the final report, was the responsibility of a staff of 78 employees. This was headed by Philip Zelikow as Executive Director. Zelikow wrote the official story on 9/11. How could it be otherwise expected: Philip Zelikow is also a member of the CFR. In March 2004, journalist Jim Mann made public that Zelikow advocated Saddam Hussein’s overthrow, and that in September 2002, he wrote the strategy paper that Bush used to legitimize the Iraq War in 2003. Zelikow has been repeatedly accused of using the 9/11 Commission to justify the Iraq War. Book author and physician Dr. Heiko Schoening described the work of the 9/11 Commission in his book Game Over as follows: “For anyone who has retained any common sense, all that is necessary is knowledge of a single parliamentary hearing. [...] of Monday, January 26, 2004. The executive director of the government’s 9/11 Commission of Inquiry, Dr. Philip Zelikow, and his assistant Susan Ginsburg [...] showed an allegedly found, almost intact passport of a [...] hijacker who was supposed to have crashed into a [tower of the] World Trade Center in New York. Why “allegedly?” Because this is practically physically impossible!” In 2011, journalist Paul Craig Roberts concluded: “The commission failed to summon key witnesses and heard only witnesses who confirmed the government’s view in order to provide controlled political cover for the actual events.” George W. Bush’s reaction is also striking. The 9/11 Commission’s questioning of his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, took place on April 8, 2004. Bush, however, allowed her to testify only on the condition that the Commission would not question himself and Vice-President Dick Cheney in public, unsworn and unrecorded. The September 11 hearings of President Bush and his Vice-President Dick Cheney ultimately took place behind closed doors and without the taking of an oath. George W. Bush also long refused to release intelligence reports he received in the weeks before the 9/11 incidents. A compromise was reached in November 2003. The White House granted access to the intelligence reports Bush received to only two commissioners, Philip Zelikow and Jamie Gorelick. In addition to Zelikow, who would be surprised, Jamie Gorelick is also a member of the CFR. Senator Max Cleland strongly rejected this censorship of access to the files and therefore announced his resignation from the commission in December 2003. He was replaced by Bob Kerry, also a member of the CFR. In addition to the 9/11 Commission, the CIA and the FBI were investigating the background to 9/11. The CIA was headed by George Tenet at the time of September 11th. He made it quite clear that there were taboo zones for investigations in certain areas. George Tenet is also a member of the CFR. Robert Mueller was director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013. He was appointed to that post by President George W. Bush. Robert Mueller is also very close to the CFR. Here at a meeting at the Council on Foreign Relations. 4. 9/11 was the catalyst for the “war on terror.” It started with these events and the fear of terrorism they triggered that the American people and the Western world accepted U.S.-led military actions. On September 20, 2001, U.S. President Bush announced the “war on terror” in a speech: “Our war on terror begins with al-Qaeda, but it does not end there. [...] Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign unlike any other we have ever seen.” Barely four weeks after 9/11, the United States and Great Britain began military operations in Afghanistan. Several cities were attacked from the air. 240,000 dead and 5.5 million people on the run are the gruesome results of the 20-year war in Afghanistan. The attack on Iraq took place in 2003. U.S. President Bush accused Iraq of supporting terrorists and possessing weapons of mass destruction. This justification for the Iraq war, which was illegal under international law, turned out to be a lie afterward. The U.S. study “The 2003 Iraq War and Avoidable Human Casualties” makes a low estimate that the Iraq War cost the lives of about half a million people. The U.S. used a thousand tons of uranium munitions in the Iraq War. Deformities in children increased dramatically. US President Barack Obama continued the “war on terror” throughout his term in office. The U.S. and European countries bombed Libya continuously for eight months in 2011, devastating entire regions. With Libya, a country was destroyed and plundered that had the best social infrastructure and the highest per capita income in Africa. Tens of thousands of people were killed in the war, and many thousands more died in the ten years of civil war that followed. The dramatic war record in Syria: More than 600,000 people were killed, including an estimated 55,000 children. Up to 12 million Syrians lost their homes. A 2023 study by Brown University’s Watson Institute clearly shows that U.S. wars have cost 4.5 million lives since 9/11. The wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Syria also triggered a massive refugee movement in 2015 that has continued to this day. In addition, 9/11 led to new laws worldwide to monitor and control the population. 5. George W. Bush’s cabinet led this “war on terror” after September 11 with millions of deaths. Based on the facts, not only can connections be seen between CFR and the 9/11 Commission, but also between CFR and the Bush administration. The closer government team of U.S. President George W. Bush formed the administration of the war on terror. It was composed as follows: President: George W. Bush, Vice President: Dick Cheney, Secretary of State: Colin Powell, Secretary of Defense: Donald Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary of Defense and Political Advisor to President Bush: Paul Wolfowitz, and National Security Advisor: Condoleezza Rice. Of these, four were members of the CFR at the time of their tenure: Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz and Condoleezza Rice. Through revelations such as those of the Italian High Degree Masonic Gioele Magaldi, it is known that almost the entire government team was inducted to Freemasonry at the same time. Members of the original Masonic lodge Hathor Pentalpha are George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Condoleezza Rice. The subsequent U.S. President Barack Obama, who continued to push the war on terror, is also a member of the initial Lodge Maat, along with the current U.S. President Joe Biden and Bill and Hillary Clinton. These original lodges, in which high-grade Freemasonry is organized, also pursue the establishment