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Book «Lord of Transformation» by Ivo Sasek: More programmes on this topic: World in the Trap of Freemasons (by Ivo Sasek) WEF, Great Reset and its Masterminds – Is there a world conspiracy? Navigate directly to: |
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06.04.2024 |
In the early seventies, as a young apprentice, I was once able to witness all the specialists in our large garage, who were real professionals, taking one and the same engine apart several times and still not managing to get it running. At the peak of their perplexity, a young apprentice came along and said, somewhat bored, to the exhausted specialists: Is there any gas in the tank? And you see, as embarrassing and painful as this question was, it got right to the root of the problem. This event stayed with me to this day – why? Because it has become a symbol for me of certain unsolvable world problems and hits right at the heart of their cause. The unsolvable problem at the time was rooted exactly where it was least thought possible. You know, no matter how profane a car mechanic can be, the very first thing he has to do before going into the depths or even dismantling entire engines is to check the fuel supply. So for whatever reason, all the specialists back then at our top garage had assumed that there was gas in the tank, it was precisely from this false assumption onwards, that of course all other remaining possible causes were considered the root of the problem. And you see, it seems to be exactly the same with regard to the problems of our world. Even the most renowned leaders and specialists, of whatever kind, assume repeatedly that, as a last resort, our gigantic world problems could only be the result of a deliberate global conspiracy. They are so rigid and glued to this analysis because this topic has long since been ticked off. Shortly before the First World War, when our entire global vehicle was sputtering heavily, all kinds of specialists started to investigate this malfunction. As solid conspiracy plans had come to light at the same time, "the judiciary" first examined whether the sputtering of the entire world engine could really be due to a conspiracy. To cut a long story short: Because the best specialists had dismissed the matter as being a forgery, the uncovered conspiracy writings were then declared as banned literature – and so the case was ticked off. The certificate, figuratively speaking, said: "This cannot be the cause for the world engine's sputtering, because the fuel supply has already been checked. And shortly afterwards, everything began to happen exactly as planned in these conspiracy writings. Starting with the First World War, then the Second World War, the Great Depression and so on. To this day, countless details are still coming true exactly as written in these conspiracy plans written over 120 years ago. But it's prohibited to talk about it. Why? Because the top specialists had given the all-clear signal. And who is going to look for a lost key at the same place you already looked without finding it? So you tweak every other screw, disassembling the whole engine again and again, before you even go back to where you started - and turn the first screw of the conspiracy for example. Do you understand? But what if the apprentice who is a free investigative journalist with regard to the blocked world engine comes along and is right after all? What if conspirators had made their way in after all? What if they had been the scrutinizing authority from the very beginning, who had taken the exposed conspiracy writings at hand and given the All-clear? That is precisely the ingenuity used by professional conspirators. They have thought everything through so thoroughly that their trolls and co-conspirators are protected from the very first act. This brings us to the core of the problem. If you put all the really big crises of the current world problems in a row and only ever look for the common denominator that has led to avalanche-like problems in every area, you will easily find it. Because such cross-comparisons show irrefutably that the most significant problems we have down here are always being fomented and caused by one and the same conspiratorial circles. And no, it is neither a single president nor any of the politicians we know. They are always and without exception the little puppets of this nasty game. If we examine, for example, just the major lines of the war in Ukraine or the Middle East, it soon becomes clear how secret and quite expensive preparations have been deliberately carried out for these wars for years in advance. We at Kla.TV have made extensive documentaries about this. In other words, these conflicts were fomented within secret societies. And with this reference only, we must refrain from the temptation to get into the details here - into the how and whys and wherefores. Only this question or statement is important for the moment: The question which shows that these decisions setting the course and targeted attacks from outside were caused like by an invisible hand, so to speak, and are still happening. I am not claiming our world engine would run perfectly again simply by eliminating the main causes mentioned and that there would no longer be any loose screws. However, I maintain that it is only after this root canal treatment that the world's engine will start running again and the eternally pointless fight against symptoms can reach its first conclusion. That's my assertion. As we have shown in numerous Kla.TV documentaries, there is indeed a worldwide network of Masonic, Satanist-oriented lodges that have instigated all current crises from ambush. We have proven this. From financial crises to pandemics, warmongering and educational pressures, etc. The common thread of this global conspiracy is obvious everywhere. There is a complete, ready-made plan for shaping chaos, which they call chaos management, of humiliation and impoverishment of entire peoples, but also reduction, nihilization and denationalization of peoples, etc. in all possible ways. And if you now ask how on earth could they achieve such monstrosities - it's quite simple: they always do the exact opposite of what they promise and rave about. Even the usual hair-raising contradictions of American presidents pale into insignificance compared to this. Kla.TV has perhaps worked out this fact most clearly using the highly topical example of the Masonic Agenda 2030 with its 17 euphonious goals - euphonious, yes! For all those who want to recognize and understand the sustainable destruction behind it, this program is a definite must-see. [You can see the number in the screen]. It shows you how the World Economic Forum, the WEF, like an invisible hand, is reaching all over the world, intervening in every single area of our lives. This invisible hand, which has been shaking the whole world for decades, is right now driving its 17 plans to reshape the world towards its goal with brute force. Their true slogan is: Creating order out of their self-orchestrated chaos. As someone recently pointed out very well, it is the same whether it is between peoples or between red and black ants. Because, you know, incidentally, an incorrect deduction is that we humans must always fight each other because of our different interests, just as black and red ants naturally attack and fight each other. But, as an experiment has shown, this is not true at all. Red and black ants were deliberately placed together in a sealed jar to see how they behaved. Surprisingly, they accepted each other and left each other alone. But here it comes: Then someone took the glass and shook it – this happened from the outside. And from that very moment, the red ants felt attacked by the black ants and the black ants felt attacked by the red ants. They did not see the invisible enemy. So they went at each other in blind self-defense, biting and killing each other. And you see: that's exactly how things are regarding the struggle of left versus right or the proletariat versus the middle class, etc. Never forget, we have proven that Marx as well as Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, etc. were all sent as "peoples glass shakers" of High Degree Freemasonry. They were all Freemasons, who, in the service of the Rothschilds, had to wear down their only threatening rival, the middle class. And also note that the same game is going on between Russians and Ukrainians, the Palestinians and Israelis and vice versa. For centuries, and as we have seen, peaceful coexistence between the aforementioned brother peoples was demonstrably possible – as we have seen. They could exist peacefully next to each other by nature, like black and red ants. Until this hand came and shook it. In no way do we humans have to fight each other, no matter how different we may be. That's what it means. After all, we are all naturally organs of one and the same body. We just complement each other, that's all, even if we are forced to live in the same jars, i.e. national borders. But as soon as a hand invisible to us is shaking these "peoples jars", shaking them deliberately; when in other words devious, conspiratorial secret society circles begin to deliberately set us against each other, then even our most precious differences suddenly appear to us like dangerous rivals. And although this is just a diabolically sensual illusion, we then start to go at each other and fight each other – even to the death if need be. This is actually the common thread running through almost all of the world's unsolvable problems to date. This is the main reason why we down here are endlessly debating and fight each other in blind rage, even getting caught up in countless incited petty as well as major wars. We should definitely reflect on this together in the future and realize who is exactly embodying this invisible hand that is constantly shaking the jar of our world. If we don't do this, we will still have to write a million more books and writings: Tragedies ranging from individual fates to the fates of whole nations, describing in all colours which sorts of quarrels and complications arise when these black ants attack those red ones and vice versa, you understand? But then it's all just fighting the symptoms – that's the problem. There are a million symptoms, but there is only one root. Whole piles of descriptions of such sideshow battles are constantly landing on my desk. And every injustice described, every dispute, but also every killing is always described correctly. Every cry is potentially one hundred percent justified. But in this way of merely combating symptoms, one single problem is becoming ever greater. Do you know which one? More and more millions or even billions of people will keep shouting all haywire, and the incessant divisions reaching no end as long as we have not forced in united strength, this invisible hand that is constantly shaking the jar of our world, to surrender. In other words, the deceived world community can only remove this gang of conspirators from all world's levers if it has first recognized and revoked this false attest. Because all our really big current world problems are truly being fueled, do you understand? Conspiracy! World problems don't just happen. The Covid plandemic, for example, was planned for a long time by precisely this type of people, as were the financial crises, various wars and environmental disasters. You could list them all day long. As we have irrefutably proven in various documentaries, this type of people have already been responsible for various revolutions in ancient times. One could put many a world problem in a row here and would always have to attest: It is one and the same invisible hand! It is always one and the same masterminds of the Freemasonic secret societies who shake the jar of our world via their secret services and crept-in trolls. And they do this in order to deliberately set nations against one another, to divide any synergy of investigative enlightenment and thus make the world ungovernable. I maintain that until we see through their influence and break through it together, we will never be able to serve and accept each other sufficiently, and we will certainly never be left in peace by this gang. The good news now is that, despite all the conspiratoral activities, so much investigative light has nevertheless been shared and is shining stronger and stronger that panic has broken out among the secret allies - and this worldwide. That is the good news. And just as a gang of robbers runs off when they feel surrounded and caught, or just as the criminal German Stasi shredded as many of its files as possible shortly before its downfall, a good proportion of the aforementioned criminal regime is in the process of shredding their files in order to conceal their misdeeds. But I say it's probably already too late for that. Because I am now lining up a few such genocide sections again – twelve of them – to watch them in their fleeing efforts to destroy explosive evidence trying to prevent any disclosure of the genocides they have committed and more. Recognize where these secret allies are to be found. However, I'm not saying these are then all. It's just the tip of a huge iceberg again. Case 1: According to the Epoch Times and a first-hand witness, the Chinese government, for example, has just ordered the nationwide destruction of all COVID-19 data in their healthcare system. Isn't that cool? The aim is to destroy all incriminating evidence: For example, the bioengineering that triggered the pandemic. But everything is being deleted with it: all information about the entire process of outbreak control and vaccination records. According to this high-ranking member of government, a whistleblower, there is an order to delete all data without leaving any traces. The mainstream press has long since caught wind of similar actions in China and has reported on them – but categorically does not make an outcry about it. Not a proper one anyways. This time, however, the order would apply to the whole country, including the Covid vaccine and everything the government would consider unpleasant in connection with the Covid control measures, this eyewitness testified from the front lines. No date should be spared, neither on paper nor in computers. "Records of the administration of the vaccine are being deleted, as are records of nucleic acid tests and any other unpleasant things that happened throughout the disease control process." This was the goal of the Chinese Communist Party to erase the COVID chapter from China's history. And by doing so, they want to prevent future generations from learning what massive failure they allowed in government. Second example, second cover-up: So in order not to get stuck with the secret service activities of faraway China, let's take a look at the independent coronavirus [investigation] committee's findings recently brought to light in nearby Brandenburg, Germany. Thousands of vaccination files – whole piles of files – have also disappeared there, without a trace and the authorities are now talking their way out of it. When asked by the [Corona] investigation committee where all these piles of files could have disappeared to, the head of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians answered: "I don't know where the documents have gone. We don't know." And of course, what is of particular importance for our viewers: these missing files are of course of great importance, especially for those having been vaccinated. Do you see how that works? Millions and millions were wasted on apps during the coronavirus period and now suddenly the investigation is going to fail due to unsurmountable piles of untraceable paper? Obviously, this digital surveillance mania has only served to monitor citizens, but never the criminal actors in the invisible background – at least not to set up a functioning documentation system! Third cover-up case: The cover-ups of vaccination side effects that became the so-called long Covid would also have to come to an end. The reason is that it has in the meantime been conclusively proven that Long Covid does not exist at all. Even when a thorough investigation on this escape attempt with long-Covid was anounced, the political pressure for further Corona-vaccinations suddenly declined at the beginning of 2023. Now, of course, people are increasingly focusing on the undeniable side effects of vaccination. At this point, don't forget the context of why we are talking about all this: There is a worldwide conspiracy. And everyone involved in this conspiracy is covering for each other the best they can. The Bible already described this scene crystal clear 2000 years ago. In Rev. 6:15-17 it makes the rulers of the earth and the great and the highest rulers and the oligarchs, together with all their powerful and vassals, flee into the caves and rocks of the mountains. And there they cry out to the mountains and the rocks: "Fall on us and hide us from the face and wrath of him who holds the throne of judgment ...!" Why should they cry to the mountains? From my earlier explanations, you know the meaning of mountains, rocks and caves in the Bible: These are symbols of power spheres with their hiding places and tax havens. The secret society allies are already in the early stages of this panic mode described there. They try to cover for each other, but they are all the more less successful. Why? Because the investigative light is thundering towards them like an uncompromising judicial tsunami. Not a day goes by without this wave of investigative light swelling through ever more courageous free investigative journalists. That's a really good thing. And now a fourth case of cover-up: [Very blatant!] And even the so-called "Office for the Protection of the Constitution" can no longer protect, cover or save its screaming secret society buddies from this judicial wave. As you have probably heard, the daily Süddeutsche Zeitung in Germany, and thus the central organ of the red-green party, of all things, has admitted in a paid article by Ronen Steinke and irrefutably brought to light that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution itself is spreading deliberate disinformation. Yes, even fuelling racism being a criminal offence. How? They do it via hundreds of their digital V-people, i.e. confidants or liaisons. So while government politicians, who are shaken by an invisible hand, are crying out for ever tougher measures in the fight against "hate on the internet", the Office for the Protection of the Constitution itself is indeed disseminating right-wing extremist and criminal content. Isn't that crass? And these then serve these shakers of the peoples' jar as proof for a serious threat from the right. It's a typical cycle stirred up by secret societies, you see? That's exactly how it goes. It's also called divide and rule. The entire outcry against the right-wing extremists in the GDR 3.0 manner serves solely to camouflage the installation of their eco-socialist dictatorship, but also the replacement of the population – which is exactly what these secret elites are striving for, dear ones. At this point, I have a really big request for all free investigative journalists: Please let us check every statement for authenticity before we let it out. Let's not simply take over exciting stories without prior serious, in-depth source research. The mainstream mandatory-taxed media are eagerly swinging the disinformation club following the orders of the last WEF's meeting. Hundreds, if not thousands, of their vassals are currently sneakily at work to deliberately foist false information on us free investigative journalists, in order to make us vulnerable and possibly liable to prosecution. I have been fed some really blatant misinformation in the past few weeks alone. If I had included just one of them in my speeches, you can be sure that it would have destroyed the speeches. Do you see? And that is exactly what they intend, that is the prescribed plan. But as I said, if we work together carefully, more and more of these secret society activities will come to light day after day. It will become more and more obvious that our global vehicle simply lacks fuel, to stay with this image... And finally, no specialist, however highly acclaimed or appointed he might be, will succeed in denying this fact of a world conspiracy. They can keep on screaming "conspiracy theory" for long, etc. ... At some point it becomes clear to everyone. Fifth cover-up example: Now let's take a look at the German Robert Koch Institute, or RKI for short, another vassal of these world jar shakers. The publishers of the free educational magazine Multipolar have taken legal action to release the protocols of the RKI crisis team. It's cool, isn't it? And now they are making them known to the public, accessible to us all. And here it comes: The RKI has simply blackened out more than 200 documents, a considerable number of them. But a lawsuit against this blackening is already underway. Can you see the wave of this investigative educational tsunami rolling, adjusting everything afresh? Do you see it? The magazine Multipolar has already called on all interested journalists, all of you out there, to take part in the research. The task now is to dissect these 200 redacted documents with their 1,059 pages of justification down to the last detail and uncover every attempted cover-up of a global fraud. That's our job now. The Mainsream doesn't do it. The RKI protocols just mentioned are available for download both at Multipolar and under this program - including the reasons for the redactions. You see, there is already no escape anymore for these criminals into the caves and loopholes of the mountains, i.e. under the protective measures of the power elites. As far as the foundations for all lockdown measures and court rulings are concerned, this disclosure has already brought to light a first huge morsel: Because contrary to previous claims, all of these painful lockdown measures and court rulings are not the result of the Institute's professional assessment, but rather the political order of an external actor. And what did they do? They blackened out his name in the protocols again, of course. Can you see it? Behind this name, exactly behind this name the invisible hand shaking all the nations is hiding, at least a finger of it – do you understand? There it is, there it is! Once again: The tightening of the risk assessment from "moderate to high" announced by the RKI in March 2020, i.e. all the bases for lockdown measures and subsequent court rulings, were based on a fraudulent deception of the people, and this was initiated by an invisible external political actor. This is not the only name the disgraced world population now wants to know. It now also wants to see all due consequences drawn from this disaster, from this scandal. And how seamless restitution with compound interest can be initiated for all injured parties. We must never cease from demanding this. But now for a few more cover-ups of massive crimes against humanity that still enjoy the protection of satanic Masonic power elites. As mentioned time and again, one of the thickest tentacles of this secret society octopus that has the whole world in a stranglehold is Big Pharma and its vassals. [Sixth Cover-Up:] The hour of disclosure has also struck for the FDA, the US Food and Drug Administration. This is because they have unsuccessfully requested to the courts that all Covid-Pfizer documents be kept secret for 75 years. What is the reason unless you have something terrible to hide? You see, after 75 years, all the main perpetrators as well as their current critics of this international crime would already be dead. Now that this attempted cover-up has been successfully prevented in court, Pfizer vaccine trial data amounting to 329,000 pages has come to light. The vaccination damage was documented in them. And the first 37 pages, full of disasters, were released to the public in the first batch of publications. They already provide a revealing insight into what is still slumbering in the shadows. And, as you know, Texas District Judge Mark Pittman, like an accomplice, then allowed Pfizer to submit these piles of files in small installments: A first batch of just 12,000 pages, followed by a further batch of 55,000 pages each month, until at some point these 329,000 pages of concealed Pfizer documents will have been released. We have already reported on this. Seventh cover-up scandal: As the movie VAXXED reveals, the CDC had data showing a clear link between the MMR vaccine and autism. However, the study documents were destroyed as early as 2002 and replaced with data that no longer proved any connection. What are all these crimes, and who will prosecute them? Do you hear anything about it? So here are the CDC's crimes in a few keywords: Deviation from the analysis plan (of the study conducted) Omitting important data Destruction of documents Obstruction of justice Misleading Congress Serious harm to defenseless children Eighth cover-up scandal: Now to the covered-up or hidden facts about the recent demise of CREDIT SUISSE. As I emphasize again and again, the entire banking system is at the heart of world Freemasonry. Recently, the parliamentary committee, once again like an accomplice, placed all investigations into the files of the CREDIT SUISSE disaster under secrecy for the next 50 years, thus once again preventing any investigation. It is fact, however, that CREDIT SUISSE has saddled the Swiss population with a potential pile of debt of CHF 14,360 billion through countless high-risk speculative bets that have gone wrong. And with complete impunity. Imagine if I, as a private individual, were to go to a casino just once, win CHF 100,000, secretly pocket this profit, gamble away CHF 100,000 another time and then deduct this gambling debt from my tax return. I would be punished and penalized immediately. But that's basically how it went at CREDIT SUISSE. And please understand what that means in plain language: The monetary value of all the goods and services that we Swiss people can generate within and outside our borders in an entire year is around CHF 800 billion. This would make CREDIT SUISSE's gambling debts, as I call them, 18 times larger than what we Swiss can collectively earn in a year. Did you understand that well? Our official federal debt already amounts to around CHF 110 billion. This means that CREDIT SUISSE's gambling debt position is 130 times as large as the debt of the Swiss Confederation - with no penalty. Warren Buffet, one of the world's most successful investors, described these gambling debts, called derivatives, as "financial weapons of mass destruction" that harbor potentially deadly dangers. He is so right. Finally, a few more cover-ups, some of them older, which have always been orchestrated by one and the same secret society circles and still are. Case nine: For 58 years the US government has kept the documents on the assassination of John F. Kennedy under lock and key. They raise many questions, since the assassination could not possibly have been performed by a single perpetrator, Tenth example: Climate and weather-changing geo-engineering experiments have been classified for decades, as well. On August 14, 1952, the British Air Force seeded rain clouds over populated areas in an experiment, triggering a flood disaster with 34 deaths. The files were kept under lock and key for over 30 years in order to keep the population from finding out about this military weather experiment. During these 30 years, the horrible flood disaster was sold to the population as "God's Hand". So "God was to "blame"... Do you see how this works; or do you see why the world engine does not run, only because the same secret societies are always blocking the fuel pipe, so to speak – to stay with the first verbal image? It is hardly surprising that these criminals label each and every independent uncoverer a conspiracy theorist as soon as he only begins to find out about their hidden genocides. [Eleventh cover-up operation]: The entire radio traffic, all radar data and flight recordings relating to the traceless disappearance of airline MH370 have also been under tight lock and key since 2014. Even the operators of Inmarsat, the satellite system operated by the Americans, British and Israelis, refuse to release all the satellite images’ raw data of flight MH370. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad, has come up with accusing the CIA of having deep knowledge of the plane's disappearance. Why is that? Because once again a long-prepared military exercise had taken place at the same time. What was its content? An air-plane disappears and has to be searched for. This parallel was also found with the 9/11 attacks, the 2005 subway attacks in London and the attacks at the Boston Marathon in 2013. There had always been exercises by state special units on the same day with exactly the same procedures as those that actually took place. And all the controversial intelligence documents about these and many more terrorist attacks are simply kept under lock and key and any connection to a conspiracy is persistently denied. But as the patterns show, it is a conspiracy. You see it with the patterns. We now come to the twelfth and final cover-up scandal: In addition to countless other international cover-up scandals, I would like to mention once again the systematic denial of mobile phone operators regarding the damage to billions of trees, plants and people. Like a murderer who deliberately covers up all traces of his crime, these mobile phone operators systematically obliterate the damaged trees that are mutating into pale skeletons right next to their radio masts. However, in conjunction with their mainstream accomplices, they also have tens of thousands of evidence studies censored and disappear. All evidence that has proven – not tried to prove, but has proven – the causal link between mobile phone radiation and, for example, cancer of all kinds. But they also cover up any proven causal link to the ever-increasing attention disorders, depression, sleep disorders and other illnesses of people who are sensitive to mobile radio waves. I'll leave it at that for now with these twelve cover-up examples committed by panicking panic-mongers. If we want to defeat these panicking panic-mongers together, it is important that we all become a little more robust and, for the time being, learn to refrain from our individual fates that come from fighting symptoms, with all the cries for justice. I was literally tortured by this mind-poisoning gang for decades, both by means of slander and hundreds of media attacks as well as by their endless sedition against me and the OCG – most recently again, these days. You know my story. That is why I founded AZK, V&C, Kla.TV etc., to give all those who are equally tormented a counter voice in public. But you see, I have stopped years ago focusing too much on my personal fate, I don't write any justifying books, for example, and I don't try to deal with all of this on the side-shows of my own story of suffering; that would all be symptom-fighting, no matter what has been done to me and what is still being done to me. I want to get to the root of the problem, instead of fighting the symptoms. We all need this kind of insensitivity if we want to get through to the really big problems, the peoples’ problems and those that lie far beyond. Please read my book: Lord of Transformation or listen to my speech at the 19th AZK if you want to draw strength or see how this can work in practice. We need to deal with the bigger picture, that's what I want to say through this speech and I would encourage everyone to do the same. So don't send us any more piles of deplorable individual stories that come from the fight against symptoms, neither of individuals or groups’ or peoples' fates. Only if you put it in the overall context mentioned here, so that one can see the central themes leading to the cause, instead of always fighting the symptoms. If you have any of these, come to terms with them by getting to the root of the story yourself, as I have done here. Together we must make these conspiratorial hands visible, which are covertly shaking the jar of the world. I therefore repeat once again: all the really big world problems today are caused by one and the same secret society powers. Kla.TV has uncovered them in various documentaries and called them by name. And their attacks regularly lead to ever more countless individual fates, to arrests, to injustice, to expropriation, to murder and manslaughter. Symptoms, symptoms, symptoms... You might list a million other things here and the resulting tragedies if you fight the symptoms. But if all nations follow suit and stop focusing on and documenting their personal fate and injustice, then we have a real chance. But we must set the small personal right aside for the time being, get all together so that we can gain the necessary strength to demand the great common right together, first. Then, in a very simplified way, we will be able to take peoples' resolutions when we are enough, so that we can kick out these masterminds, this hand that constantly shakes the jar. Yes, that all of us together focus on the banishment of those few 1,000 or 10,000 conspirators. Because this is possible. And this way, once this deliberately fomented chaos is brought to an end, the world should soon be a much quieter place, because red and black ants do not fight each other, naturally. I believe that humanity is designed by nature to develop to communal perfection, in contrast to the animal world, for example. And these devils in human form, who are stirring up all these peoples, know that. But I say: now they have been located. Because it's them who are deliberately stirring up this chaos so that they can use it to establish their new world order. This has literally been written on every dollar bill for decades. But they want to end their self-fomented chaos with their military dictatorship or by one of their other dictatorial means, in which case they can then enslave us. So let's get ahead of them by leaving all these sideshows, indeed these countless arguments around the symptoms that arise from shaking the jar. Let's better all join forces against these conspiratorial hands. In which case we can save all the huge effort for ourselves that I described at the beginning. Then everything will become very simple and the end of the seemingly endless crisis, as it is at the moment, will be in sight. I am Ivo Sasek, who has been standing before God for 47 years.
from is.
Disappeared vaccination files in Brandenburg Ticket: SE-1200
Covering up vaccination side effects through Long-Covid
German domestic intelligence service spreads disinformation
Released but redacted RKI protocols
Study data from Pfizer kept secret
On the demise of Credit Suisse
Documents on Kennedy-Murder locked away
Geo-Engineering-Experiments from 1952 locked away
On the disappeared flight MH370
Covering up damage caused by mobile phones