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Letters from General and High Grade Satanist Albert Pike to Illuminati Leader Mazzini:
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Learn more about Ivo Sasek: [click here] Further programs: The TRUMP file – Savior or part of the Deep State? Gaza war: hidden warmongers revealed! These murderers want to rule us! Top whistleblowers speak out! World Danger: Highest Grade Freemasonry Money out of thin air: documentary “Fabian – Why money is missing everywhere” |
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23.11.2024 |
We are so overstrained, so exhausted by the constant scaremongering and the ongoing war on all fronts that our wishes have by now completely blocked out the real facts. We are so worn down, so tired of the incessant torrent of negative words and events that we would prefer to no longer hear and see anything else and no longer talk about anything negative. I am now shedding some light on the deeds that have to be performed and the laws that have to be observed in order to help us find justified hope and peace. While for some the sun of justice is finally rising, for others it is sinking into abyss after abyss of darkest skepticism. So on the one hand, there is joyful new hope and on the other effusive mistrust – once again, the chaos could not be more complete. Will all sides ever agree? Or does the universal hope remain that evening and morning, day and night will finally meet? Will this remain an eternally unanswered prayer, a dream that will never come true? Maybe it’s not even about day and night. Maybe all our problems and differences are actually rooted in our generally unrealistic fantasies, you know! Anyone who thinks we can solve our national problems independently from the global ones is still living in the land of sweet dreams. And after this sentence, some people will cheer me and say: I agree! But everybody will understand my words in their very own way. And just as those in the past thought that our global problem could be solved by solving the social issue alone, many people today believe that our global problem will be solved as soon as we have achieved the goals of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or those of the Vaccine Alliance, and so on. Still others see the basic global solution in the work of Donald Trump and QAnon, or more recently GESARA and NESARA [explanation: Global Economic Security and Recovery Act and National Economic Security and Recovery Act]. And I can already hear objections from other quarters, for example from the pious or otherwise enlightened ones. For them, the global problem will only be solved when everyone has converted or when everyone has become enlightened and sufficiently ascended spiritually like their great masters. Hardly anyone wonders how sober and unbiased all this is. And we could have one thousand other people coming up with the best way to counter the global threat. And once again, the chaos is perfect. Do you understand? And if we had a million other clever or esoteric or otherwise sophisticated reformatory and coping proposals on the table, they would still all belong in the same land of beautiful dreams. It doesn’t matter whether these dreams are of political, economic or scientific nature, or whether they are religious, artistic, occult or derived from whatever other fantasy. I say: every single person under the sun, indeed we all suffer from the same pathetic weaknesses. And what are they? We like to disregard all kinds of unchangeable principles of action in our wishes and dreams. Our world leaders’ appealing words cause us to overlook their ugly deeds. We fail to contribute our own commitment because of all kinds of salvation promises! Unfortunately every single person under this sun tends to spare themselves and let others do the dirty work. Therefore, whenever even the slightest hope of a savior rises or looms on the horizon of our expectations, we hide ourselves completely in the veil of self-sparing. That is the problem for all of us. And we delegate all our responsibilities and tasks to this new savior or salvation movement that is emerging. But sadly all of us don’t observe the actions of our saviors and beacons of hope soberly enough! That’s what we’re talking about today. We are so drunk with our longing for better times that the mere words and promises of our ever babbling redeemers are enough for us. The finally present opportunity for relaxation is so sacred to us that we immediately fly into a rage if anyone raises even the slightest doubt about the lack of deeds. We are so overstrained, so exhausted by the constant scaremongering and the ongoing war on all fronts that our wishes have by now completely blocked out the real facts. We are so worn down, so tired of the incessant torrent of negative words and events that we would prefer to no longer hear and see anything else and no longer talk about anything negative. Yes, we would all like to encapsulate ourselves in our ideas of salvation and our desires and let ourselves be cradled carefree and weightlessly in safety like an embryo in the womb. Isn’t that the way it is? Unfortunately, we all are lacking security, safety, the final home, the peace and quiet we are longing for. But you know, all these longings can never replace the bare reality. I don’t want to spoil anybody’s joy here or even dampen newly