of a “One World Government” in their work. Terrorist leader Osama bin Laden was presented as the main mastermind behind the attacks of September 11, 2001. Gioele Magaldi revealed that Osama bin Laden is also a High Degree Mason and member of the original Lodge “Hathor Pentalpha” – together with almost all US government politicians at the time of 9/11. Bin Laden was originally initiated into the Masonic original Lodge “Three Eyes”, which was founded in 1968 by David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Besides, Osama bin Laden, George Bush Sr, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Nelson Rockefeller are or were also part of this secret lodge. The current chairman of the CFR, David Rubenstein, and the long-term president of the CFR, Richard Haass, are part of the original “Three Eyes” lodge as well. In this context, the connection between the Bush family and the bin Laden family becomes clear: Osama bin Laden’s father rose to become the leading contractor and multimillionaire in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the 1950s with his company, Saudi Binladin Group. Salim bin Laden, Osama bin Laden’s eldest half-brother, headed the family business from 1972 until his death. He had close business ties with George Bush Sr. as an investor through companies such as the Carlyle Group. Together with his son George W. Bush, he founded the oil company Arbusto Energy in Texas in 1978. In the days following September 11, air travel in the U.S. was banned. However, according to internal government documents, the FBI allowed relatives of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden and other Saudi Arabians to leave the U.S. quickly on Sept. 13, 2001. The White House under U.S. President George W. Bush gave permission for six private jets and two dozen commercial aircraft to leave the country. The documents that revealed this had to be released in 2015 because the civil rights group Judicial Watch successfully sued for their release in court. But what about the threatening video messages from Osama bin Laden that were continuously broadcast by the mainstream media? According to Magaldi’s revelations, bin Laden acted according to a predetermined script. Even the German SWR3 fact check had to admit that there are justified doubts about the official version regarding Osama bin Laden’s perpetratorship: “The official version says that 19 mostly Saudi Arabian terrorists had hijacked the planes and brought them down. [...] Osama bin Laden, the Head of Al-Qaeda, is said to have been the client. [...] But there is no clear proof for it! [...] The German Federal Administrative Judge Dieter Deiseroth has pointed out that no independent court has ever been able to verify the evidence of bin Laden’s perpetratorship presented by intelligence services." Osama bin Laden’s death is also very strange and raises questions. The U.S. government officially declared him dead. Accordingly, bin Laden was shot dead by the US Navy. However, no photo was taken of the body of the “world’s most wanted terrorist.” According to official statements, the body was thrown into the sea. However, there is no evidence of this. Conclusion When searching for the actual masterminds, backers and actors of 9/11, one always comes across the same group of people. Upon closer examination of the official 9/11 Commission as well as the U.S. government at the time of 9/11, the name David Rockefeller and the Council on Foreign Relations, which he headed for a long time, come very strongly into focus. Even Osama bin Laden, who was presented to the world as the main perpetrator of 9/11, is very clearly linked to these persons and switchboards. In order for the official report to be passed on to the next generations and to blur the trail to the circles of people shown in this program, nothing was left to chance by the aforementioned masterminds. In fact, a memorial and museum were inaugurated in 2014 at the World Trade Center site. The 9/11 Museum tells the story of September 11 and claims to be the most important institution dealing with the research of this attack. David Rockefeller was an honorary member of the jury that selected the architecture of the World Trade Center memorial. He also served on the board of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation – the foundation charged with building and financing the memorial and the 9/11 Museum. In total, David Rockefeller contributed $15 million to the facility. In addition to Rockefeller, Peter George Peterson is also on the board of directors of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation. Peterson was chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1985 to 2007 – the period in which the events surrounding 9/11 took place. The facts and connections revealed in this broadcast require urgent review by an independent court. In particular, the links to the CFR as well as to the Rockefeller family and the war crimes with millions of fatalities triggered by 9/11 require an investigation and fair punishment before an independent court. The actual backgrounds of 9/11 will come under public scrutiny – as will the plan to establish a world government. Only in this way these masterminds will no longer subjugate the unsuspecting peoples, and their deceitful plans will be acknowledged by people in time in the future who will put a stop to them. So, please spread this broadcast with its explosive content to as many people around you as possible. Important Note Kla.TV would like to explicitly point out that the persons, backgrounds and interconnections mentioned in this program are not intended to lead the viewer to an anti-Semitic judgment. Even if people mentioned in this program say they are Jewish, every viewer should keep in mind that in many cases this is not so. Because often, upon closer examination, this can be found: People who are brought to the attention of the public as a result of the revealing work of investigative journalism, like to pose as Jews in order to immediately stigmatize critics as anti-Semites and to enjoy special protection under the guise of Judaism themselves. The fact that in many cases you are not at all dealing with real Jews, but with a Luciferian ideology, is explained in detail in the programs “Against Racism and Conspiracy” (see: and “The secret of the obelisks” (see: As it is also stated in the Bible in Rev. 2:9: “...who say they are Jews, and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”
from mw
Collapse of the twin towers through controlled blasting?
Reporting of the media on the day of 9/11
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