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Death countdown is running! Top secret data – TO ALL! Vaccination-Pestilence-Alarm: Top-vaccine-developer-warns! Enemies – What for? With such friends? Why is Pfizer withholding vaccine trial data? BioNTech-Pfizer raw data not available for 55 years? BioNTech: Covid-19-premonition, -pre-financing and -crisis profit Deadly Ignorance or Worldwide Decision – Address to the Nations by Ivo Sasek |
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21.04.2023 |
Ivo Sasek The German state pension system was still facing a deficit of EUR 6.5 billion in 2019! But now, less than two years since the Covid vaccinations have begun, the same pension fund system was able to tell Deutsche Presse-Agentur that it expects a surplus of EUR 2.1 billion due to the high mortality rate. Excerpt from the program „Death Countdown is Running!“ “Worldwide mortality lists show that up to today, i.e., the 30th December 2020, there have been no higher mortality rates than the usual annual flu mortality; rather they are even lower.” Ivo Sasek: The German pension fund system was still facing a deficit of EUR 6.5 billion in 2019! But now, less than two years since Covid vaccinations have begun, the same pension fund system was able to tell Deutsche Presse-Agentur that it expects a surplus of EUR 2.1 billion because of the high mortality rate. These facts were brought to light by Manager Magazine on December 28, 2022 under the title, I quote “Full Coffers! Higher Mortality Helps Pension Funds to Surplus of Billions”. So that means within just two years since the start of the vaccinations, 8,600 x 1 million euros less in pension payouts in Germany alone. These are now, immediately after the Covid vaccinations, the emptied old-people’s homes about which KLA.TV has reported, but which all mainstream media have denied and have slandered as fantasies of swindlers! And also our public prosecutors’ offices have not taken the slightest interest in all the warning cries concerning this – up to now not yet! And the calculation of Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, Klaus Schwab etc. to decimate mankind is thus quite obviously working out and will remain in effect unless we as a united people finally stop them, control and disempower them! All the following events and figures that I will present to you in a moment coincide one to one with this development of the state pension funds. Here we are basically dealing with an imperceptible admission of horror. Do you understand that? The reports of the investigative journalists Naomi Wolf and Steven Bannon now give a face to this admission. Another independent investigator Boris Reitschuster has summarized their findings in his report of March 7, 2023 under the title: “Crimes Against Humanity on an Unprecedented Scale!” The Pfizer files – the worst-case scenario for the Pharma giant! It includes hundreds of thousands of pages of evidence that against all better judgment the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer wanted to hide from the public. When a professional investigative movement called “Healthcare and Medical Professionals for Transparency” learned of this bizarre plan, it demanded its legal right to inspect these documents in August 2021. The FDA (the US Food and Drug Administration), then filed a court request that these Pfizer documents be kept secret for 75 years. Isn’t that interesting?! – a period of time after which all of the main perpetrators as well as all of the current critics of this crime against the people should have already died. The aforementioned investigators however, were able to successfully defeat this attempted secrecy in court. As a result, Naomi Wolf and her DailyClout Team launched a project aimed at evaluating the declassified documents for the public. They sought the help of professional contributors and in no time at all some 3,500 volunteers were on board, hundreds of high-profile specialists of all kinds, including Naomi’s former adversary Steve Bannon. Since the end of January 2023, the first 50 Pfizer reports from 2022 are now already available in book form. And these are what I am concerned with in this broadcast. But let’s go back to the FDA’s application which was rejected by the courts. Surprisingly, the judiciary rejected the FDA’s application for 75 years of secrecy; however, anyone who deduced from this that this rejection was a total victory is mistaken because anyone who has been paying close attention will have recognized Texas District Judge Mark Pittman made a really highly questionable court decision. He merely condemned Pfizer in the manner of a “salami-slicing” tactic. You have to recognize this. You ask, “But how?” Quite simply, by ordering Pfizer to hand over 12,000 of the concealed document pages with immediate effect. Then every month another 55,000 pages until finally all 300,000 pages of these concealed documents will have been released. In order that even a child can understand what is going on here I will apply this court decision to a gang of robbers who have stolen and buried 300,000 gold coins somewhere, ok? And now the judge condemns them in a loud voice and orders in all severity, “You now have to give back 12,000 of the stolen gold coins from your hiding place! Yes, you villains! And then you have to hand over another 55,000 gold pieces every month for as many months until you have handed over all 300,000 gold coins! Do you understand? Let’s be honest and unemotional. Even with stolen gold coins, such a court decision would be a mockery. But here we are talking about concealed documents. Do you understand? And on every single one of the 300,000 sheets are secretly kept research results which give information about how much horrible vaccination damage had been actually caused by the Covid-19 experimental substances. As we will see in a moment, Pfizer had to hire an extra 2,400 full-time employees during the first 12 weeks of the vaccine’s introduction in order to document all the damage reports it received. Do we seriously think that Pfizer would not use this court-ordered grace period to cover up even more of its crimes? Do we really think that? This “salami-tactic” court decision was virtually an invitation to further cover-up actions. It would be silly to think Pfizer would not instantly call further thousands of „full-time employees“ to whitewash its documents as extensively as possible, so that firstly its plan of concealment would finally work out and secondly the penalty would, as usual, be payable out of the tip box again, yes, even if there would be billions in penalties to pay again? You must understand that in terms of numbers these are tips for these people. Let me remind you of the headlines from Handelsblatt, Spiegel, NZZ, etc. in 2009: Back then, Pfizer had to pay a fine of $2.3 billion just because of improper marketing practices. This was the highest fine ever paid by a pharmaceutical company in such proceedings. But just imagine what other far worse crimes such crooks are capable of if they had to be fined 2,300 x $1 million “only” for their marketing crimes. Because only one year later, namely on November 5, 2010, the “Arznei-Telegramm”, which is an independent information portal for physicians and pharmacists, published a small Big Pharma sin register. It comprises only the then most current felonies of Big Pharma with their gigantic fines from the years 2009 and 2010. Let’s have a quick look into that. Because of unethical marketing strategies or sloppy production, almost all US pharmaceutical manufacturers had to pay increasingly often more and more gigantic fines. In the end, Pfizer had to fork out over EUR 1.6 billion, after blatant bribery payments came to light in addition to its illegal marketing practices. Eli Lilly was also fined more than EUR 1 billion at the same time. Allergan with EUR 430 million for promoting off-label use (BOTOX). Bayer paid EUR 2.4 million for mendacious or misleading advertising claims, and pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline EUR 535 million for repeatedly producing contaminated drugs that did not comply with the declaration in one of its plants, which had already been closed. See, all this then goes into your blood. Novartis was fined EUR 300 million for off-label marketing, among other things. Need I go on? Nevertheless, the same media headlined only just 4 years later, i.e. on Jan. 14, 2014,”Pharmaceutical Industry: Fines in the Billions Show No Effect.” This shows what these criminals are made of. But now let’s go back to Naomi and Steve who did not overlook the “salami tactic” sentencing. They, together with the help of thousands of experts, started immediately to evaluate these documents of Pharma giant Pfizer and its Covid-vaccines that had been released. The first results were just recently published. Naomi Wolf summarizes the results that have come to light through them, labeling them a “crime against humanity”. Why that? Because since the introduction of the Covid vaccine, Pfizer had documented in these concealed studies that there were many harmful effects and a failure concerning the publicly promised effect. To put it in a nutshell, if you wanted to read out these 158,893 harmful incidents which have been forced out into the light, only from the first 12 weeks after vaccination start it would take you 80 hours to do so. The fact is Pfizer had not expected that there would be more than 158,000 single reports on harmful incidents already in the first 12 weeks. Pfizer therefore had to engage another 2,400 full-time staff members in order to be able to deal with these case numbers. And Pfizer, despite these additional staff members, was not able to reach a conclusion on the specifics of the vaccination damages on more than 20,000 people. And here only a few glimpses from 50 reports that already point to a massive crime against humanity, namely that Pfizer’s data from the clinical studies that promised high safety and effectiveness, in no way match the actual field data which were surrendered to the FDA. That’s the point. Pfizer is said to have reported that besides the 32,760 vaccinated reporting damage, over 200 people had already died in the first 12 weeks after the start of the vaccinations. All sorts of other alarming facts and indications are said to have already come to light in the first released documents. As such, Pfizer is said to have known early on that the mRNA-vaccines in no way functioned as they were constantly being promoted, as Pfizer had promoted them. It has come to light that the ingredients of the mRNA-injections, including the lipid-nano particles (LNP) spread in the whole body in just a few days, and that they accumulate in the liver, the andrenal glands, the spleen and the ovaries. It has come to light that Pfizer and the FDA knew right from the start that the injections harm the hearts of minors and still they waited months before they informed the public about this tragedy. Moreover, it has come to light that as early as twelve weeks after the introduction of the vaccine 61 persons had died from an apoplectic stroke, half of the adverse reactions in form of apoplexy occurred only a few days after the injection, and that five persons died from liver damage, whereas again many other liver damage occurred only shortly after the injection. There were various neurological incidents revealed as well as cardiological and apoplectic ones such as haemorrhages, blood and lung clots, and to a great extent clots in the veins of the leg. It came to light that headaches as well as joint and muscular pains were pervasive. However, the authorities did not notify and warn the population against these constantly recurring adverse reactions. All kept silent about it. Next, the unmistakably identifiable and distressing sweeping blows against human fertility were revealed: testicular damage, impaired sperm count and motility, etc. Also there are impaired ovaries and placentas as well as disturbances of the menstrual cycle. It came to light that 80% of all pregnancies ended with spontaneous abortions, termination of pregnancies or miscarriages. It also came to light that 72% of certain adverse reactions occurred especially in women and that 16% of them were “disturbances of reproduction” – as was conceded by Pfizer themselves. It was revealed that they used more than a dozen different terms for the destruction of the menstruation cycles of adult as well as adolescent women. It also came out into the open that Pfizer had realized that mRNA might really damage the human organism, for instance by skin contact, inhalation and sexual contacts in particular at the time of conception. The assessment of what Pfizer has done is certainly incomplete; on the contrary it has only just begun. The same is true for the investigation into the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the institution that had also had all these documents at its disposal. In the meantime many top-ranking experts have presented their reports on the basis of primary materials, meaning first-hand testimonies. This is why already today it is a fact that probably a crime against humanity has been committed and is still being committed, which in terms of its extent cannot be surpassed. From this point of view many blatant events and actions of other high-ranking responsible parties during the past two-and-a half vaccination years are also seeing the light. Note here a short retrospect of the recent history: Beginning in 2021 the first Covid vaccination campaigns started with the authorization by EMA, which hyped their experimental poison injections as safe and effective, although independent researchers shouted that there was not a single laboratory animal that had survived these experimental substances. It was all ignored. At the end of this first vaccination year, i.e., at the beginning of the year 2022, US life insurance companies reported this – pay attention, you understood correctly – we are talking now about the first year of vaccinations -that there had occurred 40% more cases of death at the ages of 18 to 64. And they certified, “This is the highest mortality rate in history which we have ever seen.” But as early as in mid-October 21, this is less than ten months after the start of vaccinating, – just in Europe more than 2 million vaccination injuries and more than 25,000 deaths came to light – innumerable of the latter dying from a sudden cardiac arrest. By the way, a scenario which has been presented to us over decades in several movies and electronic games. Have all these producers been prophets by chance, or what? In the EU these deaths after vaccination represented, depending on the country, the thirtyfold up to the eightyfold of the yearlong average of all deceased who had been damaged by administered vaccines. In the USA they counted over 15,000 deaths until mid-October and approximately 800,000 vaccine-injured persons. And I say, all these are publicly accessible figures, which, however, must be understood without any unreported events. You must understand this! And do you know the official justification, why no judiciary has ever taken action against them? These medical assailants just needed to proclaim loudly in advance that without their poison injections a hundred million people would die. And ever since, these several million deaths are being trivialized into minor collateral damage, according to the saying ”Better a few million than a few hundred million dead and injured.” Do you understand the trick? With such standards it would become possible that any other terrorist organization could threaten the world with a few hundred million deaths and plead innocent afterwards since they had murdered only a few million. Do you understand that? Now one more remark about the injured in the USA. As early as ten months after the beginning of the vaccinations umpteen times more vaccination damage became apparent than the damage that had been caused by all past administered vaccinations up to the present. Furthermore, the vigilant investigative journalist Oliver Signus, on April 3, 2023, brought to light that the EMA, too, had simply deleted 200,000 reports about harmful side effects from the Corona vaccination. This European Medication Agency, however, bears the responsibility of protection to protect and promote people’s and animals’ health, first and foremost through evaluating and monitoring medication within the EU and the European Economic Area. What a tragedy. On March 20, 2023 this Agency is said to have simply deleted 34% of the reportings on cases of death. The same is true for 30% of the category “Life threatening cases”, 23% of the reportings concerning persistent complications and 25% of the hospitalizations. Concerning the reportings on single illnesses within the European Economic Area, the number is even higher. A third of all infarction reportings are said to have also disappeared, as well as half of all reportings on myocarditis, i.e. heart muscle inflammation, 34% of all death cases. Additionally, 33% of all reportings on blood clotting disorders disappeared. All these concealed vaccination damage cases are exactly the consequences of vaccinations that Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and thousands of other experts have urgently warned against even before the start of the Covid vaccination campaign. Thousands have warned of it. The EMA, however, is now trying to gloss over these 200,000 vanished Covid vaccination damage reports. And how do they do it? By claiming these had only been vaccination damages that had been submitted twice and were deleted. Ah, really? 200,000 times? Who believes such a thing? … I personally rather believe this: If you were to arrest all those who wanted to force vaccination together with their accomplices and make them stand in a row in order to have them vaccinated under neutral protective supervision with exactly those mRNA poison substances they want to force on all of mankind then you know what would happen? I think I know. They would right there on the spot start crying and begging for mercy. At least those of them who know exactly what’s going on here and who didn’t just follow blindly. That’s my assessment. And now I will make a time comparison. To this day, people around the world are still talking about that “historic” Great Train Robbery of a Royal Mail train in 1963 in which several million pounds were raked in without a shot being fired. A great coup. We overlook the fact that the pharmaceutical mafia and the fraudulent global digital financial complex have been scooping up such amounts for themselves almost every hour for decades! On the other hand, what the whole world does not overlook and, because of the media hype, still clearly remembers years later is that poor little cashier who once took a few leftover shopping coupons worth EUR 1.50. How crazy is that? It is also easier for each of us to remember all kinds of stories where our judiciary has punished the smallest parking offender right down to the last backyard corner. Or we remember speed offenders more easily and their horrendous fines – especially in Switzerland, – their criminal records that followed and their handicap to find a job when they needed one and the like. In contrast, the pharmaceutical fraudsters are allowed to keep their jobs and continue to do their crooked business unimpaired, even after billions in fines. Where have we come to? On the other hand, how many vaccine critical but perfectly sincere doctors, or how many lawyers and scientists of all kinds have had their licenses immediately revoked and immediate professional bans imposed upon them since the beginning of the vaccinations alone? And why? Only because for reasons of conscience they could no longer keep silent about the Big-Pharma’s real Covid experimental crime they had discovered! They could no longer remain silent about what others are doing! Yes, only because they had demanded a public discourse on these horrific experiments on peoples and wanted to provide expert evidence that this is nothing less than genocide. But once again, only those who reported this fire were condemned, not those who set the fire. This is our problem these days. Yes, up until now Big-Pharma has been allowed to continue its terrorist and genocidal practices unchallenged, together with all its criminal accomplices from politics, media and economy, together with its accomplices from science, justice, religion etc. Despite thousands of criminal charges for genocide and proven mass deaths, the public prosecutors of all countries are still wriggling around their duty to investigate – and thus just let the accused brazen murderers continue unchallenged – even after billions of fines, after x-times billions of fines. There has never been an order from above to storm Big Pharma in the same way with heavily armed special units as has happened time and again against harmless critics of the vaccinations or against responsible young doctors, yes, even against retired people calling for help, high-ranking professors and so on. And they have not only turned their work places and offices thoroughly upside down, they have even broken into their homes and invaded their private spaces. Everything was sealed on the spot and examined down to the last detail. But this would be precisely the task of the public prosecutors’ offices towards reported pharmaceutical giants. All their laboratories, offices, files and resources would have to be seized on the spot and sealed until external, completely neutral and independent investigation committees have professionally investigated and evaluated all their machinations. All of them in handcuffs, as usual. So when will humanity finally understand what kind of serious criminals our judicial authorities around the world are constantly sparing and letting slip through their fingers? When will everyone finally realize that Big Pharma is not only a high-grade marketing criminal mafia, but above all a god-damned gang of murderers that has been harming entire peoples for decades, that has been unconscionably enriching itself from their drug-fueled diseases and that, despite ongoing genocides, is not really prosecuted by any justice system and put in custody as it should be? Not even after thousands of highly qualified experts, luminaries of all necessary disciplines, have professionally proven that the Covid vaccinations, i.e. the peoples’ experiments, are just as much a terrorist attack as 9/11? When will everyone finally understand that this is exactly why we as a people are in demand – each and every one of us – because even these billion-dollar fines imposed on the pharmaceutical industry are nothing more than public brawls between a bunch of biased, I think Masonic, hostile sides of the conflict? The people must intervene now. The lied to and deceived peoples must now unyieldingly unite and insist that, above all, such creatures must finally be ousted and taken out of circulation. One must turn over their crisis booty profits to the care and support of all those who have been harmed by them. They must serve these people, no longer retain it for themselves and enrich themselves. Finally I may point to the fact that in the talks you can see projected on the screen “Death Countdown is Running” ( and “Vaccination-Pestilence Alarm” (, I was just the voice for thousands of suppressed as well as fearful experts. I only spoke for them. They all warned us in due time, exactly of this mega nightmare, worst-case scenario. Even as early as March 27, 2020, in my speech “Enemies – What For? With Such Friends?” (, I beseeched all virologists, epidemiologists, medical specialists, judicial officials, etc., who were silent because of fear, I beseeched them virtually in tears to stand up themselves and not to continue abandoning us laymen in our proxy battle for truth which we are fighting in their stead, on this hybrid battlefield. I thank all of you who followed this call and entered the fight for light in the dark. Also in the name of all free educators, thank you for your professional support. Without you, this all-decisive fight for truth is absolutely futile for us laymen. So, please continue to do so and also call all your colleagues and all the experts you know. Call them for their courageous support. Stand in front of running cameras and testify to what you know. This world needs you and has no arguments and no voice without you. But we are your voice. Please listen once again to the previously mentioned talks and calls. You will hear them with completely different ears today than when you heard them in that foggy start-up phase of this hybrid war and this whole story. Everything has come to pass exactly as was said there. Also everything that KLA.TV has reported ever since has all happened; nothing has failed from happening. So, never let the call for an open discourse on all these kinds of things fade! Over and over again, call for a worldwide crisis-profit ban! Disseminate such programs like this one here wherever you can, in all possible ways. Together with us, demand new, desperately needed, independent law courts. The world community which is threatened and has already been gravely hurt, may not rest anymore until the whole mountain of these crimes is brought to light. Through the deliberate silence, hushing up of the mass media, unfortunately, the majority of mankind still does not know what has really been taking place since the start of the vaccinations. Even now, when the first media outlets are starting the revelations, they still don’t know because they only focus on single offenders in order to be able to wiggle their heads out of the noose. And now listen up: Because so many prominent people of all sorts, despite their information barriers and internet-censorship, have fallen dead in front of running cameras, as well as loads of further prominent people having had to withdraw from their careers after vaccination, that’s why also the defamatory media was no longer able to hinder at least the tip of this gigantic mountain of fraud to become visible in front of their own eyes. These tragedies have taken place and in the next program you will see them. Please stay tuned and see with your own eyes what landslide has already taken place just amongst the prominent only, starting with the sports people of all kinds of sports to all different kinds of artists, television personalities etc. The following documentary, even though it has large amounts of crushing evidence, is, however, again only just a small smear of the real magnitude. This unfortunately has to be said. In summary I now say, if the defamatory mass media was not able to uphold their lies because since the start of the vaccinations so many prominent people dropped off, how many inconceivably many victims will already have been there in the broad population of which we have not the slightest idea, even though now the first of those are being admitted. I think the coming days will definitely show if Jesus Christ knew what he was talking about when he guaranteed us, and I quote: “Whatever is still hidden, will come to light one day, and all that is still kept secret, will be openly explained to everyone.” (Lk. 8:17) I am Ivo Sasek who has been standing before God for 46 years.
from is
The Pfizer-Files
Pfizer reports in book form:
Pfizer pays billion-dollar fine over dishonest marketing practices:
Spiegel: Fines worth billions show no effect:
EMA deletes over 200,000 reports of Corona vaccine adverse side effects:
40% more deaths in the 18 - 64 age group:
EMA touts experimental mRNA venom injections as safe and effective:
Additional sources: - Glaubensnachrichten: Norbert Homuth, Postfach 810408, D-90249 Nürnberg - Ernst Willizack: die Wahrheit über die »Corona Impfstoffe«, 64 Seiten (Heft 3) | Die ganze Wahrheit über die Coronaviren-Fotos, 48 Seiten (Heft 2) | Grosse Expertenbefragung: Wo ist das Corona-Virus? 130 Seiten: J. Rothkranz, Postfach 2627, D-87616 Kempten