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REUPLOAD: Scandal about SRF and Robin Rehmann – Satanic Panic (with Kla.TV statement on SRF threats) 27 victims + 27 witnesses of the blood cult Adrenochrome: Human blood as intoxicant and rejuvenator The cruelest secret of mankind Perverse violence against children – a dark secret of the upper class (Snuff Factory - place of horror (Interview with Dr. Marcel Polte) |
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20.07.2023 |
Just recently, Swiss Radio and Television SRF threatened with serious legal consequences. What happened? Starting in December 2021, SRF aired 6 episodes in a row of a series called “Rec. – Satanic Panic”. In this series, SRF journalist Robin Rehmann showed himself anxious to prove that there is no satanic-ritual abuse, but that this was a conspiracy narrative. Survivors and witnesses of satanic-ritual abuse, as well as therapists, activists and even a police investigator were portrayed as untrustworthy and ridiculed in the series. In explaination: The subject of satanic ritual abuse involves the most horrific crimes committed in the context of satanic ceremonies. Thousands of survivors, victims, witnesses, therapists, and even members of the judicial system worldwide report sexual abuse, torture, and even ritual sacrifice. According to them, these are crimes committed by a well-connected and well-organized elite group of perpetrators who know how to protect themselves. published the documentary on the topic “The Blood Cult – 27 Victims, 27 Witnesses” ( on this topic in November 2022. These 27 victims and 27 witnesses of satanic abuse are only a small selection from an immensely high number of victims of these satanic practices. Besides these, the pseudo-investigative SRF series and Robin Rehmann were also mentioned in this broadcast. Interestingly, information was then leaked to showing how Rehmann presents himself with satanic symbols, such as the Baphomet – and even maintains connections to a satanic high priest named Francis Dollarhyde. Broadcasting these explosive facts resulted in several events: On the one hand, Swiss Television (SRF) threatened with legal consequences. On the other hand, the satanic brotherhood “Brotherhood of Samael” apparently tried to cover their tracks: On their website, they quickly changed the title of their high priest Dollarhyde to a more harmless appearing “CEO” [ chief executive officer] and had his name disappear completely from their website shortly after this. Now the SRF media scandal is making even bigger waves. Recently, on July 10, 2023, the Tagesanzeiger and other Swiss media reported that Swiss Television had stopped the broadcast of its own documentary about satanic-ritual abuse. According to exactly the same pattern as with the abuse survivor Hajar mentioned in the program “Scandal: SRF and Robin Rehmann” – two already completed interviews were withdrawn shortly before broadcasting, now a Swiss TV documentary ready to be aired was canceled. The same pattern always emerges. On a lower level, journalists who are concerned with putting an end to these cruel crimes do thorough and solid research on the topic of satanic-ritual abuse. Yet then the broadcasting is stopped by protagonists (main actor, leader) on the executive floor. At the highest level, gears were suddenly shifted “at the last minute” because the film supposedly contained “conspiracy narrative elements”. Ursula Brunner, long-standing, proven and experienced Swiss TV director for many years, resolutely rejects these accusations, saying they are “without any factual basis”. This raises the question of whether public media are authorized at all to withhold from their viewers topics such as satanic-ritual abuse – a subject matter that is of extremely great public interest. It is absolutely scandalous that the documentary film was supported by public fees with a total of 125,000 Swiss francs. Alone 75,000 of this from the SRF television fees (SERAFE) [corresponds to the public media funding fees in Germany, GEZ], which have been paid for nothing now at the expense of the Swiss citizens! The following examples show that this is truly not a coincidence, but a consistent strategy to keep satanic-ritual abuse hushed up by the media: 1. Executive floor of the Swiss magazine “20min” stops convicting interview with torture victim Chantal Frei The author Chantal Frei [a pseudonym], who grew up in the Western part of Switzerland, was just six years old when Satanists decided to make her a “Mother of Darkness” [Satanic High Priestess]. She had survived massive torture, so the cult considered her sufficiently strong, smart and intelligent to train her in Illuminati circles. During cruel rituals she met with heads of state, nobles and celebrities. For this, she was taken to publicly known places – such as the White House and the interior of a famous Spanish basilica – and also got into secret military facilities and a remote castle in Belgium. These places and people, some of which are also