awakened hopes – but what I do want is your sober-mindedness! I don’t want you to fall asleep now. Not now, and not until the deeds that have truly come to pass allow you to do so. And I would like to emphasize once again at this point: As long as a promise has not yet become a deed, there is zero difference to a lie or deception! I will now shed light on which deeds need to be done and which principles need to be adhered so that we can find legitimate hope and peace. First, let’s take a look at economic and political deeds: The draining of the swamp, i.e. the deep state, which was announced by Donald Trump, will truly have taken place only – listen carefully now – if the entire global system of interest and compound interest will have been abolished. Do you understand? Including all powerful tycoons of interest and slaveholders of humanity who are behind it. These as well, must be completely disempowered and expropriated. And I am now going to show you why. No truly necessary deeds will have been accomplished if we only have a few heads removed from the scene here and there. The entire monetary system must go, because it must systematically lead to the complete enslavement and expropriation of humanity as a whole. Think about what I have already said. We need to live by action principles as well as soberly and deed-oriented. You see, it’s through the criminal monetary system, that the greatest of those who control this world have, systematically, seized the earned benefits of the entire world population. However, it is well known that greed for money and power lies at the root of all earthly evils and global problems. Therefore actions are needed that not only checkmate individual criminals, but the entire system of crime as a whole. Just look at how the greatest criminals of all time have set it up and gone about it: First they have set up secret societies. Then they scammed their way into the vested right to make money out of thin air. Then they lent this money, that was just created of thin air, to all the countries in the world. They not just lent it for a period of time, but they lent it at high interest rates and compound interest. This way, they manipulated all nations of this world into such an over-indebtedness that not a single nation would ever be able to even come close to freeing itself from this excessive over-indebtedness. We nations have fallen for this financial magic trick. We have failed to understand that it must lead systematically to our own planned demise! That’s why we are losing all our jointly earned profits to these interest tycoons year after year. I will put it in more comprehensible words: Whatever we, as an entire world population, can earn in a whole year, you call this gross national product by the way, that’s the amount we lose year after year just to pay the interest and compound interest on this debt. Our public servants always present it in their annual balance sheets in such a way that we, the people, think we were paying off the national debt with our total annual payments. But that is exactly what hasn’t been true anymore for a long time! In truth, we are no longer able to pay even our interest, while the debt behind it is growing exponentially beyond our reach. It’s the same money lords who previously created their money out of thin air and lent it to us – are now gradually demanding everything back from us with compound interest in real assets and labor services. When will we finally understand the dimensions these criminals truly operate in? Only one single deed can therefore now help us escape this global problem, both economically and politically: The draining not only of the entire swamp of those money lords who devilishly calculated and implemented this most serious crime. No, the deed must also entail the elimination of the entire financial system. When will the peoples finally understand this calculation, which has already been painted so clearly before our eyes? Example: If a small piece of gold had been placed in Jesus’ savings account at his birth, with all the usual interest and compound interest, this birthday present would have multiplied over the last 2,000 years into dozens of so-called earth-globes of pure gold. Therefore understand what is meant when we speak of thinking and acting according to the ruling action principles: The money scammers understood this exponential structure of the interest system perfectly even before it came into force. Yes, it was precisely because they saw through this exponential growth and because they realized how lazy and incapable of thinking we humans are. It’s exactly for this reason that they introduced this fraudulent system. For what purpose? To enslave all of humanity through debt and bring it under their control. But you know what? In truth, we are not in their debt and under their control! In truth, they are in our debt! And under our control! That’s the way it is! But this control of ours can only become effective when we wake up from our dreams – when we finally bring their deception to light soberly together and set out as deceived peoples to strip this cunningly obtained over-indebtedness from us and throw it away! Economically and politically, this mendacious and fictitiously built-up debt bubble is the rope we are all dangling from. It is our real and at the same time deepest global problem. And now let us take a look at some deeds of some newly emerged saviors. The accusations against leading activists of GESARA and NESARA alone show that they are not getting to the real roots of the crime and the criminals behind it. Instead, they should be explaining to their followers why they are dealing with their hard-earned money in a way the world has never seen before. Many people find it very difficult to recognize a healthy tree behind the fruits of GESARA and NESARA. Who can classify the accusations against the GESARA online store, who can understand them? When currencies such as the Zimbabwe dollar, the Iraqi dinar and the Vietnamese dong are traded there at horrendous US dollar prices ... Who can explain why they do this when those currencies are only worth an absolute fraction of it? An example: How trustworthy would Kla.TV be for you if we were dealing in a store with discarded Deutschmark bills? If we were to sell 10 or 100 Deutschmark bills for 1,000 euros each, for example, and while doing this would spread the hope: Now that the AfD has joined forces with Donald Trump, the old currency would soon be reintroduced in Germany anyway ... Who would still have confidence in us? Recognize how Donald Trump is currently spreading the vision that all currencies should be managed at the same level. In view of the truly countless trillions of fictitious national debt on all sides, this is no comfort at all. After all, these are still hanging over our heads like the sword of Damocles. And how are we supposed to deal with the accusations against the guy at GESARA, Nicholas Veniamin, who announced the revaluation of currencies in which his followers invested? How shall we explain this? Or can we prove a clear lie here? As long as GESARA even remotely allows investments to be made in Iraqi dinars of all things, even people with no economic knowledge would have to smell that you should not invest in devalued currencies. Who has the real evidence that Veniamin, like in 2022, did not offer a trillion Zimbabwe dollars, at that time for 428 US dollars? And this despite the fact that Zimbabwe is suffering from one of the worst hyperinflations in modern history? You could just as well invest in the old Swissair shares when Swissair no longer exists. Do you understand? I therefore have a great deal of sympathy for all those who distance themselves not only from the “missionary influences” of QAnon, but also from GESARA and NESARA. Above all, I myself cannot get over the fact that such movements lead people either into passivity or then into the madness of financial disaster. Our financial expert Ernst Wolff also provided important and competent information on GESARA and NESARA activities in his “Tagesdosis”. more and more QAnon people are now getting into GESARA and NESARA. And again, I tell you as it is: Only deeds will count! But which deeds? Only those who also take into account the action principles that are fundamentally important. As just explained with the interest system. If QAnon, GESARA and NESARA want to prove themselves to be real salvation movements, then they, together with Donald Trump, should not just dry up a few troublesome rivals from the swamp of the Deep State, not just newly staff a few offices and while doing so spread words of hope. If all these are true saviors, then they should gather all the peoples of the earth into one single people’s court of judgment that has become necessary in order to dry up the true authors, the true slave owners of this world, including their slave system! Anything else would just be new patches on an old garment. But what do they do instead? What do their real deeds show so far? While they speak words of salvation and worldwide liberation, their deeds ultimately look something like this: In the name of combating AI, the new savior Elon Musk is expanding AI to such a blatant dimension that it eclipses all AI developments of the past. Instead of exposing and eradicating the main instruments of global humanity’s enslavers, Elon Musk is having their main weapon, 5G, shot into space – beyond our control. He’s littering us with 5G weapons of war like no organization has ever done before. Please watch my speech on what the founder of 5G says about this technology. [ These murderers want to rule us! Top whistleblowers speak out]. I have just mentioned the still missing deeds of GESARA, NESARA and QAnon. QAnon supporters had constantly reprimanded me and Kla.TV during the Corona period, mentally beating us up because we didn’t rejoice with them. What did they say? “The whole spook will be over by Easter 2022 because Trump and QAnon are coming.” They went after us because we didn’t blindly fall for Trump’s promises of salvation. But what were Trump’s real deeds like during his first term of office? Take a sober look at our “Trump File”. I don’t want to destroy anyone’s hope here, but I do want to destroy every kind of false hope! Trump threw more bombs on other countries in the name of strengthening his own nation than several presidents before him put together. That is the truth. But he has not drained the swamp in any way, as he proclaimed. That’s why my first piece of advice is to observe Trump’s deeds regarding his latest election promises. However, I do not question that he will end the Russia-Ukraine war within a very short time. I think he will do that quite quickly and quite safely, although probably not in just 24 hours as he has stated. But even if he does: Anyone who has carefully studied the documentary on the Gaza war by Kla.TV and knows that Trump is not simply a harmless Christian, such as a Catholic, but a hard-core Jesuit – and also a financier of the Lubavitch movement – should now think carefully about what this means in connection with the Jesuit oath. I’ll give you a very small excerpt from a really long Jesuit oath as an example that you know what’s behind these people: “I do further promise and declare ... to assume any heretical religion for propagation of Mother Church’s interests ...”, meaning the cult of Lucifer, “ ... that I will when the opportunity presents itself, I will make and wage relentless war secretly or openly against all heretics, Protestants and liberals... ...” That’s what's behind these people. It is therefore urgently necessary to soberly observe the following real deeds of Trump: As shown in the Kla.TV documentary [ Gaza War: Hidden Warmongers Revealed!], the Lubavitch members are longing for the great Armageddon, the worst war of all time. And the kind of people who have been trying for decades to conjure up the new Messiah who will bring about this Armageddon – it is precisely this highly influential movement that now believes it sees its second non-Jewish Messiah in Trump. The first non-Jewish Messiah was, as is generally known, Cyrus, who rebuilt the temple after the deportation to Babylon. However, this suggests that under Trump, the third temple in Jerusalem should now be built on the Temple Mount. Trump’s son-in-law belongs to the Lubavitch movement. Again, these are just words, even from me. But I say: let us now watch Trump’s deeds like eagles and no longer look away. If you connect all these dots just mentioned, then there is a justified fear that even if Trump will end the Russia-Ukraine war as soon as possible, it is only because he is destined to complete the third world war out of the Israel-Palestine conflict. And the High Grade Satanist, High Grade Freemason and, above all, war general Albert Pike already ordered in a letter well over 100 years ago what this 3rd World War would look like. As you know, his first two decreed world wars and their objectives were fulfilled in every detail: During the First World War, the tsarist empire was to be abolished and communism established. The fruit of the Second World War was to be the state of Israel and the beginning of the dissolution of all nation states and values. According to war general and high-grade Satanist Albert Pike, World War 3 is supposed to spread via the Jewish-Muslim conflict in the Middle East until it becomes the Armageddon all over the world. A cataclysm, a worldwide war catastrophe on an unprecedented scale is supposed to be the result. The intended end result is that no single religion, no philosophy, no nationality and no morality should exist any more, right up to the establishment of the one pure doctrine of Lucifer, as they write. We have reported on this sufficiently. In the broadcast text of this program, you will also find the letters from General and high-grade Satanist Albert Pike to the Illuminati leader Mazzini. And now to the third part: what this world needs now in its global problems are the proper real deeds. And the peoples must perform this action together. We cannot delegate it to individual representatives of the people or nations. As we have demonstrated in many programs, legal systems have failed worldwide. This means that the judiciary no longer functions in a people-oriented manner in any country in the world. Instead, it mainly serves the aforementioned financial fraudsters. The peoples themselves must therefore achieve their complete democratic position by uncovering this truth and take the worldwide decision that all these money fraudsters and power seekers must first be deprived of their resources. So any resort to substitute currencies alone is far too short-sighted. The actual necessary deed, which is also important for us, is as follows: Because as long as these fraudulent and therefore purely fictitious public debts still have legal validity, they will certainly be demanded from all of us. And they will be enforced resolutely with all the security forces. First, however, we must now rise up to complete democracy, unite our voices, because every single “earthling” has been deceived in the same way and is threatened by the same perpetrators. And then all people shall proclaim legitimate, people-oriented courts everywhere. In the past, these used to be quite common and were called people's tribunals or jury courts. The democratically acting world community would then be able to declare these debt laws illegal via self-elected representatives, expropriate the perpetrators and arrest them. Quite legally! Please watch Kla.TV program by Don Ikon which will be published in December and explains the process and practical implementation. And only then new financial channels can be established in a reasonable way. It will no longer matter what the new and interest-free currencies and exchange systems may look like afterwards. Those systems will all make new sense because they can finally function in an undisturbed, interest-free manner! But only then can this action bear fruit, not before. Only if we decide in a worldwide resolution to expropriate them, we will be able to escape their criminal resolution to expropriate us completely. They will only be able to do this if they are able to implement their digital currency, their digital vaccination passports and thus the total theft of our freedom. Since all surveillance technologies, all channels of communication and almost everything has already been digitalized, there is only the push of a button between our complete enslavement or true complete freedom. So the villains’ hands are ready to press the red button. If deeds do not follow now, and that means our own action and the actions of all our available representative powers, then it won’t be long until harsh reality will wake us up – but this will be tough and merciless indeed. We will then be shipped off like battery hens to pre-planned 15-minute cities, but also slaughtered and exploited at will like hens. You better believe it! At the moment, we are still fighting thousands of battles: left against right and vice versa, coming from the center to the bottom, to the top, back, front ... In Switzerland, the new battle is just beginning over the question of whether we should expand the national roads for the sake of overpopulation – or whether we should not expand them for the sake of the climate and our beautiful landscapes. This is the referendum. But I say: All parties that are in a quarrel about this now, should in fact unite and overcome together the very forces I’ve been talking about here all along. Because it is one and the same circles that have enforced our overpopulation, so that these increasing traffic problems have emerged in the first place. But whether it's the way it is here in Switzerland or completely different in other countries. The enemy attacking us always proceeds in the same way: First, he artificially stirs up problems in which we all become massively entangled. Then he leads us to sideshows where we get into fights with each other, politically, economically, religiously and all sorts of other ways. We get into heavy arguments over this constant agitation with nothing but words from the theories we have been indoctrinated with. And in doing so, we all fail to keep an eye on the real action principles and the real deeds behind everything. But then, when the chaos is completely stirred up, the devious causer of chaos comes along and forces his pre-planned solution upon us. This is exactly how the secret society activists achieve their goals, dear ones. But we need to stop this now. In future, we will only orientate ourselves by real deeds and not words alone. But what are real deeds when we talk about solving our global financial problems, for example? I have already described one kind of deed in this speech. It is about overcoming and dissolving the global financial crimes and criminals, it is about breaking up liabilities to principles that guarantee us absolute bankruptcy and decline. But what are the real deeds that are required of us as a people? Here I say in conclusion: These are the deeds that you can recognize, for example, in my life, in the life of my family, in the life of Kla.TV, AZK and the OCG standing behind it: We are not just talking about a new world without money, we are actually living it – and have been for over 45 years. Do you recognize the difference between word and deed? That’s what happens when you do everything for free for 45 years, like Ivo Sasek. When you bring all services and products to the market out of the purest and most genuine affection for your fellow human beings without demanding anything in return. In return, any services are only rendered if beforehand the deeds are recognized as really useful, and then reciprocated out of the deepest gratitude. That’s how it works in the new world. The reward can then happen in any conceivable form. It can take place in the exchange of products, certainly also in monetary values – of whatever kind – or again through complementary mutual services. Either way. This is how we have been living for decades, and no differently. We keep on serving and serving and you can have all of our products, tens of thousands of programs, feature films, movies, thousands of lectures, books ... Whatever you want from us, you can get it all for free. We don’t do anything with a demand attached to it, we choose to do everything voluntarily, because you are me and I am you. Because together we form just one living organism and everyone feels better when you lift your fellow human being up so that he feels good. And just as we have always let our deeds precede our words, so may each and every one of us do the same. This is the new world. But even if it’s the other way around, one way or the other, ultimately only the real deeds should count! They are the focus. And it is about those deeds that also take into account the principles of action – as I have explained with the interest system –, and are not carried out on the basis of mere fantasies. I’m through now. I am Ivo Sasek, in my 48th year of standing before God.
from is.
Donations by Trump and his family to Chabad Lubavitch
Connections of Trumps son-in-law Jared Kushner to the Lubavitch-movement
Trump, the second non-Jewish messiah
Elon Musk, 5G-satellites in space,3449792
Money out of thin air: Documentary Film „Fabian - Warum überall Geld fehlt“ (Fabian, why money is missing everywhere)
Letters from the general and high-grade Satanist Albert Pike to the Illuminati leader Mazzini: