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Phase 2 – a DNA-Lockdown? Save yourself if you can! 5G-Apocalypse – The Extinction Event (Film by Sacha Stone) |
06.09.2023 |
You have now heard tough words and testimonies from the actual inventors of these technologies. But what is most catastrophic is the combination of all these technologies mentioned. Both the mRNA injections and 5G or the chemtrail substances – they always have one and the same effect – and they reinforce each other. What is this about? This is about our willpower, about the restriction of our ability to think, i.e. the ability to concentrate is being increasingly paralyzed. When a dangerous criminal is caught in the act, he has exactly three options: immediate surrender, immediate flight, or open attack. Big-Pharma with their worldwide vaccination fraud has been caught red-handed. Since the Covid plandemic, thousands of expert witnesses have surrounded Big-Pharma together with their World Health Organization, and exposed them in the light of truth. And as present developments in politics, medicine, science etc. prove, Big-Pharma with its cartel media and the politicians in its grip, never dreams of surrendering. This worldwide global mafia does not think of trying to escape either. They do not need to. Instead, they have already incredibly blatantly, legally secured themselves in advance, flanked by their judicial vassals. So they do not need to flee in the first place. Like this they immediately prepared themselves for a large-scale attack against those who exposed them, and ultimately, against the whole world. And this very minute they are prowling and just about to leap on their prey. The weapons they use in their war of aggression against humanity are completely fabricated, mendacious studies provided by their own agents. And because these agents are involved in serious conflicts of interest, they come as the wolf in sheep’s clothing, disguised as so-called independent experts. By relying on completely flawed claims, Big-Pharma is now celebrating their great vaccination successes worldwide through their own cartel media. And exactly with this enthusiastic lie about having saved millions of human lives with their Covid vaccinations, they cover up the 1000-fold proven fact that exactly these vaccinations have in fact caused lasting damage to millions of people and killed countless others. But as if that was not enough, they are already pulling the strings for the next plandemics - accompanied by even more restrictive measures than for Covid-19. In the future, these are to be recommended, imposed and rigorously enforced without exception by institutions that are closely linked with Big Pharma itself. The bottom line is that the whole game is so incredibly foolish, like kids playing in the sandbox. You probably remember those dominant kids in the sandbox, back in your own childhood. These evil playmates would then totally arbitrarily change all the known rules of the game, suddenly into all kinds of new “laws”, according to their own wishes. They always did that when they saw their own advantage in it, or when their little power was threatened in some way. Isn’t that right? The weak children were then always immediately overwhelmed by these dominant heads, similarly as we were overwhelmed as whole peoples when all these completely absurd regulations and new laws and state rules of the game were imposed on us by pharma-servile politicians and the like. But unlike the children, the adult world has proven far more compliant! The overwhelmed children usually leave the sandbox and the playground or whatever quite quickly, when evil and dominant childish minds are constantly overwhelming them with new rules. The bruised and disgraced adult world, on the other hand, remains seemingly hypnotized, sitting in its sandbox, submissively accepting one tyranny after the other. I say, before you totally subordinate yourselves to this arbitrary world health dictatorship of Big-Pharma, their WHO and so on, please take another serious look around you! Look at the kind of humans you are about to pass the ball of power to. And I speak it as it is: Neither vaccination supporters nor vaccination opponents will like this kind of people who want to rule over everything. I would say, no normal person under the sky likes these people. Because they are the same groups of perpetrators who are still showing us what they are capable of with their Corona plandemic – up until this very day! I would like to remind you of a few things: They just enforced vaccines on us, which obviously were no vaccines at all! And this despite a loud outcry by innumerable independent experts who called out right from the very start. Nevertheless they rammed their highly toxic gene jabs into tens of millions of ignorant people, like this carrying out strictly forbidden experiments on the peoples. It has been proven that we were actually served poison cocktails – even in three different batches. One was harmless like a placebo, the second was dangerous to moderately dangerous, the third was even deadly. All of this is proven! And this despite all previous warnings from high-ranking experts. They simply negligently imposed the whole thing without any proof or passed test. And all of their claims about their vaccines, their masks and plandemic measures were based on totally fictitious, completely insane data, on scientifically absolutely flawed theories! Yes, one even has to say, on hair-raising lies in some cases! With these, they also simply ruthlessly overran all sound, evidence based disclosing studies. And you see, the same people, who now want to achieve world domination via our health system, did not even give in after everything happened exactly as competent skeptics worldwide had loudly warned. Do you see this? Instead these pharmaceutical cartels have even secured themselves legally, just in time, against any prosecution and any liability. And now, this gets even worse: the same kind of people have also cleverly ensured that no health insurance company has to pay for the damages caused by the vaccines. You know, because if you look closer, health insurance companies are just the extensions of these criminal pharmaceutical cartels. Compensation payments by health insurances would decimate pharmaceutical profit maximization – you understand? You see, the same kind of people has managed to leave all the victims of their deadly experiment-on-the-nations, defenseless and without any resources, with their injuries. But things get even worse again. Now listen carefully! The same kind of people have also shifted and twisted the whole legal basis in such a way that they, as perpetrators, they, as attackers and abusers of all mankind are the only ones to be legally protected! So they who are the absolutely only ones that are massively profiting from this whole crisis, in the billions and trillions, as we have been testifying over and over again. This means that, wherever in the world vaccine victims claim compensation or want to hold Big Pharma and its cartels responsible – which has become filthy rich as a result – Big Pharma does not even have to pay the legal costs for their own defense! Please understand what kind of people they are! Their cleverly planned sandbox laws are structured in such a way that we, cheated taxpayers even have to pay the legal costs of these impudent murderers. Yes, we, the people who have been harmed, are now also financing this murderous mafia’s fight – I say, the fight of these vaccination murderers against all their vaccination victims. Think about it! You see, and it’s precisely this type of people and no other who now want to be elected head of both non-vaccinated and vaccinated people. Now, if we don’t immediately work together to confront these most dangerous criminals and their sandbox mentalities, with I’d say escape-proof prisons, then, we should – until that’s possible – at least make three unyielding demands on our governments and mass media: First: open discourse – at all times – about all these witnessed crimes, Second: the complete clarification of all these serious crimes mentioned here, Third: an absolute ban on crisis-profit for Big-Pharma and all big profiteers whose mentality capitalizes on crises and catastrophes. So, you see, that was just the beginning, because now it gets even far worse. Please stay with me until you have really understood what we are talking about here. A recently published book by the physician and molecular geneticist Dr. Michael Nehls is entitled “The Indoctrinated Brain”. In it, Nehls documents this hidden and deliberate attack on a very important neurobiological mechanism within us, namely the one that creates and preserves our individuality. This is all laid out in the brain. And he shows how this central mechanism of our personality development is disrupted and hijacked in a very targeted way – by these vaccinations. Dr. Nehls testifies that society is being deliberately made malleable in this way – Nehls literally: “What we are experiencing is a targeted attack on our brain, our creative individuality and our autobiographical memory. If you want to dominate people”, he says, “it’s not just about weakening their normal immune system, but also their mental immune system, that is, their ability to defend themselves against attacks.” End of quote. He explains how the spike protein dramatically inhibits the formation of new brain cells in the hippocampus (hippocampus: A special part of the brain). The virus has also been modified, he says, so that it can cross the blood-brain barrier. Quote: “It was known from the beginning that the brain would be damaged,” emphasizes the molecular geneticist. In simple terms, he says, the goal is to reduce the efficiency of our brain, to ensure that the hippocampus shrinks. In short, this is an attack on our entire thinking capacity and our memories. Incredible, isn’t it? Nehls is convinced that there is no other reason, why all vaccines, even against influenza, are currently being switched to mRNA preparations. When Dr. Nehls then was asked what ultimate goal all of this might serve, he said – and I quote him again: “They want to prepare us for an AI-controlled society, (that means steered by “artificial intelligence”) in which everything must be predictable and calculable. We’re supposed to do everything we’re asked to do.” End of quote. According to this molecular geneticist, the aim of this transformation of society is, that at some point, people will only live in fear, that their entire personality will only consist of fear, so to speak, so that at some point, we will say: “I think it’s great that the government, the WHO are finally taking the scepter in their hands. We also need the WEF and the Great Reset propagated by Klaus Schwab, and so on – we need a strong world government.” That is what this is headed for. Incidentally, Dr. Nehls recommended as an effective antidote to these dumbing down campaigns that we use our brains as actively as possible, e.g., through constant educational work or a lot of creative thinking, working, collaborative working above all. He also said, “If we had just taken increased amounts of vitamin D during the corona phase, there wouldn’t have been a single corona patient.” A statement from a molecular geneticist, you understand. It would also be possible to reduce Alzheimer’s by 70% – with 6 euros a year for some vitamin D – this is just a side note. But now back to our tormentors: This type of people who did and still do all this with us, by means of Covid, unfortunately has a few other areas of work at their disposal, i.e. super-dangerous technologies. However, at the top of the pyramid, it is one and the same company, or to stick with the same image used, it is one and the same attacker behind everything. And the same kind of people also operate the geoengineering technologies and the 5G technologies. It is the same type of people who operate the approximately 200 HAARP facilities, i.e. weather weapons that have been disclosed around the world. And unfortunately, all these departments together form a big whole. I want to prove this to you now, namely from the mouths of the inventors of the technologies just mentioned, from their own mouths. Each of the following claims is supported by first-hand sources, found below the broadcast, and can be looked up. I know it sounds like sheer madness now, but we really are right in the midst of a third, hybrid-waged, world war. In other words, this war is being waged silently and quietly with biological warfare agents, with AI technologies, with radiation weapons, with chemical weapons, in other words, with weapons and means that are predominantly invisible to the eye. It is an invisible war, that is what hybrid means, but this war is all the more deadly. And I would say that in the end, it will claim far more victims than all previous wars together, if we do not prevent this now, together, as a people. If at all possible, take a look at the first-hand sources listed below, as many as you can. All the most important statements are really in video format there, you have the original recordings of what I am attesting here. Let me summarize what the bottom line is: You see, both the mRNA vaccinations, the geoengineering and the 5G technology together – together with the smart meters too – and you could mention some more here – all of these form a single homogenous system – that’s what it’s about. It is about a single unspeakably dangerous weapon of attack against humanity. And it must be emphasized again that the so-called Covid virus is a purely military product! It cannot possibly have sprung from nature. It has been irrefutably proved, it is a biowarfare weapon which was created with 100% certainty in the laboratory of insane scientists. This fact is being confirmed by more and more independent competent researchers. I cannot cover all of them here though. The spike proteins administered through the mRNA injections enter the blood and the human brain and do exactly what the 4G mobile phone antennas and now – a hundredfold amplified – the 5G antennas are doing. Also the nanoparticles that have been sprayed for years and embedded into the peoples through geoengineering; chemtrails work towards the same goal. The bottom line is that it is a hostile military attack that wants to get rid of the so-called overpopulation. Take this and simply check it out, we have conclusively proven everything with And I repeat again: The same sort of people has just shown us how they are capable of stopping the World Hunger Help financing in order to use the money saved to finance the Corona measures! The measures! These have devoured billions, you know that. So, on the one hand, they have sent countless people to starvation in order to force us, on the other hand, into their compulsory vaccinations. Any compulsory vaccination, in fact any vaccination you can think of in the future, must therefore be 100% suspected of being a military offensive in light of these points. Do you understand? So I repeat again: Beware of basically any vaccination in the future, because every single vaccination, no matter what name it comes under, can be a disguised mRNA spike protein jab, a jab containing that. But also every erected 5G antenna, every built-in smart meter and so on serve the same agenda of this type of people. Yes, in the end, one must say – and this may be the most difficult thing to digest, the most difficult thing for humanity to digest: ultimately, literally every cell phone that is switched on serves as a substantial module in this total surveillance-construct of world domination. But now let’s move on to the evidence: Regarding 5G, probably the most competent whistleblower under this sky on this subject testifies, and I’ll quote him here: “I have to tell you people that 5G is a killer.” “I have to tell you people 5G is a killer.” Mark Steele: “I have to tell the people 5G is a killer. I’m Mark Steele, anybody who hasn’t heard me, I'm a Weapons Systems Head of Display Expert. And the reason I became an expert was to invent them.” Quote from IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): “It's important to understand what the 5G is doing and what they say it’s doing. This technology cooked eyes like eggs in World War II. We all need to understand these are military weapons, these are assault frequencies. If you garner nothing more than that, that’s what you need to know. It’s microwave radiation warfare, is what this is.” End of quote. And now a quote from specialist Thomas Joseph Brown, and he testifies, I quote him as well, “ ... this is the same frequency bands that are used in crowd dispersal weaponry.” End of quote. You see, everyone says the same thing. Steele, the inventor of 5G, goes on to talk about very powerful focusing lenses that can even make a 3D map of our homes via 5G. Steele says: ( - min 7.55-8.46): “The 868 MHz frequency is specific for battlefield interrogation systems, so sub-gigahertz – it allows these signals to travel through concrete brick work with ease... and it cannot be data gathered – detected. So “Phased Array” is basically radar of the battlefield. It is extremely good at identifying targets and beaming a lock on the targets. And not only that, it can specifically target you as an individual. So any judge say – an investigating case, let’s say any lawyer, any barrister, anybody doing any work that is potentially controversial, your life could be at threat.” About the antennas placed above LED streetlights, Steele testifies that they are disguised as a control system and are essentially battlefield weapon systems. Let the inventor of these things tell you this. He says the first active phased array group antenna was called 'Mammut'. It was developed, he testifies, by the Germans during World War II and built to identify incoming Allied aircraft. But he points out that development has progressed massively since then. But also Barrie Trower; he is a former Royal Navy specialist in microwave weapons development – he also testifies: ... “So I understood about microwave warfare and how it can damage people and how it can harm people. The microwaves then were used as weapons, as they are today. It is a perfect stealth weapon.” You see, not a conspiracy theory, these are the inventors and the developers of these things. Trower proves his statements with the actions of governments which, by the way, do not like certain groups of people such as the women who protested in Greenham because of American missiles, etc. These were then simply targeted with microwaves. He proves all of that. The Catholics in Northern Ireland were also bombarded with microwaves to make them sick. And he emphasizes that this has been done everywhere in the world for a long time. Trower again literally: “It's a weapon that you don’t know you are being targeted with because the dose is very, very low – which is actually more dangerous than a high dose. It’s very, very low, and it can take a year or two – but you can cause neurological damage and cancers with low level microwaves and you can make all your opponents sick. It’s a perfect weapon for governments.” Now we come to expert Max Igan. He also emphasizes that the 5th generation of mobile communications is something completely different than anything before. It’s not even the same technology anymore, because it's military millimeter technology, he says. All of these are specialists. If you look at this technology, for example in DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) publications, etc., you see that you can really influence and do anything with 5G: for example, the targeted control of crowds, psychological warfare, the perfect surveillance. Simply everything you can imagine can be done with 5G, they say. All military applications that have electromagnetic elements can be done with 5G. That's how far this goes. Listen to what is being attested here. You see, and this is the 5G technology that is being deployed across the populations right now. Regarding the connection between geoengineering, so, i.e. chemtrails and 5G, Mark Steele, the inventor of 5G, has testified literally as follows: “It's all inter-connected. The metallized particulates that would allow the 5G phased array – so basically the radar – to identify you so it can watch you in your own home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” You see, and we all have been regularly covered with tens of thousands of tons of nanoparticles from these chemtrails over the last several years, we have been witnesses of that, haven’t we? Steele testifies that this is what our bodies are saturated with. So, these particles, he says, create a kind of phosphorescent glow so that we can be detected in our homes, even in bunkers – no matter where we are. He says 5G is able to find us everywhere because these particles act like a kind of antenna or beacon for this technology. But the high level specialist John Patterson who has spent 20 years – listen carefully – 20 years testing digital systems, and over time has come to realize the dangers of electromagnetic radiation – and today he testifies to how dangerous this is, that the bioelectric field of our whole body is quasi torn apart, such as the bioelectric fields of our brains, our nervous systems, which communicate with our muscles, and so on. Olle Johansson, of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, also emphatically pointed out: “Current public exposure levels are at least one quintillion, that’s 18 zeros, one quintillion times above natural background radiation (according to Professor Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.) “ But the most catastrophic part of this is the combination of all these technologies already mentioned. Both the mRNA jabs as well as 5G or the chemtrail substances always do one and the same thing – and they reinforce each other even more. What is this about? It is about our willpower, about the restriction of our ability to think, i.e. our ability to concentrate is increasingly paralyzed. In other words, it becomes more and more strenuous for people to be aware of the connections, to – I’ll say it straight away – put up resistance, to remember things or even to learn new things. In other words, the human brain is conditioned to become more and more passive, more and more indifferent. And this passivity has already been paved for decades through television, the entertainment industry, through infiltrated drugs, sexualization, etc., this even reaching down – paving the way – to our children. Please recognize that, it all has a big connection. Everything together has exhausted our mental thinking energy in other words, it paralyzed our brain activity, our curiosity. Likewise, through constant advertisement, the constant use of alcohol, especially hard alcohol and the like is promoted, with this our so-called index neurons have been massively attacked. We can’t really remember stuff anymore. This decline of our ability to think is also very heavily supported by the constant darkening of the sun as a result of chemtrails – we’ve all experienced it. In other words, they rob us of the so extremely important vitamin D, that is D, as in dog. And of course, our attackers then replace this vitamin too, this vitamin deficiency with their spike proteins – out of all things – and so this vicious circle closes again. Humanity is increasingly being blocked mentally and spiritually by this disastrous alliance. This paralysis, I would say, affects even the spiritual perception and the spirit of God’s people, as well as the prayers of people of God. Under this radiation, they are less and less able to grasp new ideas, to deal with problems, to address problems, to fight. instead, unwillingness and the tendency to depression have tripled since the Covid vaccinations in 2020. Listen to that. Students are becoming dumber, they are increasingly becoming incapable of learning. As I already said, you will find the sources below for deeper information. Alzheimer’s disease is also a proven main product of these attacks. Since the vaccinations, Alzheimer’s disease among boys has increased by 30%. This is what we are seeing. What is also particularly noticeable is that babies, who have never been part of the problem group, are and have been massively influenced. And from the perspective of all specialists, it is always about making humanity compliant – from birth if possible – to bring about a kind of targeted dumbing down in order to make humanity receptive to artificial intelligence. This is the big plan. Then AI comes as the big savior to overcome and to make up for our weakness, you see? And look, the harvest of this AI revolution was planned for 2030 at the latest. We have all those documents. That means the attack, the takeover of all those made passive, all the dumbed-down and defenseless people is intended – should have taken place by then. 2030. This is the plan. Let’s prevent it together, OK? Let me add one more thing from Olle Johansson from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. In particular, he pointed out that these highly dangerous effects of electromagnetic radiation on our biological life have been demonstrated and proved in thousands of studies since 1932. And all of this indicates that we are really heading straight towards a global health disaster, dear ones, which means a disaster worse than any tobacco or drug addiction or drug use. 5G is a concentrated and focused electromagnetic radiation that is a 100 times higher than any previous cell phone radiation. Once again: 5G matches the radiation of weapon systems that work with directed energy. Also an international group of 237 scientists from 41 countries specialized in electromagnetic fields, called upon the UN, the WHO in particular, to work quickly on stricter guidelines for more protection against radiation. They called for precautionary measures and called for the obligation to inform the population about the considerable health risks, especially the risks for children, fetuses and their development. But as you can see, it was all in vain. And this, even though they denounced the 20,000 satellites that are to be stationed in lower orbit in the near future – coming up. The plan is for those satellites to send the 5G signal to every corner of the earth. That’s how far this gang goes. And I say there can be only one suitable answer to that. You know which one? These deadly weapons that are pointing at us in form of mobile antennas must all go! I say all of them! And all of those mRNA experiments as well. They also have to go completely. Not only be reduced a little bit. Do you understand? Totally away – without compromise! This is the only right answer! Look, completely harmless technologies are more than sufficient for our usual communication! We can very well go without anything else, or maybe have access at home via cable. And concerning the emerging “smart” technology – “Smart” what does this actually mean - “smart”? Listen to the reply of 5G inventor Mark Steele: “Anything that has “smart” attached to it – Secret Militarized Armaments in Residential Technology. That’s where SMART came from. And SMART, every bit of technology that you see today, has all, all been developed for either some type of battlefield, some type of intelligence government system, and obviously these developments have to be commercialized and people have actually took them into their homes. Those transmitters, these are radar, it is phased array radar.” And then this 5G inventor emphasized that this 5G radar signal will ultimately destroy and kill all bees and last but not least, every biological structure. This is no conspiracy theory but the words of the inventor of these machines. Cattle and soil will gradually become infertile with this radiation, he says. The land will increasingly become worthless and farmers will die out. That’s his statement. So in summary, Steele has confirmed that our friendly government’s billion-dollar 5G expansion is nothing more than a weapon installation disguised as a means of communication. He even goes one step further. He says the whole thing should be classified as ecological terrorism. Can you see how important those things are? In reality, the dementia, diabetes, mental illnesses of all sorts, which are caused by this, are crippling the country. You have now listened to hard-hitting words and testimonies straight from the mouths of the inventors of these technologies. You already know the testimonies from Professor Bhakdi and all kinds of high-ranking professors and scientists concerning the mRNA vaccinations. If not please watch our Kla.TV broadcasts on the topic. You can find them here. Sacha Stone who made the movie “5G Apocalypse” summarized the following: “I have met with molecular and cellular biologists, with blood microscopists, with weapons development experts, frontline activists from researches and all the stories I am hearing from these experts and pundits leads to the same thing: 5G is almost certainly the endgame. It is an extinction event brought into our homes, into our classrooms, onto the high street, into the very cells and DNA in our human bodies. It is such a perilous threat that it is almost impossible to imagine let alone describe. But what it means in simple terms is that you will be flagged up, visible, trackable inside your own home, anywhere you move on the surface of the earth they will have a lock-and-load tracking capability over you. You will be visible to invisible masters, each one of us, all the time.” I say, please take these serious testimonies to all people, to journalists, preachers, church leaders, politicians, wherever you find them in your region, wherever you are. Time is running out, dear ones! I summarize: This secret society mafia that has risen above everything to the levers of power, that has bypassed every safety device, legal authorities and so on – they have to be identified by the people, taken down and brought behind bars! There is no alternative! If the unbelievable worldwide silence of legal authorities continues, the judiciary itself will force the defenseless peoples to set up new legal people’s tribunals. The legal authorities get into gear immediately, for example if Big Pharma and their vassals even whisper about a new Corona variant in some waste water, or about just two people testing positive somewhere. But the same authorities keep silent when, on the other side, millions of people cry out that the negligent Covid shots have harmed, maimed or even killed their loved ones! Kla.TV will aim at setting up training courses that explain legal steps to the necessary people’s tribunals – so that these are set up. We’ll aim to broadcast this – tribunals based on existing laws and constitutions of the peoples. The clock is ticking, dear ones, please take action and share all this knowledge wherever you can! I am Ivo Sasek, who has been standing before God for 47 years.
from is
Barrie Trower:
5G-Apocalypse – The Extinction Event (Film by Sacha Stone):
The indoctrinated brain – Dr. Michael Nehls
Geoengineering: Connection with secrecy Ex-CIA Agent Kevin Shipp:
Virus from the Laboratory Illegal bio weapon research (with introduction by Dr. David Martin)
Corona-Pandemic – The Global Act of Terrorism and Financial Robbery (Speech by Dr. David Martin in the EU-Parlament):
New Study: All Covid-„Variants“ seem to originate from the laboratory:
Studie der Japaner:
Interview with Prof. Dr. Olle Johansson:
Comparison to the Hush-Up by Pharma and Judiciary: by Michael Johanni, Human Rights Activist, Founder and Book Author, August 2023 In Germany, in 2019, up to 20,000 people only died due to bacteria/ germs they contracted in hospitals! Information Sources:
According to a report of „Aktionsbündnisses Patientensicherheit e.V.“ (Alliance Patient Security e.V.), every year still up to 85,000 people die from a sepsis (blood poisoning) in Berlin. Information Source:
In 2018, in Germany alone, over 120,000 people died from smoking tabacco. Information Source:
From heart diseases ca. 121,400 people altogether died in 2020. Information Source:
In Germany over 9,000 people died from suicide (killing oneself) in 2020. Information Source:
In Germany‘s road traffic ca. 2,800 people lost their lives in 2022! Information Source:
Annually still ca. 1.6 million people die from tuberculosis worldwide! Information Source:
A few sparse examples for consequences of the Corona-vaccination: Decline of Fertility, Immunity Deficiency, Dumbing Down Germany Compared to 2021 the so-called total fertility rate dropped by 14 percent.
Australia Another study published in Frontiers in Immunology from August 25, 2023 In Australia children that had been vaccinated with the Pfizer-vaccine at the age of 5 to 11 showed a reduced immune response to viral and bacterial pathogens when they were tested 28 days after their second jab. In other words, they suffered from a Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency (“VAIDS”). In short, they had become more vulnerable for a series of sicknesses due to vaccination.
USA „Associated Press“: Professors report on how bad college students have become in Math. It seems to be due to Covid - the students starting to study in the USA are found to struggle with Basic Math in large numbers.
Another report reveals that the reading capability and mathematical skills of 13-year-olds have never been as bad as now after the lockdowns, vaccinations, etc... Country-Wide tests in the USA have brought that to light.