named by other survivors, illustrate the terrifying extent of an abysmally dark phenomenon known in literature as ritual violence. Chantal Frei published a book about her horrific experiences entitled, “I Speak!” Chantal Frei also experienced that an interview which a journalist from “20min” had conducted with her and two other survivors was not aired. Frei verbatim: “Some time before my book was published, I had a very long interview with a journalist from “20 Minutes”. She really made a very good and empathetic impression on me. She had also done further research and wanted to publish an article about this topic. She had also interviewed two other surviving victims, a man and woman. But, unfortunately this never happened, that the article was published, because it was stopped by the executive floor.” 2. BBC and Daily Mail cover up Satanic ritual abuse in Hampstead (England) In September 2014, the siblings Alisa and Gabriel Dearman testified, that among other things, during police interviews that they were regularly sexually abused at their school. They described satanic rituals being performed, babies being killed, and their blood being drunk. After the babies were killed, their remains were mixed into the school lunch, they said. Their own father Ricky Dearman had been involved in the satanic sacrifices and abuse, they said. Ella Draper, Ricky Dearman's ex-wife and mother of his two children, Alisa and Gabriel, confirmed this and testified that Dearman was the leader of the satanic group in Hampstead. He had been involved in the production of snuff videos and had sold them on the Darknet. After Ella Draper made this public, a real media mudslinging began: She was defamed in the worst ways. Although there were official medical reports that confirmed the severe sexual abuse of the children, the media claimed that she had forced her children to say these things by using violence. Quite a few magazines, such as the Daily Mail branded Draper a liar. She was even hounded by the police. The major British news agency, BBC, aired an interview with Ricky Dearman in which the BBC presenter went to great lengths to make him look innocent. It was presented as if he had been the victim of a malicious campaign. Several viewers commented on the interview that they thought Ricky Dearman looked like a bad actor and that they could well imagine that he had committed these terrible crimes. “He looks guilty,” the comments column read. As a result, the comment function was closed. 3. British TV station BBC involved in Jimmy Savile’s perverse crimes Over a timespan of 50 years (!), popular English BBC presenter Jimmy Savile abused at least 450 victims aged five to 47, according to official police statements. Even before 1961, police first questioned Savile about allegations that he had sexual intercourse with underage girls in the dance halls he operated at the time. Savile used his contacts to get close to children in a tightly secured mental institution, among other places. He committed heinous crimes including raping a dying boy and molesting dead bodies. Victims testified that they were abused by Savile as part of satanic masses. A film about Savile’s crimes was scheduled to air on December 7, 2011. The research for it had been done by journalist Meirion Jones, who worked at the BBC for over 20 years. He found witnesses who severely incriminated Savile. But then the scandal broke: The film was cancelled – according to the BBC for “journalistic reasons”. The director responsible for the “Newsnight” program, Peter Rippon, stopped the broadcast, and journalist Jones was suspended. Years later, the 75-year-old former BBC TV producer, Wilfred De’Ath, spoke out. He said that everyone at the BBC knew about Savile’s perverse crimes! Significantly, the scandal was not revealed until Savile had long since passed away. Abuse survivors even confirmed that this abuse was due to an organized pedophile ring run out of the BBC. The trail of Savile’s pedophile activities leads directly to the English royal family, high-ranking judges, prominent parliamentarians and even a former prime minister. 4. Defamatory Spiegel article causes closure of Counseling Center for organized and ritual violence of Münster Diocese On March 12, 2023, “Der Spiegel” published an article on the subject of satanic-ritual abuse and mind control and headlined: “Under the delusion of therapists – followers of secret cults abuse children and control people via brain manipulation: under the roof of churches and clinics, therapists spread such horror myths – and talk patients into alleged abuse.” In the article these two well known strategies are used – firstly to place the whole topic into the realm of conspiracy theories, using the proven terminology of “Satanic Panic”. Secondly, therapists are once again targeted here – in this case specifically the counseling center of the diocese of Münster – with the help of the tried and tested strategy of using the catchword “false memory syndrome”: The therapists from the counseling center of the diocese of Münster were accused of having persuaded the victims that they had experienced satanic-ritual abuse. Again, therapists are discredited and one tries to intimidate them. Regrettably, the strategy worked: Only two days after the Spiegel article appeared, the diocese of Münster reported that it had closed its counseling center on the subject of ritual violence – and this after 20 years of excellent counseling and educational work! What is explosive and revealing about this is a post of the satanic brotherhood “Brotherhood of Samael” on Facebook, which refers exactly to this Münster counseling center: “URGENT MESSAGE! 5 years of work to finally bring down this association and a disclosing article finally tipped the scales. We told them in 2017, we tell them today. We’ll win. You’ll lose. End of story.” It is noteworthy that the author of the article – Spiegel editor Christopher Piltz – has listed Swiss TV journalist Robin Rehmann and criminal psychologist Lydia Benecke as friends on his Facebook page. Lydia Benecke is known as a German activist who has been giving lectures for years in which she denies the existence of satanic ritual abuse. In doing so, she applies the strategies just elaborated in her appearances. Chronological Review: Why and when the strategy terms “Satanic Panic”, “False Memory”, and “Conspiracy Theory” were invented: A this point we note that here again the well-known strategy for covering up satanic-ritual abuse comes to light, which – for the perpetrators of abuse – has already “been tried and tested” in the 90s. Even then – as more and more cases of satanic-ritual abuse and mind control came to light – the media successfully applied the buzzwords “Satanic Panic” and “False Memory”. In 1980, Michelle Smith became the first of the survivors to publish a book with her psychiatrist, Lawrence Pazder, entitled “Michelle Remembers.” In the two decades that followed, American therapists recorded a flood of victims of satanic ritual violence who now had the courage to seek help from them. It is said that there were about 12,000 victims in all. Since the therapists could not categorize this excessive development, they exchanged ideas among themselves and held professional conferences on this subject. In 1992, the renowned U.S. psychiatrist Dr. Corydon Hammond gave the so-called ‘Greenbaum Speech’ at a specialist conference, in which he spoke about programming, splitting, CIA, MK-Ultra, occult structures and programs. He was then muzzled. Here you can see the scanned original letter from the CIA in which it is stated verbatim that concrete measures must be taken against the emerging debunking voices. Investigative journalists were increasingly uncovering inconsistencies in the government and CIA at that time. As a result, CIA leadership labeled investigative journalists as conspiracy theorists. The CIA instructed its agents to influence politics and the media, silencing the voices that were revealing the truth. Kla.TV has a lot of evidence for this. Nowadays, the term “conspiracy theory” is even more aggravated, being brought close to radicalism and violence. In addition to the strategy of dismissing and ridiculing the cases of satanic ritual abuse that had become public as satanic panic, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation was also created in 1992. This foundation spread the thesis of “false memory”, i.e. the claim that the victims’ reports did not really happen. Satanic-ritual abuse did not exist, but the therapists had only persuaded the patients that they had experienced such terrible cruelties in the context of satanic rituals. They supposedly had been implanted with “false memories” by means of psychological tricks. The “false memory” strategy was used to discredit and intimidate the therapists. Significantly, among the founders of the ‘False Memory Syndrome Foundation’ was Ralph Underwager, a self-professing pedophile. Underwager later had to resign from the advisory board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation when it became known that in an interview with a Dutch pedophile magazine he had called pedophilia an ‘acceptable expression of God’s love’. After these historical explanations, one can understand the Swiss Television scandal and its further consequences better. Beyond the media cover-up strategy mentioned at the beginning, specifically numerous therapists were fired after the SRF report, as were 2 teachers, a leading reporter, a senior hospital physician and another senior physician. Important witnesses who had testified in the documentary lost their jobs: 1. Two teachers dismissed Secondary school teacher Daniel Vuilliomenet and primary school teacher Marianne Lander, who had courageously taken a stand in the Swiss TV documentary on the subject of satanic abuse in their immediate environment, were both suspended from their teaching positions and were no longer allowed to teach. They were even scandalously discredited as “Satanic teachers” by the media office 2. Chief reporter of newspaper “Basler Zeitung” dismissed Daniel Wahl, the chief reporter of the Basler Zeitung, who had worked for the newspaper for eight years, met the same fate as the teachers. Only three days after the broadcast of the SRF documentary “Satanic Panic”, i.e. on December 17, 2021, he was no longer allowed to work for the Basler Zeitung, was suspended from his duties and, with immediate effect, was no longer given access to any of the documents he had currently been working on. Particularly explosive: Daniel Wahl was only mentioned very briefly by one of the teachers in the SRF documentary. Daniel Wahl’s reporting also focused – among other things – on the judiciary and the KESB, the Swiss child and adult protection authority. He repeatedly accused the KESB of not sufficiently protecting the children and adults concerned. Wahl’s involvement repeatedly led to the Press Council reprimanding the Basler Zeitung. One of these objected cases was the Nathalie case: an eight-year-old girl made statements about satanic-ritual abuse by her own father. Daniel Wahl had written about the Nathalie case several times in the Basler Zeitung in 2020 and 2021. The result: The father was legally acquitted, the KESB exonerated, the chief reporter Daniel Wahl reprimanded by the Press Council – and now finally fired. Interesting here is the fact that Jan Grüebler, the president of the 3rd chamber of the Swiss Press Council is simultaneously deputy editorial director in the SRF – news editorial office team. So we cannot assume that the Press Council is impartial. Watch the Kla.TV series “Presserat oder PresseVERRAT” by Kla.TV founder Ivo-Sasek. Shocking entanglements come to light. 3. Clinic Littenheid – Senior physician dismissed His statements about the therapy experiences with survivors of ritual violence in the SRF documentary resulted in the senior physician Dr. Matthias Kollmann also being suspended from his duties just a few days after the broadcast and subsequently being fired. This was the fourth person in the documentary to be dismissed immediately after broadcast. 4. Clinic Littenheid – criminal procedure against chief physician – immediately suspended But that was not enough. From the time of the documentary was aired, a criminal court procedure was started against the head physician of Littenheid hospital. Due to this, she was immediately suspended from duty. Furthermore, no more DIS patients will be admitted until the concepts are revised. This refers to patients with a so-called dissociative identity disorder, which often occurs in connection with satanic-ritual abuse. 5. Littenheid Clinic – staff muzzled The Staff of Littenheid Clinic complained that they were muzzled after the documentary was aired. The clinic denies this, of course. But an investigative report in this regard revealed that the staff interviewed now avoided negatively charged terms such as “mind control” and instead used neutral and uncharged terms, which amounts to trivializing the issues of ritual violence and mind control. 6. Numerous dismissals among the staff of the therapy center Münsingen The Münsingen Psychiatric Center also dismissed some of its staff after the SRF documentary was aired. The rest of the staff was re-trained. Apparently, this was done in response to SRF’s claim that people who believe in a conspiracy theory called “Satanic Panic” work at the Münsingen therapy center. The question arises whether with these numerous dismissals and the extensive media coverage of them – a precident was set [to punish someone particularly severely as a deterrent] This with the aim of intimidating other witnesses and affected persons who have not yet dared to come out of hiding? Is this intended to stir up the fear of bringing to light the atrocities they themselves have experienced or observed, because this could result in such negative consequences? In Conclusion: As can be seen from the tremendous efforts by SRF and other media, enormous endeavors have been visible worldwide for quite some time to keep the subject of satanic-ritual abuse under wraps. Aggressive media campaigns are run, counseling centers are labeled conspiracy theorists, and therapists are discredited and intimidated. Alternative news portals, such as, that publish background on the issue are immediately threatened with legal consequences. Witnesses lose their jobs and their good reputation - they are socially isolated and ultimately even their existence is endangered. Victims and survivors are deprived of any therapy assistance after all the cruel experiences and are made out as completely untrustworthy. Why have such huge projectiles been launched for decades, in order to make this topic ridiculous and untrustworthy? A well-known proverb says: Only dogs that have been hit bark. Dear viewers, if you look at the mentioned media actions, you can’t help but become suspicious. So, do your own research about all the connections and look into the survivor’s statements. Make this media scandal widely known.
from Kno./ls./mo.
SRF Rec. – Satanic Panic Episode 1:
What is ritual violence?
Adrenochrome: human blood as intoxicant and rejuvenator:
The cruelest secret of mankind:
Perverse violence against children - a dark secret of the upper class:
Snuff Factory – Place of Horror (Interview with Dr. Marcel Polte):
From criminal speech to deadly silence - Interview with Ronald Bernard:
Financial elite insider confirms testimony of abuse victims:
Ex-elite banker testifies he was invited to Satanic child sacrifices:
Possible murders of a pedophile ring of significant people:
27 victims + 27 witnesses of the blood cult:
Satanic High Priest is rebranded as CEO on website of a satanic fraternity, then the name disappears altogether:
Lucerne director Ursula Brunner made documentary film “Es geschieht mitten unter uns”, about “Ritual Violence/Mind Control” – SRF decides against broadcasting:
Report from abuse victim Hajar about her canceled interviews (excerpt from the broadcast: Reupload: Scandal SRF and Robin Rehmann):
ab min 06:05 Hajar – Ritual violence: “Raped and forced to kill”:
Book by Chantal Frei: “I’m talking!”:
Interview with Chantal Frei – Rituals in the highest circles:
Alisa and Gabriel report the satanic abuse:
ab min 03:35 Satanic practices in Hampstead church - children's testimonies, part 1, Alisa Dearman:
Part 2, statements by Gabriel Dearman:
Medical report of abuse traces on Alisa and Gabriel Dearman:
Mother reports satanic abuse of her children in Hampstead:
Father's testimony - BBC portrays Satanic cult leader in Hampstead as innocent:
Source to Daily Mail - the mother is vilified and hounded by the police:
Allegations of sexual abuse of minors in 1961:
The nation’s “hero” – a monster: that was Jimmy Savile documentary about the life of the BBC presenter who sexually abused hundreds of children:
Survivor of Satanic Abuse reports on the Royal Family, the Prime Minister and Jimmy Savile:
Savile abused a dying child:
The Abysses of Jimmy Savile – molestation, abuse, necrophilia:
Jimmy Savile is knighted by Queen Elizabeth to provide all royals with children:
Jimmy Savile and the Ninth Circuit:
Defamatory Spiegel article that led to the dissolution of the counseling center for organized and ritual violence of the diocese of Münster:
Counseling center of the diocese of Münster will be closed:
Interview by WDR with Britte Hahn, founder of the counseling center for organized and ritual violence of the diocese of Münster on the occasion of the closing of the counseling center:
Emergence of the buzzword "Satanic Panic."
Greenbaum speech by psychiatrist Dr. Corydon Hammond:
False Memory movement and its perpetrator lobbyist background , e.g. Ralph Underwager:
Explanation „False Memory Syndrome Foundation“:
PDF of the book “Michelle remembers” by Michelle Smith and Lawrence Pazder:
12,000 victims of satanic ritual abuse seek help from therapists:
Snuff Factory – Place of Horror (Interview with Dr. Marcel Polte):
Original letter from the CIA:
On the termination series following the broadcast of the SRF docu-series „Rec. – Satanic Panic“:
Because of SRF documentary on Satanism: Teacher no longer teaches at Oberwil secondary school after 20 years:
Teacher expresses that SRF took his statements completely out of context:
Dismissal of chief reporter Daniel Wahl:
Basler Zeitung parts ways with its chief reporter in a dispute:
Press Council had already reprimanded chief reporter several times. Now BaZ is parting ways with him:
Nathalie case, publications by Daniel Wahl in the Basler Zeitung:
Basler Zeitung apologizes to its readers for publishing the Nathalie articles:
Littenheid Psychiatric Hospital releases senior physician:
Littenheid Clinic – criminal charges against the medical director:
Canton takes supervisory measures against Clienia Littenheid AG:
Allegation of SRF documentary from 2021: Employees of the Münsingen psychiatric center would believe in “conspiracy theory” called “Satanic Panic”:
Savile sexually harasses girl on stage during live broadcast:
Sexually harassed by Savile during a television broadcast, Sylvia Edwards reports the incident: